My first song in this forum............REMIXED

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/10/18 09:12:36 (permalink)
Thanks once more for the replies.............

@venus Thanks, not sure what you mean by "considering what I'm working with" unless you've seen my studio engineer who does nothing but get in my way - also known as Smokie - my cat.

@Janet - thanks for the encouragement. I've often listened to your songs and wish I could play piano half as well as you, rather than my "guitarist trying to play piano" ham-fisted efforts.

@BenMMusTech - thanks, like nearly all my songs the lyrics are sung heartfelt because they mean something to me. I've certainly got more confidence to finish off more of my stuff now.

@Scoobie - thanks. Already working on bringing the vocals out a little more.

@Middleman - thanks, I'm sorting out the midrange as part of trying to get the vocal out a bit more, and I've also tried a different snare. You probably can't hear the cymbals where they should be probably because they aren't there. As I mentioned earlier to ProjectM this is an old song and my drum programming wasn't quite as good then as it is now. Mind you is still not perfect. I'll have a go at getting a bit more out of what is there.

Thanks again for all the feedback. I'm working on some changes now and will post up an update when done.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/10/18 20:50:09 (permalink)
The good:
bass sounds great
that is one clear kick drum
the gang vocal works totally

The not-so-good:
the hihat is way too in your face, and is metronomic
the snare is too bright for this type of somber tune...something a lot deeper would work better
the drums sound way fake, and need a lot more attention to them, especially the lack of fills
the singing has pitch issues
there is not a lot of sub 450hz on the guitar...sounds really thin and insubstantial
the lead needs more vibrato on the sustained notes
everything needs more compression, especially the vocal
the reverb doesn't work and should be a lot shorter
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/10/19 03:05:59 (permalink)
Hi James

thanks for the comments.......

Yeah the drums I'm aware of - This one one of my earlier attempts at drum programming, and that's an area I think I've improved in recent years. Whether I go back and have a complete look at the drums will really depend on how much time I have free. Changing sounds is relatively quick and I have already replaced the snare sound in mix number 1,000,001

The singing is untreated pitch wise although I have in previous mixes used pitch correction. Unfortunately for me, singing is not my forte so I really just have to try and work with what I have, pitch correction being the only remaining option I guess.

I did take a lot of the low out of the guitar to try and get it to fit in a bit better I'll have another look at that.

The lead I doubt I'll ever get round to re-recording and to be honest that's my playing style as it is so it probably wouldn't make much difference even if I did. Is it possible to add vibrato that sounds realistic after the event?

Compression was one of the things I purposely didn't use a lot of. It is there but I've read so much about over compressing stuff destroying the dynamics I guess I'm now too cautious.

The reverb has been mentioned several times and one of the things I'm working on ATM.

Thanks again for the input, I'm still towards the bottom of the learning curve and all feedback helps me climb a little further.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/10/19 07:09:42 (permalink)
This is the first chance I've had to listen on anything other than my iPhone. I love the song, the drums and bass. The guitars and vocals are real good too. Something about the snare and cymbals is not right. The snare is too tight sounding as if you took the snare springs off the drum and the high hat is the only cymbal I can hear.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/10/19 07:28:46 (permalink)

 Compression was one of the things I purposely didn't use a lot of. It is there but I've read so much about over compressing stuff destroying the dynamics I guess I'm now too cautious.

Yeah, but looking at that chunky wav file on Soundcloud, there ain't a heck of a lot of dynamic range to begin with. This isn't classical music. Rock music is built on solid base of compression, which this tune could use a lot of.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/26 05:02:02 (permalink)
Following all the good advice received I've finally got round to re-mixing this song, taking into accounts the comments received.

Remix Here

I've also updated the original post link to point to the new mix but the old one is still there.

All comments, advice, etc very welcome. Thanks.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/26 08:10:35 (permalink)
Sounds good FBB! Nice work on bass & kick drum separation in the mix, guitars sound really nice too.


