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October 11, 13 7:30 PM (permalink)

My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell !

ok i just installed X3 this morning :
first i noticed some weirdness with asio setting : no asio latency reported exept the i/o/Rt latency have to open the asio driver control panel to make it appears (256 samples here) ...but no way to see it in preff !!!
i bounced some tracks then tried to bounce to clip : got an error 32 then no wave form displaying , keep waiting ...close and repopen the prject solved that
Then the real hell
watch the video  ....
basically no **** way to choose my plugin layout , while it's working on buss and on the browser ...also no way to launch the vst manager from the track fx bin !! 
i checked and unlocked the screensets .....same issue ....
I don't feel this manager at all !
can't beleive insteead of mixing i'm going to some stupid asss stuff like this 
post edited by Zo - October 11, 13 8:28 PM

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:39 PM (permalink)
Zo : I doubt i can help you ! Sorry
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:42 PM (permalink)
Bounce to clip 

Asio thing :

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:43 PM (permalink)
Zo : I doubt i can help you ! Sorry

Call Spoke !

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:43 PM (permalink)
Try right clicking on the FX bin>Audio Effects>Plug-in Layouts>Manage Layouts.
Plug in manager should open right up.
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:49 PM (permalink)
Ok guyz !!!! i deleted the aud.ini (old asssss trick) and it's working !!!
can't understand why i didn't done it form start i always do that and never trust setting transportation .....usually ..i'm getting old ....

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:50 PM (permalink)
Dj wayne look at the video this is exactly what i was doing ;)
I can't understand why the audio drivers impact the FX bin plugin manager relation !!

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 7:55 PM (permalink)
I did look at the video and it all looks different than mine. Mine works perfectly.
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 8:18 PM (permalink)
ok the asio issue is not solved !!!  it dissapered !!! again !!

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 8:29 PM (permalink)
just enabling and disabling the loop from my VS 700 C can cause issues in playbakc even dropout while i just tested in X1 : rock solid ....
Upset here !!
The engine is def less optimized !

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 8:58 PM (permalink)
Act data acting weird !!
first i get mapping randomly  then the mapping doesn't update when i select another plugin !! i need to double click on the fx bin to be done while on X1 i just have to click on the GUI with my mouse !!! **** Hellll lllll VS 700 here 
i checked the act folder :

WTF !! no X3 act data ? can somebody check this out ....please !!
I jumped on X3 cause i needed to test it before installing it at the SAE !!! no demo so ok let's upgrade ..but Dammmmmmm
i m calling tomorow if i don't get it sorted : Refund ...i 'm not here to beta test that thing !! for 134 Euros !

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 9:57 PM (permalink)
OMG  is started X1 and i's performing a FULL scan again ...OMG !!!! i spent the whole day in the registry renaming my Mercury +Softube +Slate plugins +Soft Synths ! ....OMG !!!!

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 10:09 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby John T October 11, 13 11:07 PM
I understand English is your 2nd language, but you may consider to talk properly. I have no idea what you referring to. Yeah, your plugins doing something, but what in the world does this mean:
OMG  is started X1 and i's performing a FULL scan again ...OMG !!!! i spent the whole day in the registry renaming my Mercury +Softube +Slate plugins +Soft Synths ! ....OMG !!!!
What are you asking?
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 10:11 PM (permalink)
Zo I am so sorry that you are having these problems. It seems that its also happening on or near the weekend. No CW tech support. 

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 10:49 PM (permalink)
I understand English is your 2nd language, but you may consider to talk properly. I have no idea what you referring to. Yeah, your plugins doing something, but what in the world does this mean:
OMG  is started X1 and i's performing a FULL scan again ...OMG !!!! i spent the whole day in the registry renaming my Mercury +Softube +Slate plugins +Soft Synths ! ....OMG !!!!
What are you asking?

lol sorry dude it must be the tears in my eyes !!
Like i said before i used to customize my plugin name for them to be straight fully readable on the FX bin !!
After the X3 install , it performed a deep scan witch reset all those names !! so i spent the whole day renaming my pugins one by one , and dude it's alot !!!
Then after a lot of headache with X3 (witch i already think of reselling or giving) i decided to finsh my work on X1 : Full rescan again !!!  i almost cried !!! lol ....

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 10:53 PM (permalink)
I've been using Menu Magic for a year or so. It makes menu creation and renaming much easier. It was just updated yesterday for X3 and VST3 suppurt.

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 11:11 PM (permalink)
I don't see how Scan would rename anything. To me- Scan is what it called- it scans. It is not "Renamer". But if it does- I guess I learned something. On your video- do you mean- plugins are not listed under VST 2 and VST 3- I can not tell what you doing with it.
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 11, 13 11:13 PM (permalink)
Thks ..basically i know how to rename  ..the things is that i don't want this fuuuking software to run full deep scan when he wants !!!
thank you anyay i might try this but on my mind right now (5 oclok after a crazy day) : Back up pre X3 install !

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 0:07 PM (permalink)
There's obviously something going on with your install/system that's not the norm.   A few seem to have initially had some scan issues, but yours seem to be just a little more extreme!  
Hope you get it sorted out soon.

