So....nar, so good?

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May 13, 11 12:29 AM (permalink)

So....nar, so good?

I thought I'd better put a post in to say a few good things about X1 Essential - just to quell any "Reaper Troll" paranoia.

I do have a soft spot for Reaper, it's good system, but if it was the be-all-and-end-all, I wouldn't have bought X1, would I?

The "Browser" window is proving very useful for dragging stuff into the track view and effects on the mixer. The "split" dialogue box makes packaging up lengthy midi clips a doddle - the fact that they can be sliced through entire project is really good; importing stuff will be a bit easier than I thought. Record on "R" is good. Metronome with it's own mixer strip??? Bizarre, not negative, just odd.

My major downer is that the meters are really small, and as yet, I've found no way to make them any bigger.

But in general, after the "you may be terminated" type of registration process, I think I'm starting to pick it up.

That alright? 

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 13, 11 2:10 PM (permalink)
    My major downer is that the meters are really small, and as yet, I've found no way to make them any bigger.

    Track or Console meters? Are you using horizontal meters in the track view?
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 13, 11 3:11 PM (permalink)
    Reaper is a toy IMO.

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 6:35 PM (permalink)

    Track or Console meters? Are you using horizontal meters in the track view?

    The console meters - the buss and main master particularly. Is there a way to stretch them vertically?

    Now that you mention horizontally, there's the ones at the bottom of the track view. I switched those off. I'll have a look at that tomorrow. Can they be stretched independently of the tracks? That would probably work. Good tip, thanks.

    EDIT: I had switched off for the night, but I couldn't resist going to test that - unfortunately, no; they stay the same width as the tracks and they can't be undocked. Shame, but that would be getting into Samplitudes league really. Are the meters the same in all the X1 versions?
    post edited by edjay - May 22, 11 7:02 PM

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 6:59 PM (permalink)

    Reaper is a toy IMO.

    Well, that can only mean you haven't used it. The meters; and particularly the master meters, are excellent; they're smooth, they can be set to a few different recording standards and you can set any colour tones you like.

    If you take some time and go over to their forum, you'll find lots of fan boys over there that you can argue with.  :-/

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 7:16 PM (permalink)

    Reaper is a toy IMO. 
     Well, that can only mean you haven't used it...
    Agreed, I've been keeping tabs on their progress through the v4 alphas and betas and there's a lot going on over there, it's not remotely in 'toy' category at this point. I don't really use it for anything and am nowhere close to a fanchild, I'm more comfortable with Sonar and will be here for the foreseeable future, but Reaper in v4 is definitely a viable and powerful platform. 

    About the console meters - do you have the console docked? Do they not stretch when you stretch the console upwards? I'm not clearly understanding this. 

    The meters in Track View can be switched horizontal <-> vertical with a right-click contextual menu. When vertical, they will fill the view of that track - which means if you double-click to maximize the track, its meter will also maximize. When horizontal, they should fill the space available in the track infopane, depending on what modules you have selected to view in there. You can also stretch that infopane horizontally and the meters should stretch there too. 

    If I'm not making sense or your question is different from what I'm understanding maybe send a screencapture or two to show what you mean?

    tobias tinker 
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 7:32 PM (permalink)

    When vertical, they will fill the view of that track - which means if you double-click to maximize the track, its meter will also maximize.

    No, you've got it right: That's the one I forgot to try just now.

    I've been spoiled by the Reaper master meter, it can be stretched independently within the un-docked console - same in Samplitude.

    I've got the console un-docked but the masters still don't stretch much. I'll try the double click on the track with the meters vertical tomorrow.

    I've stated moving my songs over so it looks like I'll be committed for a while.

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 8:52 PM (permalink)
    I always have Roger Nicholls Free Inspector open on my master bus.

    Can be downloaded here


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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 9:39 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the download Andy!

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 22, 11 11:00 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Andy!
    Just downloaded it, cant wait to try 'er out. 

