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[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
If A-Pro Control Surface Plugin can only control eight contiguous tracks or buses when controlling Sonar’s console, then the behavior really needs to be changed. For example, I want the first knob/slider on my A-800Pro to control the pan/volume of the drum bus, and the second knob/slider to control those of the bass track, which, unfortunately, is not possible with the control surface plugin. I can do that by using Sonar's Remote Control feature instead, but the links established by Remote Control don't get automatically disabled when the focus is moved from Sonar’s console to a plugin window, meaning that the same knob/slider ends up controlling two different parameters, one on the console and the other on the plugin window, which is VERY undesirable. (Check out the 'Control Link' system in PreSonus Studio One. It’s very easy to set up and flexible. My A-800Pro works beautifully with it). Top Request: 1. Add the ACT Learn button (the one in the right corner of each plugin window) on Sonar itself as well and allow users to freely assign A-Pro controls to knobs/sliders/buttons on Sonar’s console. 2. If 1 is technically not possible (why not?), make available an option that automatically disables all Remote Control assignments on Sonar when the focus is moved from Sonar to a plugin window, and vice versa. 3. If 2 is not possible, then―as someone suggested in another thread―remove the divider in the console so that users can use the current 'eight contiguous tracks/buses' ACT feature to control whatever tracks and buses they like. Other A-Pro Related Requests: - Allow users to edit the expression pedal assignment on the control surface plugin (Every time I need to control modulation with my expression pedal, I have to turn off the ACT button on the A-800Pro and choose a different control map that I edited for the modulation purpose). - Have Sonar remember the connection with A-Pro hardware even if users mistakenly power off A-Pro before closing Sonar or start Sonar before powering on the A-Pro (It's a PITA to go to Preferences > MIDI > Control Surfaces and set up the connection again. Studio One remembers the connection with A-Pro). - Allow A-Pro to start up with any control map (1-19). The Startup Memory menu currently has only two options: CTL MAP 0 & LAST ACC MAP. I hope I'll see these improvements soon. A-Pro is a Roland/Cakewalk product, so it must work with Sonar better than with any other DAW. Thanks
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 9:49 AM
These are good suggestions. If I knew that the A-pro worked this way, i would buy it in a second. Overall implementation for control surfaces has been incredibly dissapointing in ALL DAWs, not just Sonar. There are too few CSs to choose from and none of them allow you to do much without reaching for the mouse. My suspicion is that CSs have been largely abandoned due to the inevitable arrival of touch surfaces. Sonar's embracing of windows 8 touch capabilities reinforces this view. A 10" touch screen could control ANY plugin regardless of the number parameters or the layout or function. I own the Mackie C4 which has 32 knobs and buttons- even that sometimes has 3 pages to include all the parameters of a single plugin!! since the C4 can display the parameters name in an lcd screen right above the knob, it is the best available option, yet it's days are numbered since it's not really supported anymore. Using physical knobs and faders will always be better than using a touch screen, but I have started to give up hope that DAWs will have full capabilities via CSs. Touch is also so much cheaper. I think the touch screen as controller may just be inevitable.
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 10:16 AM
I wish for these requests SOOOOOO much myself...maybe the Bakers could chime in?? Pretty please!!!!!
Sonar Platinum Windows 7 64-bit 1 TB Hard Drive\Seagate 500 GB Slave VS-100 MOTU 2408 MK3 A-Pro 800
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 10:25 AM
Had issue with this a while back, so gave up on midi control in sonar one of the worst out their my any modern standard in my opinnion, please sort out/revamp all of this Midi Controller setup and assigning, surly must be top priority soon. Plus 1
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 8:04 PM
BlixYZ My su****ion is that CSs have been largely abandoned due to the inevitable arrival of touch surfaces. Sonar's embracing of windows 8 touch capabilities reinforces this view. A 10" touch screen could control ANY plugin regardless of the number parameters or the layout or function. Well, touchscreen isn't good from the ergonomic point of view So Cake, for the health of Sonar users, please put more energy into hardware controllers.
Glyn Barnes
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 11:02 PM
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 11:16 PM
Nope. Thought I should first gather support from TONS of A-Pro users, which obviously failed.
