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Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
Good morning, everyone. Cold snowy day here in Beepsterland. Hope you are all well. Anyway, as the thread title suggests I'd like to know a little more about MIDI vs Instrument tracks and how/when to use them. I'm trying to find a good way to phrase a question here but I'm at a loss. The only difference I see at the moment is the addition of and audio strip on the Instrument tracks. I've also seen people mention the instrument tracks aren't their favorite way of doing things sooo... what's up with these dealy madoos? There hasn't really been a good explanation in any of my resource material as of yet so I'm kind of hoping to get a little boost on this subject. Thanks.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:00 AM
Many of the VSTi I use have multiple outputs, some are multi timbreal. For example I may have an instance of Superior Drummer with many outputs for the different mikes, driven by a midi track. Or I will have an instance of Kontakt with eight instruments loaded with eight stereo outs, being driven by eight MIDI tracks. Simple Instrument tracks do not make a lot of sense in either of those scenarios. It may be because I have always been a Cakewalk but I don't like simple instrument tracks even if I have a single output VSTi. I just find the two track approach easier to follow. Audio is audio and MIDI is MIDI. Apart from saving a bit or screen real estate all a simple instrument track does for me is introduce confusion. Of course YMMV. Use what ever works for you.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:04 AM
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:07 AM
I never use instrument tracks. They were added in response to a few very vocal users who moaned that SONAR didn't work like Fruity Loops. Wah, wah. I thought they were useless then and I still do. They are, after all, merely an illusion to make two separate tracks appear to be one. They hide important controls and limit your routing options. Their only benefit is to save screen space in track and console views. IMO MIDI and audio tracks should be separate, because they are very different things. When I am working on a project, I am either focused on MIDI data or audio data, rarely both at once. Instrument tracks force a 1:1 relationship between a MIDI track and one synthesizer, but I often have multiple MIDI tracks feeding a single virtual instrument, or one MIDI track feeding multiple instruments. That is the main benefit of using separate tracks.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:14 AM
I'm old fashioned, but I've stuck with a "simple instrument" track for now, unless I'm using something like BFD Eco or similar multi output VSTi. If I find I need a separate MIDI track I just split the "simple instrument" track at that time. Core™i7-3820QM Quad Core Mobile Processor 2.70GHz 8MB cache | Intel HM77 Express Chipset | 16GB SAMSUNG 1600MHz SODIMM DDR3 RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M - 2.0GB DDR5 Video RAM | 500GB Samsung 850 Pro SSD | 1TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD | Windows 10 Pro | Roland OCTA-CAPTURE | SONAR Platinum ∞ FFS| Too many VSTi's to list here | KRK KNS-8400 Headphones | Roland JP-8000 | Oberheim OB12 | Novation Nova | Gibson SG Special | PRS Studio
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:16 AM
hmm... When I toss in say an instance of BFD with all the kit pieces outputted to their own track an extra track that seems to have all the kitpieces routed to it appears. Am I correct in assuming that an instrument track is like having one kitpiece (or all kitpieces on one track) and that extra track mashed together? Sorry for the crude attempt at wording that but being new to MIDI this stuff confuses me. Cheers.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:29 AM
I want only MIDI tracks displayed in the Track view and only audio tracks in the Console view (like Studio One). So, when I use multiple-out VSTis like Kontakt or M1, I have to hide all the tracks I don't want displayed. When using single-out VSTis, Instrument tracks seem ideal to me, but the problem is that grouping the Solo/Mute buttons on the instrument tracks doesn't work properly.
