Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP!

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March 02, 09 1:44 PM (permalink)

Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP!

So I upgraded from Sonar 4 Producer to Sonar 8 Producer with Windows XP x64.

With Sonar 4 producer I used Drumagog, Antares Auto Tune 3 and Antares Mic Modeler.

After the upgrade to Sonar 8 Producer, none of them show up in my effects, just the effects that came with the new Sonar 8 Producer are on the list. I ran a scan for VST plugins, still nothing. I couldn't locate any other "Add plugins" function or what not.

I rely on Drumagog and Antares Auto Tune. Are they not compatible with Sonar 8 Producer? Is it the Windows 64 bit? The only other "Outside Sonar" function I was able to get to work with Sonar 8 Producer was Drumkit From Hell Superior.

I can't find this Boost11 Mastering thing anywhere either? Looks cool in the video tutorial?
I just re-installed all 4 discs that came with Sonar Producer 8 and still same issues.

I'm feeling like, YIKES WHAT DID I DO? Was this $expensive$ so called "upgrade" a good idea?


One other thing, Sound Forge 7 used to show up under tools in Sonar 4 Producer, I felt it very useful. Sometimes I'd open up chunks of audio and flip it and reverberate, then fly back in for that REVERSE Verb effect. It was quick and easy!

And one other things... My Live Synth Pro, which I used to play SF2 banks does not work with Sonar 8 Producer. I looked that up here in the forms, nobody can seem to get it to work.

I am a bit distraught at the moment.

post edited by Dofka - March 02, 09 1:53 PM


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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 02, 09 2:25 PM (permalink)
    Are you sure that Drumagog and Antares are WinXP64 compatible?

    What are your upgrade steps listed out with what you upgraded.

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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 0:19 PM (permalink)
    No I am not sure if they are WinXP64 Compatible. If that's the case, then I know it's not a Saonar 8 issue. Was wondering if anyone else had these same issues?

    I would be even more upset if I purchased a newer version of Antares Autotune, Antares Mic Modeler, and Drumagog and they still didn't work with Sonar 8 Producer.

    I'm not sure where to go with this, I really regret making the upgrade to Sonar 8 Producer!
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 0:23 PM (permalink)
    Drumagog works fine for me in Sonar PE 8.3, XP 32.

    EDIT: I don't have auto tune but the Mic Modeler works too. I just checked.

    post edited by chefmike8888 - March 03, 09 0:30 PM

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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 8:40 AM (permalink)
    Both work for me as well, but I'm not running 64. As a matter of fact, Sunday for about 12 hours I used multiple instances of Drumagog, Antares Auto-Tune (v vocal kills it in my opinion, but the client insisted lol) and Antares Throat without a hitch. No a single problem running them. The project I worked on was 80 tracks with 40 being audio at 24/48 with multiple plugs, softsynths, Antares, BFD 2 and 4 instances of Drumagog. I'm not sure if Drumago supports can check on their website at or send an email to Rim or Teri and they will get right back to you. Not sure about Antares either. Hope you get things staightened out...sorry I can't be more helpful. :(

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    Jim Wright
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 9:09 AM (permalink)
    So I upgraded from Sonar 4 Producer to Sonar 8 Producer with Windows XP x64.

    Were you using Windows XP x64 with Sonar 4 Producer? Or, did you upgrade your OS from XP 32 to XP x64 at the same time that you updated to S8?

    If you also updated your OS - did you reinstall Drumagog and the Antares plugs?
    Ditto for Sound Forge 7.

    A lot of folks using XP x64 or Vista 64 have reported various compatibility issues with different plug-ins. My general advice: be sure that you really really really need the extra memory space before you "go 64", because you will probably find that some things stop working - as of early 2009. Over time, the risk will go down, and eventually sticking with a 32-bit OS will be the riskier option. (Of course, some legacy plugins will never be ported to a 64-bit OS, especially free ones).

    Good luck,
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 1:32 PM (permalink)
    I put a whole new system together.
    Fresh Install of Windows XP Pro x64
    Fresh Install of Sonar 8 Producer
    Fresh Drumagog install
    Fresh Antares Autotune 3 install
    Fresh Antares Mic Modeler install

    Still no luck with Drumagog, anything Antares and the Sound Forge 7 thing is history within the tools menu as well? I presume it is partially an x64 incompatibility issue.
    Very very frustrating!