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 11:23 PM
I have an A-800 Pro which I bought primarily because I liked the feel of the keys (and also the idea of using a Roland controller with Sonar). To be honest I did like the idea of using it as a control surface when I bought it, but as it happens I've been too lazy to learn how to set it up, and judging by your post I don't think I'll bother now
JamesWindows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 27, 13 11:50 PM
Thanks sharke, that's a huge support!
Glyn Barnes
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 0:02 PM
sharke To be honest I did like the idea of using it as a control surface when I bought it, but as it happens I've been too lazy to learn how to set it up, My position is similar. I do use the controls for soft synths, I have setups for MiniMonsta and Native Instruments Vintage Organs (sliders = drawbars) and do other assignments in other synths on the fly, but have never tried using it for mixing for exactly the reason you state, I'm too lazy to figure it out. @Jlien - drumming up support for a feature request is good, but you might as well submit it now and let others submit theirs if and when your campaign gathers momentum.
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 7:34 AM
OK...I guess I'm on the feature request boat as well...let's push this ship a little faster! I do like my AP800, but these features would be great and go nicely with my newly added VS-100!
Sonar Platinum Windows 7 64-bit 1 TB Hard Drive\Seagate 500 GB Slave VS-100 MOTU 2408 MK3 A-Pro 800
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 8:04 AM
Well, touchscreen isn't good from the ergonomic point of view So Cake, for the health of Sonar users, please put more energy into hardware controllers Yes it is
http://soundcloud.com/joe-b-10 Windows 10 Pro x64, 6 core, Core i7 , 16GB ram Sonar Platinum , Komplete 8, Ozone 8 Presonus Studio 192 and DP88 ,uad-2 solo
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 8:38 AM
yes, joeb1cannoli. the ergonomic issue assumes that the screen is positioned in the traditional location. If I positioned a touch screen where my MCU Pro and C4 are now, it would be ergonomically similar. My plan was to get one of those arms that let you position the screen anywhere. I am really starting to think that Cakewalk is ditching hardware CSs and trying to be the leading pioneer of touch technology. I'm not sure how I feel about this. FF is killin me
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 8:57 AM
I really thought that I wanted the touch screen to use mostly as a replacement for a surface controller. While it does this exceptionally well. I find I'm loving it for scrolling and zooming in track view even more. There is no control surface that I know of that can do this stuff. That screen cost me $500 and you have to be on Windows 8. Compared to a quality surface controller it's a great investment. Not to mention that you can use it for non Sonar apps also. I just can't say enough about how much I'm enjoying it.
http://soundcloud.com/joe-b-10 Windows 10 Pro x64, 6 core, Core i7 , 16GB ram Sonar Platinum , Komplete 8, Ozone 8 Presonus Studio 192 and DP88 ,uad-2 solo
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 10:16 AM
joeb1cannoli Well, touchscreen isn't good from the ergonomic point of view So Cake, for the health of Sonar users, please put more energy into hardware controllers Yes it is Well, this is good. But I don't think everyone can afford it... And, the console might be a bit far away if you place both your PC keyboard and MIDI keyboard if front of you (No PC keyboard needed? Entering long text on the screen isn't time-consuming? I'm just wondering. Because I use Excel a lot during my composing, recording, etc., and email, too)
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
February 28, 13 11:18 AM
There is an on-screen touch keyboard. I must admit that I don't like it much. I have a keyboard shelf that pulls out from under the touch screen. I keep my midi keyboard off to the side now. I have the transport controls on it still configured as a generic surface controller so that when I'm recording keyboard parts I still have some control without reaching over to the touch screen.
http://soundcloud.com/joe-b-10 Windows 10 Pro x64, 6 core, Core i7 , 16GB ram Sonar Platinum , Komplete 8, Ozone 8 Presonus Studio 192 and DP88 ,uad-2 solo
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 01, 13 6:49 AM
Thank you all for your enthusiastic support. I've just submitted the requests to Cake, hoping it will rescue all A-Pro users around the world who spent what little money they had on the keyboard believing it would flexibly control Sonar.
