That's kinda what RP-Distort looked like in my registry, before I deleted it. Here's what it should look like (except your install path will be different).
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST\Inventory\c:/program files/cakewalk/vstplugins/Rarely Used/Delays/RP-Delay/RP-Delay.dll]
"FullPath"="c:\\program files\\cakewalk\\vstplugins\\Rarely Used\\Delays\\RP-Delay\\RP-Delay.dll"
If you're feeling brave, you might even try importing the above. Just change the "FullPath"= value to reflect where you have the plugin installed. Be sure to back up your registry first, blah blah.
Hi bitflipper,
This is where I am at now....
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST\Inventory\c:/program files/cakewalk/vstplugins/Rob Papen/RP-Delay/RP-Delay.dll]
"FullPath"="c:\\program files\\cakewalk\\vstplugins\\rob papen\\RP-Delay\\RP-Delay.dll"
I've no idea why the lines come out in a different order and don't know if it matters. It seems that apart from the order, the only thing that is different from yours is "modstats" values. Once again I have no idea if this matters.
This is what the RPCX entry looks like...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"BankDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Cakewalk\\VstPlugins\\Rob Papen\\RP-Delay\\Banks"
"PresetDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Cakewalk\\VstPlugins\\Rob Papen\\RP-Delay\\Presets"
"ECSDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Cakewalk\\VstPlugins\\Rob Papen\\RP-Delay\\ECS"
"SeqDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Cakewalk\\VstPlugins\\Rob Papen\\RP-Delay\\Sequences"
"HelpDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Cakewalk\\VstPlugins\\Rob Papen\\RP-Delay\\Help\\RP-Delay_Manual.pdf"
again displayed in a different order, and again I have no idea if that matters or not. Where it says "SERIAL NUMBER HIDDEN" is what I have typed instead of the serial no. as I thought it might not be the best idea to put the serial no. on a public forum, but it was the correct no. according to what I was given.
Anyway, progress of sorts.........
VST scan now picks it up, so I can add it to my menu, but when I try to insert the effect on a track I get a message to say that the plug-in failed to load as it is missing blah, blah......
D'oh !
Just thought I'd let you know. (you were actually online when I started typing, but I wasn't quick enough to catch you).
Whilst I would be happy to hear your thoughts, please don't feel obliged to continue with this, just wanted to let you know that I tried what you suggested. Like I say, I have the option of a refund here, so I'm not gonna be out of pocket and I've already learned a thing or two about the registry, so I'm still wiser for your intervention either way.