Tone2 ElectraX v1.2 released
ElectraX 1.2 Dear Sonarites,
We are pleased to announce a major update of our sonic warrior ElectraX including a great number of new features.
ElectraX 1.2 includes many user-requested features such as the ability to 'load patch to synth', new filter types and several Mod Matrix enhancements. The 1.2 update is free for all registered users of ElectraX.
New features: - 'Load patch to synth' allows to stack up to 4 patches for fat multi-timbral sounds
- Copy' button now includes the option to create 4x stereo unison patches
- Filter section has been extended with multiple unique Fractal Filter types
- Analog modeled 'Moog' filter (Analog controls self oscillation and non-linearity)
- Analog modeled State Variable Low-pass filter with Filter-FM (Analog controls FM amount)
- Nonlinear 12dB Low-pass 'LP Shaped' filter
- The oscillators now support drag & drop for wav and resynthesis import
- Samples longer than 10 seconds can be loaded now
- Loop / Single is automatically set on sample import
- Octave / Semi is automatically detected from sample name (e.g. Piano_A-3.wav)
- Last folder is now remembered on wav load and fxp load / save
- Mod Matrix destination 'Start' sets OSC start phase or Sample start point
- Mod Matrix destination 'Mix' cross blends between filter 1 and filter 2
- Mod Matrix sources now include 'Midi CC', 'Breath', 'Foot', 'Expression', 'Hold'...
- Mod Matrix source 'VoiceNr' returns a value based on the current voice number
- Mod Matrix source 'NumKeys' uses the number of pressed keys for more dynamic expression
- Mod Matrix source 'KeySat.' returns a saturated version of key follow
- Mod Matrix source 'Impulse' returns a 1ms long impulse suitable for attack sounds
- Mod Matrix: 12 additional analog 'Decay' envelopes are now available as source
- Native PC 64 Bit standalone version
Improvements - Improved graphics with 4 new skins
- FM on/off, OSC on/off, Distortion type and Sync can now be changed during playback
- Oscillators that are FM modulated by a deactivated source do no longer output noise
- Many improvements in sample handling
- Up & down controls now display an arrow and are more smooth to handle
- Improved sound when using glide mode
- ElectraX is more robust against broken Midi data sent by hosts
- Improved CPU compatibility
- A waiting icon is now displayed during patch load
- 'Analog' psychoacoustic mode has been improved
- Smarter installer
Changes: - Trancegate is now only available as Insert Effect
Fixes: Fixed a crash which could happen if patches were loaded during playback- Fixed a possible problem which could result in hanging notes
- Fixed a rarely appearing problem where the plugin did not output sound
- Fixed a rarely appearing GUI freeze
- Fixed a click in sample playback
- Fixed a possible glitch in the filters
Demo versions: ElectraX 1.2 32 bit demo: ElectraX 1.2 64 bit demo: ElectraX overview video: For more information please visit the Tone2 website at:
post edited by Emdee - June 22, 11 10:54 AM