    - Mike
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 2:28 AM (permalink)
    spoiled by reaper?..haaaaa

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 7:16 AM (permalink)

    I always have Roger Nicholls Free Inspector open on my master bus.

    A quick lunchtime blether: That looks interesting Andy, I'll give that a look.

    I've downloaded this:

    There's this one too:

    post edited by edjay - May 23, 11 7:20 AM

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 12:54 AM (permalink)

    spoiled by reaper?..haaaaa
    Not more fanbois :-/ I bet when you're not here, you're down the pub arguing about the 1400 Corsa and the Austin Cooper S

    I hope the pic comes out, it will be an interesting comparison between the two kinds of meters.


    Since when did Sonar ever have meters that good?

    No, can't get the picture to show for some reason, you'll have to follow the link. I tried adding the link to image upload box?

    Even if Reaper may not have so many features, it still has far better meters.
    post edited by edjay - May 23, 11 1:04 PM

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 3:29 PM (permalink)

    Even if Reaper may not have so many features, it still has far better meters.

    Plus Reaper (v3) has *heaps* of re-sizable GUI elements...
    I know, I know... 2011 and it has re-sizable GUI elements?!? They must have stole that from alien technology.

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 3:37 PM (permalink)
    resizble gui.. thats it im switching to Reaper.  LOL.  I don't get why people come to a sonar forum and talk about reaper, etc.  I use sonar that is why i come to this forum.  they are  all tools for the job.  I have an hitachi drill.  I don't try to get everyone using a dewalt to switch.  if you like reaper use it. 
    I'm sure they have a forum to talk about there product.  

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 4:41 PM (permalink)

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 4:52 PM (permalink)
    I can't be of much help regarding the metering, since I usually keep a few different meters on my master bus, like Ozone   for RMS / peak metering  and the "keep music pretty" dynamics meter.

    But I'm wondering if this would help:

    If you right click on the master meter, you can change the viewable range. I usually keep this at -12 to -20, since I don't really care about any signal below that threshold. It makes it easier to keep track of the peaks and what not.

    But yeah, I highly recommend using a plug on the master bus to get the metering you desire.

    Cheers mate,

    Josh Wolfer - Big Dumb Monkey Productions - (Twitter @bigdumbmonkeyp)
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 5:55 PM (permalink)

    I always have Roger Nicholls Free Inspector open on my master bus.

    I  tried that and the TT tonight when I was moving some more songs over, but it's back to my system being right on it's edge. I've yet to try the Sonalksis - they've got one of these til-death-do-we-part registration systems.

    Are you familiar with the TT? That's a pretty mad looking piece of kit.

    I'll keep tweaking but it definitely looks like more RAM.

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 5:57 PM (permalink)

    They must have stole that from alien technology.

    ......they certainly didn't get it from X1! The meters we're talking about here, the meterS.

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:05 PM (permalink)

      I don't get why people come to a sonar forum and talk about reaper, etc.

    If you read the OP, that might give you an idea

    I have an hitachi drill.  I don't try to get everyone using a dewalt to switch.

    I thought I made it clear that I'm switching form Reaper at this very moment?

    I'm sure they have a forum to talk about there product.

    I mentioned that in post #5 regarding arguments and fanbois

    I'm not being funny, but it would be nice if you'd jumped in with something relevant to the OP. Is the OP really that much to unravel??

    Incidentally, meters, subject matter.......anything interesting to say??

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:10 PM (permalink)

    If you right click on the master meter, you can change the viewable range.

    I did find that, and it's definitely useful; I've set the master buss and the master to -24 and added the RMS function.

    I've heard of the Ozone stuff, can't remember if that's pricey stuff? I'll go and have a quick look.