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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/26 09:01:46 (permalink)
Well done Karl!! It's an improvement for sure. The drums aren't jumping out of the speakers anymore. Honestly, not a fan of your kick. It sounds a litle too much like a drum module to me. But they're mixed well and love where you've placed them in the mix so it all works nicely.

However, your vocals sound a little loud now. the back up's are perfect! But the lead is perhaps in general a couple of db's louder than neccesary and overtake it a little. However, after the Solo they kind of fall into palce. Perhaps an EQ thing? Dunno.

Having said that: This is a huge improvement and yet again you challenge your own untallented badge I really enjoy your stuff man!!

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/27 15:03:55 (permalink)
Nice job on the remix Karl.
It sounded good to me first time round, but this is definitely better.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/27 16:54:14 (permalink)
The lower toms still seem overbearing. Maybe a transient shaper to tame them because the tone seems good.

This is a great song mate!

Well done!

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/27 22:55:04 (permalink)
Nice job.  Drums are a bit thin.  Snare could use more pop.  Beautiful song and performance.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/28 03:40:27 (permalink)
@jamesg1213 - Thanks the low end separation is something I've been working hard at and my mixing is still at a very much 'learn as I go' stage. This great forum and Roey Izhaki's "Mixing Audio" is helping a lot.

@ProjectM - Thanks. I may look at this again but I'm reaching the conclusion that I could keep fiddling with it forever. It's helped a lot in my learning process and I've plenty of other stuff in a far worse state than this to go at so I'm probably going to leave this for a while now. May revisit it again when/if I ever get time

@SteveStrummerUK - Thanks Steve. I loved your version of the Pistol's Anarchy by the way. Only thing I think would be better is if you redo the whole album in the same way.

@Guitarpima - Yeah - the low tom especially seems a little out of control. I may have yet another go at the toms but it seems as soon as I get them under control they've disappeared completely. Thanks for the props on the song.

@marcos69 - Thanks. The snare is one thing I'd changed out completely from the original, which was a bit too high sounding. This is very old song and recording so my drum work was in its infancy then, not that it's perfect now but it is getting better hopefully, thanks to some of the great advice on here.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/28 08:57:37 (permalink)

@SteveStrummerUK - Thanks Steve. I loved your version of the Pistol's Anarchy by the way. Only thing I think would be better is if you redo the whole album in the same way.  

Thanks Karl, I did reply to your original comment in the Anarchy thread; if you missed it, I left a link to our VeRy MeTaL Soundclick page where Troy and I have versions of God Save The Queen and Holidays In The Sun, as well as a few other covers. Next in line is our version of Pretty Vacant - most of the tracking is done so hopefully that won't be long now.
And there's a remix up of Anarchy if you want to check it out
Cheers mate.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/30 11:27:08 (permalink)
this sounds really good, glad i missed mix 1 i think! seems like everyone has given you a lot of advice already so i won't repeat stuff. i think Jame's point regarding compression is worth repeating, only since i have started using more, individual and tweaked compression have my mixes started to sound much better. oh, and i love the ending with the 'gang' BV...perfect stuff!

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/30 14:58:35 (permalink)
@ mgh - thanks. Still on the learning slope so I'll be trying more compression in future mixes for sure.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/11/30 16:23:05 (permalink)
FBB: If this is what untalented sounds like, I'll take a few cups please? :) I think this is pretty good man. Did you compress the drums a bit by chance? I ask because some of the crashes seem to go plissshhhhhhhh and last longer than they should. I actually like the snare in this and would just add a little 250 Hz to it a bit to thicken it up. It sounds like the Pearl piccolo in BFD I close? :)

Agree with the bass being a bit too loud...but I like the tone of the bass and everything else. I'd probably remove a little of the room effect on the kick drum as it gives you a bit of an "oom" sound after it hits which is taking away from the force it COULD have. Always be careful with room ambience on kick drums. They sound great to us all alone...but in a mix, you can lose your impact.