post edited by Jlien X - January 20, 13 10:42 AM
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:32 AM
bitflipper I never use instrument tracks. They were added in response to a few very vocal users who moaned that SONAR didn't work like Fruity Loops. Wah, wah. I thought they were useless then and I still do. They are, after all, merely an illusion to make two separate tracks appear to be one. They hide important controls and limit your routing options. Their only benefit is to save screen space in track and console views. IMO MIDI and audio tracks should be separate, because they are very different things. When I am working on a project, I am either focused on MIDI data or audio data, rarely both at once. Instrument tracks force a 1:1 relationship between a MIDI track and one synthesizer, but I often have multiple MIDI tracks feeding a single virtual instrument, or one MIDI track feeding multiple instruments. That is the main benefit of using separate tracks. Beeps, the above are my feelings as well. Also, I have NEVER had issues with an independent midi and audio track supporting synths. Meaning, they have always worked perfectly for me in this manner. One day, I decided to try the instrument track because I was told "get with the times dude, it's way better to do it this way". Well, it looked cooler and it was nice to do everything from one track, but I had noticed this weird artifact. My piano would not trigger right unless I reloaded the sound sample. It played like my ASIO buffers were set to 32 or something. All choppy and messed up. Closing and re-opening didn't fix it. I was going nuts. At the time, I didn't know the samples had to be reloaded. Once I did that, the noise went away and stayed away for the remainder of my work in the project. Close and re-open, artifacts were back. I posted a message on here begging for help because I was really going nuts and wondering how and why this was happening. I've been a Sonar user since the floppy disk days and have never experienced anything like this before. Ed (Bapu) comes on here and instantly remedies the problem telling me that instrument tracks have done the same thing to him numerous times. I reloaded the track the old way, and to this day, have never had a problem again. I've tried the instrument track things a few more times...same issue, though at random. Sometimes there are no problems, other times these weird artifacts creep in. I can't even write up a bug report for it because I have no idea what causes it other than....if I stay away from instrument tracks, I NEVER EVER get these artifacts. Hope some of this helps bro. :) -Danny
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 10:50 AM
Right on, guys. Still not sure what they actually are but it does seem the consensus is limited functionality and potential problems so I'll just continue avoiding them. Perhaps I need to figure out what that that "extra" track is when I insert a multi timbrel synth. The icon implies a MIDI track and it seems to be the Master of the other tracks... but that then makes me wonder what the other tracks are that have the separate sounds on them. They have a different icon than everything else. I mean I get what they do... kind of... but I just don't see the big picture. It all works but not understanding bugs me. Makes my OCD side twitchy. Anyway thanks for all the input so far. Hoping to get back to recording soon. The manual is getting tedious and repetitive at this point.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 11:07 AM
Danny Danzi bitflipper I never use instrument tracks. They were added in response to a few very vocal users who moaned that SONAR didn't work like Fruity Loops. Wah, wah. I thought they were useless then and I still do. They are, after all, merely an illusion to make two separate tracks appear to be one. They hide important controls and limit your routing options. Their only benefit is to save screen space in track and console views. IMO MIDI and audio tracks should be separate, because they are very different things. When I am working on a project, I am either focused on MIDI data or audio data, rarely both at once. Instrument tracks force a 1:1 relationship between a MIDI track and one synthesizer, but I often have multiple MIDI tracks feeding a single virtual instrument, or one MIDI track feeding multiple instruments. That is the main benefit of using separate tracks. Beeps, the above are my feelings as well. Also, I have NEVER had issues with an independent midi and audio track supporting synths. Meaning, they have always worked perfectly for me in this manner. One day, I decided to try the instrument track because I was told "get with the times dude, it's way better to do it this way". Well, it looked cooler and it was nice to do everything from one track, but I had noticed this weird artifact. My piano would not trigger right unless I reloaded the sound sample. It played like my ASIO buffers were set to 32 or something. All choppy and messed up. Closing and re-opening didn't fix it. I was going nuts. At the time, I didn't know the samples had to be reloaded. Once I did that, the noise went away and stayed away for the remainder of my work in the project. Close and re-open, artifacts were back. I posted a message on here begging for help because I was really going nuts and wondering how and why this was happening. I've been a Sonar user since the floppy disk days and have never experienced anything like this before. Ed (Bapu) comes on here and instantly remedies the problem telling me that instrument tracks have done the same thing to him numerous times. I reloaded the track the old way, and to this day, have never had a problem again. I've tried the instrument track things a few more times...same issue, though at random. Sometimes there are no problems, other times these weird artifacts creep in. I can't even write up a bug report for it because I have no idea what causes it other than....if I stay away from instrument tracks, I NEVER EVER get these artifacts. Hope some of this helps bro. :) -Danny All of the above what Bit and Danny said! (It's so cool not to have to type! WOOT!)
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 11:09 AM
I think lots depends on whether you intend to use a synth multitimbrally. Then it makes sense to have separate midi/audio - session drummer 3 is a good example. If it is just one synth per task, then I use instrument tracks. I like the instrument tracks as its midi with pro channel and plugins, routed to the master bus is the way I see it. like hardware synths pretty much. You can always split them down later. I just use basic instrument tracks for composing process, then split out drums into separate audio tracks or midi if necessary in the mixing process. (I cant do mixing and composing at the same time). So I think they are designed just to get ideas down easily , with the options of outputs etc all possible when you need to. A very welcome addition for me.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 11:27 AM
I don't often disagree with Bit, but here I do. Those who requested instrument tracks did not request them to be limited (let alone to have issues) nor were they all Fruity Loops fans. That they don't cater for multitimbral or multiout instruments is part of the concept, being limited isn't. They can be ideal for monotimbral, single-out instruments and if they aren't (I don't have Sonar X so I can't tell) that's a matter of how they are implemented in Sonar, not a shortcoming of the concept.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 12:26 AM
I always use Simple Instrument Tracks for single-timbral synths too. For example, if I have a piano track I just have no need for separate MIDI and audio tracks, and I like that one track covers both (screen real estate). And it's very rare that even need to split the track in these cases, since I'm usually just using PRV or adding FX, and that's about it. For multi-timbral, yeah, it's separate tracks in a folder all the way.