    Thanks JW

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:10 PM (permalink)
    Oh yeah, also on the TT meter, as nice as it is, it can suck your performance. For some reason I have to increase my sample size / latency or I get crackles in it. I typically run at 64 sample (which is hot, I know). If I don't bump it up, the TT meter introduces crackles, so I usually only enable it when I'm specifically looking for it.

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:12 PM (permalink)
    Ozone is a mastering plugin.

    It is a pretty good chunk of change. I was lucky and got it for 1/2 off due to Berklee student discount. We've been learning it in my audio mastering class. Once you get to know it, it's super slick. It looks like an easy interface, but there really is a lot to it. 

    I recommend using it, but to each is own. 

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:13 PM (permalink)

    Oh yeah, also on the TT meter, as nice as it is, it can suck your performance.

    Interesting, I got the crackles on that too, so perhaps it's not just my system bottoming out?

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:13 PM (permalink)

    resizble gui.. thats it im switching to Reaper.  LOL.  I don't get why people come to a sonar forum and talk about reaper, etc.  I use sonar that is why i come to this forum.  they are  all tools for the job.  I have an hitachi drill.  I don't try to get everyone using a dewalt to switch.  if you like reaper use it. 
    I'm sure they have a forum to talk about there product.  
    I believe they do, and quite frequently users who have switched from another platform will ask questions that compare their experience with that platform with Reaper - kind of like, oh, I'm used to doing something this way, can you do that with Reaper? - and people usually respond helpfully, rather than throw rocks at them for their impertinence. 

    Seriously. No-one's trying to convince anyone to use Reaper here. We can have a discussion that includes comparing features that other DAWs have, seeing what comparable features or workarounds may exist in Sonar, and/or talking about how nice it might be to have them if they don't exist yet. It's OK. We don't have to tiptoe around and pretend that competing products don't exist and/or might not even have desirable features.  
    post edited by subtlearts - May 23, 11 6:14 PM

    tobias tinker 
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:15 PM (permalink)
    I doubt it. 

      I use the vstudio 700, core i7 3 ghz, and 8 GB of ram. It shouldn't be a problem. I think the plugin is just doing something funky. I bet if you increase the latency, the crackles will go away as well. I didn't have to do much. I think I just bumped it up from 64 to 128 samples in the ASIO panel.  

    Josh Wolfer - Big Dumb Monkey Productions - (Twitter @bigdumbmonkeyp)
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:18 PM (permalink)

    We don't have to tiptoe around and pretend that competing products don't exist and/or even have desirable features.  
    LOL. New kid ( 48 years and + and + and +.....) on the boards I guess - I do think I bite too easily sometimes.

    Funny though, nobody attacked the fact I mentioned Samplitude? Now that's going in my little black book! 

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:19 PM (permalink)
    A low-cost (but not free) alternative to TT meter:

    I also use and recommend Nugen's Visualizer, but it's a bit pricier.

    tobias tinker 
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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:20 PM (permalink)

    I use the vstudio 700,core i7 3 ghz, and 8 GB of ram.

    That's a top rig you've got there though - I'll just nip and put my setup in a sig. ( Duuuuh, already did that...!  )

    You can see the difference in our systems though and I think that will make a difference too. It's woth a bit of switching between to see over time.

    post edited by edjay - May 23, 11 6:22 PM

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    Re:So....nar, so good? May 23, 11 6:26 PM (permalink)


    I use the vstudio 700,core i7 3 ghz, and 8 GB of ram.

    That's a top rig you've got there though - I'll just nip and put my setup in a sig. ( Duuuuh, already did that...!  )

    You can see the difference in our systems though and I think that will make a difference too. It's woth a bit of switching between to see over time.

    Worth every penny! I haven't had to worry about dropouts or performance problems ever since I got it. Before that I was using a core 2 duo with the Maudio profire 2626 on 32 bit OS. A solid rig still, but not nearly the cajones this one has. 

    Josh Wolfer - Big Dumb Monkey Productions - (Twitter @bigdumbmonkeyp)
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