Helpful ReplyHow many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have?

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October 12, 13 9:53 AM (permalink)

How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have?

I'm running BFD Eco and have been planning on upgrading to the full version to get more kit slots. Obviously that is kind of expensive and I'm wondering if perhaps, although I'd rather use BFD, if AD will cover this need.
Also I am quite fond of my Platinum Samples Rock Legends kit for BFD. I'm curious whether this will work in AD or if there is a similar kit and whether Platinum Samples makes kits for AD. Along those lines, and I doubt this will be possible but now I'm curious, can the Session Drummer kits be used in AD? I have the Andy John's kit which is quite nice and they gave us that free Version of Rock Legends for SD3. If I could load those into AD it would sweeten the pot.
Another thing (yes I'm filled with questions today) for those who own both BFD and the Sonar version of AD is it possible to get the ultra dry samples in AD like you can with BFD? I do not want any processing on my kits and I know AD kits tend to have already been manipulated significantly more than BFD.
Just trying to figure out whether I should readjust my financial calculations to drop my idea of upgrading BFD Eco in favor of buying X3 (which I am still very much on the fence about for many other reasons). Basically for me to buy the upgrade to BFD 2 (which I think I will now have to buy the box since BFD3 is out) will cost a little less or the same as upgrading to X3. If AD is all that and a bag of Doritos it would change things a bit.
PS: I intend to do all styles but heavy emphasis on rock, metal, punk, blues and jazz. That's why I want dry kits and the most realism possible. I can make BFD sound imperceptible from a live drummer. It is very important to me.
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Re: How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have? October 12, 13 10:51 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Beepster October 12, 13 11:09 AM
Hi Beeps,
AD has 12 slots and what looks to be 4 kits.
As for loading your platinum samples BFD kits or SD kits into AD, there isn't a way that I can see.
You can load up dry, unprocessed drums in least they sound that way to my ears. You can certainly load "clean" presets for all 4 kits and they do not sound at all processed to me.

A couple of things about AD - it's certainly a capable drum sampler and the expansion kits are very reasonable. That said, if I could only have one I'd stick with BFD over AD. I own Superior Drummer, BFD (2 and 3), NI's Drummer and Abbey Road kits, and now AD, and honestly the AD stuff is likely at the bottom that list. The room sound with the included kits is VERY short and halva-on-a-hot-day dry. Beyond that, I find I'm just not that fond of the sound of AD...though of course that's an aesthetic preference and YMMV.
Let me know if you want to hear some examples and I'll try and pull some together.

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Re: How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have? October 12, 13 11:03 AM (permalink)
Thanks, Dean. Very helpful. Yeah 12 slots is the same as Eco (I think?). That sucks about the room mics and not being able to load up the kits I already have. I have a feeling BFD kits have more velocity layers or at least is more responsive to my MPC device (I tried the AD demo ages ago so maybe the full version is different). I'm starting to recall that AD only accepts their own Adpacks too which is a problem because I've become a big fan of Platinum Samples.
Yeah... I don't think I can count AD in my calculations based on this. Just thought maybe it would be a suitable replacement. I also just remembered about my Zildjian DV packs for BFD which I most certainly want to use.
Oh well. Thanks, buddy.
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Re: How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have? October 12, 13 11:10 AM (permalink)
Incidentally Beeps, I've been liking BFD3 more and more. The new kits are really nice, though I still like the rooms in Sup Drummer better and some of the room/ambient routing is kinda annoying (snare isn't in the room mic but it is in the ambient? All ambient channels collapsed by default in the mixer? hunh?).
Anyway, I do like it quite a bit though. You may wanna think about biting the bullet and upgrading....