    I really appreciate all the advice and help folks!

    post edited by Dofka - March 03, 09 1:39 PM
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 1:59 PM (permalink)
    Vista x64 will put the program files for 64-bit programs in Program Files (x64) and program files for 32-bit programs in Program Files (x86). SONAR will then use BitBridge to run 32-bit plugins in SONAR (x64) under Vista x64.

    Did you see where Drumagog, etc. (all 32-bit, I believe) was installed? If so, add that as a plugin folder to be scanned, scan it, and they should show up.

    Doug Osborne
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 03, 09 2:35 PM (permalink)
    This could be a simple issue of telling Sonar 8 where to look for VST plugins.

    Try this:
    Select 'Options' from the menu bar
    Select 'Global' from options
    Select 'VST Pugins' from Global

    There you will see what folders Sonar is looking in.
    I have most of my VST's in a file surprisingly called 'VST'
    Most programs will automatically file them under a 'steinberg' folder since they originated VST

    If Sonar is not scanning the right folder it will not 'see' that you have more VST's at your command.

    There's a section to add more folders in the VST scan process.

    I can assure you that Autotune 5 and Atotune Evo (6) both work with Soar 8 (I have both)

    Hope this helps....

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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 04, 09 4:00 AM (permalink)
    I tried the options/global/vst scan and added the folder to the list.
    Still no luck I think maybe it is because I have an older version

    Autotune 3.06
    And not sure which version of Drumagog I am using but it's probably 2 years old.

    KlosStudios guy, thanks for letting me know Auto Tune 5 works with Sonar 8.
    Are you using Win XP x64 and also Sonar 64bit? I want to make sure it works
    in the 64 bit platform before I take another $financial$ dive here.

    I guess I will try and download the trial Drumagog as well, though I just need the
    basic version and their trial version is the Platinum version?

    Does anyone know of any other good Drum Triggering plugins before I purchase Drumagog?
    I always use my own samples so I will have to be able to import my own .wav samples if there
    is another Plug-In out there. I hate the fact that I purchased Drumagog(a while back) and now
    I would have to purchase again? Whilst I am changing everything, I want to figure all my options.

    Again, thanks to everyone who has responded and helped out on all these issues.
    It is TRULY Appreciated!
    post edited by Dofka - March 04, 09 4:10 AM

    Klos Studios
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 04, 09 2:08 PM (permalink)
    I'm on Win XP 32bit SP3.

    However, Antares does have a 10 day functioning download demo to
    see if it works with your system.

    I had Autotune 3 on an older machine, but didn't transfer over to my present DAW.

    It might have been DX if I recall......

    Odd that it doesn't read your vst from the folder.....

    Best of luck with the demo.

    If you're intersted, the new EVO is pretty nice.... leaves the sound a bit clearer
    and the new graphical mode is much improved and highly flexible when you need it.

    Klos Studios
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 05, 09 2:33 AM (permalink)
    I tried an experiment, I installed my old Sonar 4 Producer(which of course is 32bit) on the same system. Antares Autotune 3 and Antares mic modelor showed up(and worked) as did Drum-a-gog.

    Those 3 plug ins dont show up in Sonar Producer 8(64 bit) even after a scan.

    I think I will try the trial Download of Drumagog and make sure it's working, I guess
    I will have to buy it again uggggggggggh

    I am very intrigued by this Antares EVO, I never heard of it till you mentioned it. Glancing through the Antares site, it looks way cooler than the older version. Though it is kind of pricey!

    Again I really appreciate all the help!

    Jim Wright
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    RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! March 05, 09 10:17 AM (permalink)
    Dofka --
    It appears that 32-bit DX plugins do not work in 64-bit Sonar, period. See�
    and especially (down at the bottom).
    BitBridge only works with VST plug-ins.

    If the plugins that don't show up in S64 are DX plugins (rather than VST plugins) - that's probably why.
    If you install/run Sonar 8 as a 32-bit application, they will probably show up again.
    Your other option is to get Antares etc. to port their plugins to be 64-bit DX plugins (good luck with that -- almost nobody is making new DX plugins these days...)


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    Re: RE: Sonar 8 compatibility with Antares and Drumagog? Not working for me, HELP! July 05, 13 3:08 PM (permalink)
    Jim Wright, that was the problem. So I guess it was senseless to think this 64bit deal was an Upgrade when all my fav plugins only work in 32 bit environment

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