Sonar X1 PE and Absynth 5 clock issue

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June 23, 11 10:13 PM (permalink)

Sonar X1 PE and Absynth 5 clock issue

Hi everyone. I have a problem with synching the Absynth 5 (Native Instruments - VST) clock with Sonar X1 PE clock (host). All my other VST instruments' clocks lock automatically with Sonar X1 clock but Absynth 5 doesn't. Did anybody experienced that? Can you share some info how to fix this problem? I have downloaded Absynth 5 as a Demo, and it is a great synth, but if I will not be able to lock it to the host (Sona X1 PE) tempo then I might give up on it. So, help me out a little, guys. Let me know if you've got a solution for it. Many thanks for your help.

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    Jimbo 88
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    Re:Sonar X1 PE and Absynth 5 clock issue June 24, 11 9:27 AM (permalink)
    OK I quickly loaded Absynth to see if I could help you out...Absynth does sync to X1.  The 1st patch I loaded locked to tempo and worked well at 5 different tempos.  While i was testing i was looking for how to lock or unlock "sync to host",  but I could not find it.

    My guess is that the Demo Mode might have that feature disabled.  I recently purchased Kontact Complete and not have gone thru all the features on all the apps,  but I can tell you I have used AB5 and it has locked to tempo from the very start with no intervention on my part. 
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