Walt Collins
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 9:41 AM
Walt Collins - Downtempo & AmbientBandcamp: https://waltcollins.bandcamp.com (FREE downloads), SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/arcanor blog: "Seeking Enlightenment Through Electronic Music" - http://waltcollins.com/musicI use Ableton, NI, AAS, Arturia, Spectrasonics, Cakewalk, Akai, Yamaha, Fender, Sony, WavesWindows 10, Tannoy, KRK, dbx DriveRack
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 10:22 AM
Well, touchscreen isn't good from the ergonomic point of view So Cake, for the health of Sonar users, please put more energy into hardware controllers. That is my biggest concern. There is NO way I could work having to hold my hand up in front of me for an extended period. Take the hardware CS with it's limitations, add an ipad dock to it and maybe it would be synergy! I am glad to know that the A-Pro controllers are not up to par. I've been thinking of buying one. J
Sonar Platinum Studiocat Pro 16G RAM (some bells and whistles) HP Pavilion dm4 1165-dx (i5)-8G RAM Octa-Capture KRK Rokit-8s MIDI keyboards... Control Pad mics. I HATE THIS CMPUTER KEYBARD!
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 10:30 AM
joeb1cannoli Well, touchscreen isn't good from the ergonomic point of view So Cake, for the health of Sonar users, please put more energy into hardware controllers
Yes it is What screen are you using for a controller Joe? Is it just laying flat or do you have it on some sort of mount or what? Interested... J
Sonar Platinum Studiocat Pro 16G RAM (some bells and whistles) HP Pavilion dm4 1165-dx (i5)-8G RAM Octa-Capture KRK Rokit-8s MIDI keyboards... Control Pad mics. I HATE THIS CMPUTER KEYBARD!
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 10:42 AM
jbow I am glad to know that the A-Pro controllers are not up to par. I've been thinking of buying one. A-Pro's controllers themselves (and the key action) are very good. The problem is the control surface plugin and ACT.
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 11:03 AM
Jlien X jbow I am glad to know that the A-Pro controllers are not up to par. I've been thinking of buying one. A-Pro's controllers themselves (and the key action) are very good. The problem is the control surface plugin and ACT. Thanks. That is the reason I was considering one. I have three keyboard midi controllers but the CS aspect (knobs and sliders) with the keys... controlling Sonar and plugs interested me. If I bought a Roland A-Pro controller, I would expect everything to work well with Sonar. I don't have money to waste so I am going to wait and see where things go. Thanks again... J
Sonar Platinum Studiocat Pro 16G RAM (some bells and whistles) HP Pavilion dm4 1165-dx (i5)-8G RAM Octa-Capture KRK Rokit-8s MIDI keyboards... Control Pad mics. I HATE THIS CMPUTER KEYBARD!
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 4:00 PM
Jlien X Nope. Thought I should first gather support from TONS of A-Pro users, which obviously failed. Well one more A-Pro user here who thinks your submissions are appropriate! Whilst I mainly use my A-PRO as a Midi Keyboard, being able to do the things you suggest would be icing on the cake IMHO.
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 9:10 PM
Excellent points. My story runs along the lines of sharke's and LordElpus' statements. Let's see what comes of your requests. I'm rooting for ya! Cheers from SF!
post edited by SF_Green - March 07, 13 10:45 PM
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 07, 13 9:42 PM
The touch screen is an Acer 23" mounted at an angle using a Vesa mount jbow joeb1cannoli Well, touchscreen isn't good from the ergonomic point of view So Cake, for the health of Sonar users, please put more energy into hardware controllers Yes it is What screen are you using for a controller Joe? Is it just laying flat or do you have it on some sort of mount or what? Interested... J
http://soundcloud.com/joe-b-10 Windows 10 Pro x64, 6 core, Core i7 , 16GB ram Sonar Platinum , Komplete 8, Ozone 8 Presonus Studio 192 and DP88 ,uad-2 solo
michael razor
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Re:[FR] Cakewalk you really must improve A-Pro Control Surface Plugin for Sonar
March 16, 13 2:46 AM
sharke I have an A-800 Pro which I bought primarily because I liked the feel of the keys (and also the idea of using a Roland controller with Sonar). To be honest I did like the idea of using it as a control surface when I bought it, but as it happens I've been too lazy to learn how to set it up, and judging by your post I don't think I'll bother now HaHa--Same here Sharke!! I received mine a few days ago set some of it up, but since have forgotten everthing I had Done...Back at sqaere one. I'm on board Jlien X-- One would think that a Rolande Product would work flawlessly with thier own software.
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