Re:The Official Sonar Workflow Enhancement Thread
2011/11/09 18:04:24
Yeah, I don't love the abbreviations.
As well as being able to switch it off, I'd like to have the name strips in the track view be variable height. If your monitor's big enough, there's no reason to not have the names use multiple lines.
Hmm, I think I'm going to FR that right now. PC // 16GB RAM // i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz // Nofan 0dB cooler // ASUS P8-Z77 V Pro motherboard // Intel x-25m SSD System Drive // Seagate RAID Array Audio Drive // Windows 10 64 bit // Sonar Platinum (64 bit) // Sonar VS-700 // M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 // KRK RP-6 Monitors // and a bunch of other stuff