Re:The Thursday Report...Where is my revolver??
2011/05/27 00:40:14
Hmmm, well you're not overly stressing your i7 system. Playback should be flawless with those settings. There could be a de-normal issue in one of the plugins you are using. I've seen that before, and what happens is you will see what looks like a spike or peak in the track or bus that the plugin is on, but no audio will play out of it or any other track or bus in the project.
Do you see anything like this when the audio stops playing back? If so, you can narrow it down to a plugin or combination of plugins on a track or bus.
If not, this one could be harder to detect. The best thing to do would be to pare down the project one plugin/ synth at a time and try to repro it with as few as possible plugins to determine who's at fault.
If it's a SONAR issue, then we might need to do some testing with a Focusrite interface, or maybe even your project.