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 1:08 PM
Any idea how to do midi input quantization when it is simple instrument track? I do not see any controls when in that mode.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 1:18 PM
jamesyoyo Any idea how to do midi input quantization when it is simple instrument track? I do not see any controls when in that mode. The inspector has two tabs at the bottom when it's an instrument track, Audio and MIDI. If you click the MIDI tab, you will see all of the controls you would normally get for a MIDI track, including input quantization.
JamesWindows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 1:19 PM
@James... I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but I can see the Input Quantize on a SIT I just inserted. You have to click the MIDI tab at the bottom of the Inspector pane and it will change the right strip from the audio view to a regular MIDI view.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 1:21 PM
I use instrument tracks a lot and have only had one or two minor problems with them (that I can't even remember off hand so they can't have been that important). First of all they're quicker to set up. Secondly, the only thing missing from them that I've noticed (and I've still never been able to work out why) is that the Audio part of them does not have a stereo/mono interleave button. But when I have to use that, I simply right click on the track, select "split instrument track," flick the interleave button, then select "create instrument track" to consolidate it again. For me, the quick setup and the MUCH tidier appearance outweighs any disadvantages (which I've yet to encounter).
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 1:49 PM
I'm in the camp that always uses a simple instrument track if I only need a stereo out while tracking. For me it's simply a real estate and workflow thing. It's similar to a closed folder except I can actually get to the clip itself and basic data in a single track space. If you need to do advanced operations, you split it, then close it when you're finished. What they really should have done is put a plus sign on the instrument track just like folders that will do the split and combine operations without having to use the inspector menu, but other than that, very convenient. And obviously they should put more work into what operations can be done when the track is combined.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 2:14 PM
bitflipper I often have ... one MIDI track feeding multiple instruments. That is the main benefit of using separate tracks. This subject was up for discussion quite some time ago. I thought the consensus was that the only way to do this was to use an external driver, something like MIDIYoke, to (re)direct the MIDI data appropriately. Did I miss something? Can you do this entirely within Sonar now?
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 2:36 PM
About a year ago I would have been +1ing Bit's & Danny's posts. I have posted many times they aren't worth bothering with...but... I must confess that I have been using them more and more lately. I'm actually finding them quite convenient for single output synths. Having said that there are definitely some quirks with them that don't materialize with split tracks.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 4:10 PM
They are good for very simple needs. They are not for multi output synths or if you need to do editing and or automation. I don't agree with Scott about them being good for a CS. I find just the opposite. I do think users should use the separate MIDI and audio track/s though. It would cut down on the posting here about problems with simple instruments tracks. The good thing about them is you can split them into MIDI and audio.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 4:20 PM
John They are good for very simple needs. They are not for multi output synths or if you need to do editing and or automation. I don't agree with Scott about them being good for a CS. I find just the opposite. I do think users should use the separate MIDI and audio track/s though. It would cut down on the posting here about problems with simple instruments tracks. The good thing about them is you can split them into MIDI and audio. What's wrong with them if you are doing automation? As far as I can tell, the automation lanes that come along with them affect the audio part of the track, as they should.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 4:56 PM
What if you want to automate a synth?
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 5:53 PM
John, I agree with your comment that they're not for multi output synths. But I use them all the time for things like Alchemy and don't find it limiting. As far as I can tell, all the synth parameters are exposed for automation and you can just double-click the clip to go into PRV for editing.
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 6:09 PM
Ah yes, but if I want to automate a synth I just split the track temporarily. This is definitely one of the things that could be improved about instrument tracks - why shouldn't you be able to access both audio and synth automation parameters from the IT's automation lane? If you're going to consolidate MIDI and audio into one track then at least do the same for automation lanes. That does feel like they're unfinished development wise. And as mentioned above, they could do with a button to flick between IR's and split tracks.
JamesWindows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 6:10 PM
I do think users should use the separate MIDI and audio track/s though. That's certainly not going to happen here unless I need a multi-timbral synth. It would simply serve no purpose for my needs. I do think users should use whatever they're comfortable with and that serves the task at hand. And for me it happens to be SITs, even though others may think them to be less than fresh.
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 6:41 PM
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 7:27 PM
The key to them is the simple part. No argument here! And that is exactly why I like and use them.
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re:Looking to get some insight on the advantages/disadvantages of MIDI vs. Inst. tracks...
January 20, 13 7:32 PM
Oh my. I seem to have inadvertently created a mild ruckus. My bad. I was off working on my PRV skillz with some reasonable success. Almost had to bug you guys again about something but figured it out. Stoopid Smart tool.