The vocals are a bit low...but it seems the tone is pretty good from what I can hear. You may have to remove a little mid in them, but it's tough to tell because they aren't standing out as much as I'd like to hear them.'s a little tip....most of us are overly conscious about our vocals. We tend to keep them lower in a mix because we can't stomach the sound of our own voices. LOL!! Plus, we know the words and what's coming up next. A first time listener can struggle to hear the words and the vocal delivery. So, what I did that helped me was to always run the lead vocal +0.5 to +1dB louder than where I thought it sounded good. You'll find the right sweet spot the more you do this stuff as well as the feedback you'll receive. But most times, we all make this vocal mistake a few hundred times. :)

Other than the above, I really liked this and think you did a good job on it. I can go super intense and really pick things apart for you, but they would all be subjective things to where it then would mess with your "art" aspect of things. At the end of the day, this stuff is always going to be a subjective endeavor. Some guys like effects, other guys don't and will tell you something is too wet. Some like kick drums to dominate, others like a happy medium....what you did is fine as long as YOU feel good about it. And hey, remove that untalented thing from your's the furthest from the truth. :) Nice job bro!


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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/01 02:24:31 (permalink)
Hi Danny

Thanks a lot, that means a lot coming from yourself,  'cos I've heard some great stuff from you.

I did compress the drums a fair bit and I'm not overly happy with the cymbal sounds. The kit is user kit I made on a drum machine I have - a Zoom MRT-3B which has some great sounds on it (I think) - far better than those on my SR-16, and it was only £40 from a small music shop in town. The only thing I really wish it had was MIDI out cos there's some great rhythms on it as well.

There is a bit of room ambience on the kick, I'll remember that for future mixing attempts.

How right you are about the vocals. I'm very aware that my voice isn't the greatest singing voice in the world but as I'm a one man song writer/musician/engineer/producer etc. I have to make do. As a result I tend to overdo the reverb/effects and bury them a little as well.

Thanks to people such as yourself on this good forum I'm learning plenty as I go along and you're right ask 100 people you get 99 different opinions so I've just tried changing the things that come up constantly in comments.

I think I'm going to retire the 'untalented' moniker for now. I've collected a couple more insults from the forum to replace it now any way "Fat FanBoi" is the latest. Good job I have a good sense of humour or my feelings might get hurt hanging around as much as I do "upstairs".

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/01 08:02:37 (permalink)

Great job on the remix.  The vocal needs sibelence (how do you spell that?).  Try this, play back your mix at a medium to low volume and listen to your words.  Can you hear the "s's" as you sing?  You know that sometimes we have to reduce sibelence instead of increase it but I recommend on your lead vocal to increase the very high end EQ to get your lyrics to stand out as you would hear in most major releases.  Hope this makes sense.  The lead vocal feels a bit ahead of the track at times.  All and all, I really like your production and song and want to hear more. 



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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/02 10:22:45 (permalink)
Hi Rimshot - thanks for the comments. I removed a lot of the sibilance using the de-esser in VX-64 but may have overcooked it a bit. I'm hoping to find some time to finish a lot of my other stuff off properly but I'm busy doing some demo work for someone else at the moment so her work is taking most of my time.

One day I'll get round to it, unless you know the secret of cramming more hours in a day.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/05 13:57:57 (permalink)
Good song FBB!! I like how it builds, especially towards the ending. Really nice guitar tone.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/06 03:24:40 (permalink)
Thanks lhansen. Guitars are  a Standard Strat or the lead was a Squier MIJ Strat with twin humbuckers, both straight into a JCM600 and 4 x 10. All other effects were added in the mix.
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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/06 07:10:26 (permalink)
FBB, I like it.  Definately a Floyd vibe going on.  Not sure if you have made changes since reading many of the comments, but seems like maybe you brought the vocals up some in the mix.  Nice solid bass; good guitar work.

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Re:My first song in this forum............ 2011/12/06 10:13:24 (permalink)
Very nice mix. Interesting tune. I think I would go a little easier on the reverb on the vocals in places. It does seem a bit tame most of the time for this style. Perhaps the drumming could be a little more humanized - and maybe a bit more cymbals. Other than that this is actually pretty good. I like the guitar solos. They are mixed in perfectly!

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