Intel Core i7; 32GB RAM; Win10 Pro x64;RME HDSPe MADI FX; Orion 32 and Lynx Aurora 16; Mics and other stuff...
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Re: How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have? October 12, 13 11:25 AM (permalink)
I can't upgrade from Eco unfortunately and don't have the cash to buy the full version outright (thus my conundrum). I've been reading some initial reports about it too and they seem to be quite varied. Probably just because people have been using 2 for so long but the program is far too new for a now very cautious Beep. BFD 2 has been on the list for a long time now so that's more than enough for me and I'm assuming I'll be able to find a boxed upgrade somewhere for cheap... although every where I look it seems the boxed upgrades are for 1.5 without mention of Eco so I may have to get the full version and just dump Eco.
In the meantime I'm considering an alternate plan to get my kit piece slot count up... and I'm not sure if it'll work. If I insert two instances of Eco maybe I can set all my shells into one and my cymbals into the other and control them both simultaneously from my pK or the PRV. The only real problem I see with that plan is resource drainage but I've got a good system and have a lot of resource saving tricks up my sleeve now. I usually do my drums early on anyway and will likely bounce to audio before mixing.
If that works then I think the only thing I'll really be missing is the extra kits and from the demos I heard most of that stuff isn't really my taste anyway. I prefer the Platinum Samples ones. Any extra effects that come with the full version aren't necessary because I do all my drum mixing with Sonar tools anyway.
Sorry, just got my brain going. Maybe I'll just scratch BFD Full of the list completely for now and get my damned VRM box and call it a day. Thanks again.
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Re: How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have? October 12, 13 12:16 AM (permalink)
For what it's worth, there is no X3 version of AD.  It is simply the retail version AD is on par with BFD so you are essentially upgrading your drums and then some for the price of Sonar upgrade.
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Re: How many kit slots/channels does the X3 version of Addictive Drums have? October 12, 13 1:14 PM (permalink)
For what it's worth, there is no X3 version of AD.  It is simply the retail version AD is on par with BFD so you are essentially upgrading your drums and then some for the price of Sonar upgrade.

Hiya, dub. Yeah I figured it was the full version from what I've read but wasn't quite sure. Kind of surprised the slot spaces are limited to 12. AD is a nice program as far as I could tell when I demoed it and I was going to buy it before learning about BFD here. I took a look at EZ/Superior Drummer's too but there was something that put me off those (I forget what now). The thing is although AD would be a great addition if I didn't already have a high end drum program it doesn't seem like it is going to be a suitable replacement for BFD full or even Eco for my needs.
I've been trying not to mention it too much so as not to cause trouble but essentially what I'm doing is a cost/benefit analysis of upgrading versus buying the base version of a competing DAW (who shall remain nameless) so I can access some more reliable editing tools. If I was starting out fresh without a drum sampler and various other components it would be a good deal but I've made a few calculated purchases that can be transferred over to another platform. I'd still use X2 for mixing but the editing is just too infuriating. It sounds like things are a little better in X3 but I am starting to see reports of the same old issues trickling in so I am very hesitant and looking for things that will replace other purchases I need to make (in this case a drum program to replace my BFD purchase considerations). If I could get away with some of the things I mentioned in my OP then X3 would become immediately more worth the money but it doesn't look like that is the case.
Currently the only real improvement that will benefit me directly is perhaps the Melodyne ARA integration but unfortunately to get EXACTLY what I want out of that feature (namely the audio stretching capabilities I believe I was talking to you about the other day) that would require yet another upgrade. The new Quad Curve would be nice but is unnecessary as is the Tape Sim.
The only thing that is left is to see what happens with the editing/general stability and I think it is too early to tell. The X3 Pro upgrade is $50 more than buying the base package of the other DAW so it's a real pickle for me to decide.
With X2 it had so many extra bells and whistle that were immediately useful to me I pretty much had to get it. With X3... not so much and now it comes down to stability and proper maintenance so only time will reveal the answers to those questions.
I really wish they had just released a patch or gave a stripped out version of X3 for $50 in lieu of a patch. Then I would not be so conflicted.
The other thing is I've kind of had a plan to purchase the other DAW for quite some time as I used to use a different version from the same company and it's a little more mainstream than Sonar but Sonar had the better base package for a raw starter kit and the other DAW had seemed to drop the ball as far as performance/maintenance (which has now supposedly been corrected by all reports). If I do make this decision then all of a sudden I have an upgrade path and can begin tackling the learning curve in case Cakewalk gets destroyed by Gibson (which hopefully with Mr. Anderton at the helm will not be the case).
Strange days indeed, my friend. Very hard to make a decision as things are. Need more data. ;-)
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