Drums made EZ w/KOMPAKT

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September 20, 04 4:32 PM (permalink)

Drums made EZ w/KOMPAKT

This thread is geared to people looking for solutions for recording & editing drums & for beginners with Kompakt.

I'm not trying to debate Kompakt vs. BFD/DFHS

You can download files below

What can Kompakt do for me? In regards to drums it includes an awesome sound library for acoustic drums & electronic. See list here. It allows me to separate each drum piece for additional editing using only one midi track in Sonar. Kompakt has it owns efxs processor (reverb, chorus, delay) and allows you to change the sounds using different filters, including pitch all within the users interface.

Moving on.....

To get set up you only need Kompakt inserted on one track as a DXi and one midi track with a GM drum map set to the output but if you want to use plug-ins that you are comfortable with using then you have to set up individual tracks for each Kompakt output ( as shown in illustration A ). Kompakt allows for eight instruments to play at one time ( so you have to load your drum samples to each one) and you have to assign each one their own midi channel (1-8). Now you must edit your drum map to make each piece only respond to their individual channels that you set-up in Kompakt.

My example: I load 8 instances of Blue Jay acoustic drums & percussion and set each one to a separate midi channel.
Chnl1: Kick
Chnl2: Snare
Chnl3: Hats
Chnl4: Tom (hi)
Chnl5: Tom3 (med)
Chnl6: Tom3 (low)
Chnl7: Cymbals
Chnl8: Hand Percussion

Illustration A
Click here for illustration A
Kompakt-Larger image
Now you can program your drums in the midi channel or piano roll view without having to split notes to separate tracks, which saves time. Illustration B
shows different drum pieces playing all from the same midi track.

Illustration B
Click here for illustration B
Download files here
< Message edited by WireRage -- 9/24/2004 12:25:26 PM >

3 Replies Related Threads

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    RE: Drums made EZ w/KOMPAKT September 20, 04 5:38 PM (permalink)
    I understand the preferred way is to record real drums but if it is not possible then that’s when software kicks in. I've recently read an article in the Sept.'s issue of Electronic Musicians magazine that gave a simple break down of allot of software drum synths/samplers. Some I’ve heard of but some I haven't and it was informative nonetheless. So many options...but above is my preferred way for now.

    To the pros: If there is something I’m missing to make things easier please let me know.

    Remember you don't have to create a separate drum track for each piece in Sonar, actually you only need one with the right drum map but that means you have to do all your editing and mixing within Kompakt. I prefer to do the mixing with Sonar's track view console so that is why I use separate tracks. I hope this helps someone out there.

    Take Care,
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    RE: Drums made EZ w/KOMPAKT =&gt;?? October 06, 04 0:29 PM (permalink)
    Hi WireRage. Thanks for the info...I did find it useful. I recently graduated from Guitar Studio and an outdated computer to Home Studio and Kompakt and have been exploring the potential of these tools.

    But...I have been having a bit of an issue with Kompakt and HomeStudio V2 and I am wondering if you may have experienced anything similar. Sorry for the off-topic but I haven't had much luck elsewhere and the NI forums aren't exactly as active as Cakewalk's!

    When sending a Midi drum track through Kompakt not all of the notes trigger a sound in Kompakt. The behaviour seems to be related to note duration. The more tracks/effects/DXi's I have going the longer the duration required to actually trigger Kompakt. This suggests to me a buffer or latency type issue but I have been unable to work around this by playing with the various buffers/latency etc.

    My computer is a P4 2.8, 512 RAM. Interestingly, one particular MIDI drum file I was playing around with has note durations of 0 which will not trigger Kompakt but I can play the same file through the Roland VSC DXi that shipped with HS with no problem (other than the lousy sound!) As soon as I increase the duration of a particular note to 1, Kompakt will respond.

    I would greatly appreciate any insight you can offer! Thanks. RNCMKG
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    RE: Drums made EZ w/KOMPAKT =&gt;?? October 06, 04 8:41 PM (permalink)
    I have never had that issue. Perhaps someone could shed some light on this for the both of us?
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