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 2:50 AM (permalink)
Zo, i think that if you go back to X1 and in Edit, Preferences, and File, and in Folder Location, look at the line that says Plug-In layout, write down which folder that is.
Then go to X3, do the same thing and change the line in Plug-In Layout to mimic what is in X1, then you will get your renamed plugins back.
Most of the time, just change X1 to X3 will do the trick.
I think that this is what you are referring to. Isn't it? If it is not, then I am sorry.
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 5:26 AM (permalink)
(sticking neck waaaay out) When you run a scan it rewrites the registry. It looks for, and inserts plugins into the registry so Sonar can use them. Not sure why you would rename the registry entries but I'm not up on that stuff.
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 5:59 AM (permalink)
Thks ..basically i know how to rename  ..the things is that i don't want this fuuuking software to run full deep scan when he wants !!!
thank you anyay i might try this but on my mind right now (5 oclok after a crazy day) : Back up pre X3 install !

I don't know where you got your information but you don't edit VST plug-in names in the registry. As you have discovered the registry entries can get updated/modified/deleted anytime the VST Scanner runs. 
  • You can modify the plug-in names as they appear in the plug-in layout menus using the Plug-in Manager or a third party tool like MenuMagic mentioned earlier in this thread.
  • You cannot modify (in a stable way) the plug-in names as they show in the FX Bin.
    The name that shows in the FX BIN is the plug-in's "original name" - which is probably what you are trying to change by editing the registry.
    I consider this, the showing of the plug-ins original name, a bug (in my opinion it should show the plug-in's menu name where ever you use the plug-in) and I have opened up several bug reports on it (for X2 and X3, possibly X1 & earlier as well) but the problem has yet to be addressed.
    If you think this is behavior should be changed please log a suggestion or bug report of your own.

"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils" Loius-Hector Berlioz MenuMagic - plug-in management powertools!
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 6:21 AM (permalink)
Zo, I watched your video (sorry for not watching it before posting previous reply).
Looks like you are trying to build a plug-in layout menu for the FX BIN by dragging plug-ins from plug-in menu layout assigned to the PluginBrowsersAudioEffects. 
Thats not how you do it, you cannot not take drag plug-ins from one layout menu to another.
To start out - you need to build your own plug-in layout menu either in the Plug-in Manager or in MenuMagic.
Once you build your plug-in menu layout the menu names won't change when you run the VST Scanner (they won't update or show new plug-ins either but that's another issue).
Then you can manually assign it to any of the 12 areas that use layout menus
  • AudioEffects
  • BussAudioEffects
  • BusSynths
  • ClipAudioEffects
  • PluginBrowser
  • PluginBrowsersAudioEffects
  • PlugingBrowserSynths
  • ProcessedAudioEffects
  • SynthRackSynths
  • Synths
  • TrackAudioEffects  <<< this is where you're trying to assign it to.
  • TrackSynths
or if you're using MenuMagic you could automatically assign your menu to any or all of these areas when you save your plug-in menu layout.
Hope this info helps.

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 7:28 AM (permalink)
Thks guyz ..but i think i'm not clear : the names i wanna change is not those ij the plugin layout , the plugin layout is the one i  used in X1  , i alwayz manually copy files adress form on pref panel (X1) to the other (here X3) so i have those folder location migradted 
Second : i know i can change the plugin name by double ckikikng on them in the plugin manager : i'm taliking DLL name not their names on the plugin layout : the issue is then it refresh the manager and it takes crazy time  so i simply go to registry and for each plugin i want to change the name , i do what the plugin manager does : i change the display name value in the key !! easy ....
My install is a dedicated Computer , a Cakewalk computer !! everything is solid guyz , i'm starting to wonder if the X2 uninstall didn't done some wrong or if some stuff have been left and use by X3 ....
I also do a custom install , i choose the core app , some plugins , the VS 700 system stuff ....
If you guyz can confirm that i didn't miss some ? in the install ?
What kills me is that it looks like the enhancement in workflow are great specially fior the album i'm producing and mixing , but tis week end , instead of mixing , i'm spamming you guyz here !!
Again i'm just trying to do what i ususally do since year with no issues ..
by the wya here's a video i done for some guyz here in the forum ;))

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 8:03 AM (permalink)
Thks guyz ..but i think i'm not clear : the names i wanna change is not those ij the plugin layout , the plugin layout is the one i  used in X1  , i alwayz manually copy files adress form on pref panel (X1) to the other (here X3) so i have those folder location migradted 
Second : i know i can change the plugin name by double ckikikng on them in the plugin manager : i'm taliking DLL name not their names on the plugin layout : the issue is then it refresh the manager and it takes crazy time  so i simply go to registry and for each plugin i want to change the name , i do what the plugin manager does : i change the display name value in the key !! easy ....

You are running into weird stuff because you are trying to hack the registry to do things you want.
As steven said the workflow for renaming plugins is to use plugin layouts not change the plugin names in the registry. The names there will be lost the next time you do a full scan so its a waste of  your time anyway!
Also there is another danger with doing that. X3 supports automatic VST2 to VST3 plugin migration. The logic for doing that is dependent on the *original* plugin name so changing that value will break this migration potentially (or at least part of it).  If you want different plugin names edit them in the menu layout.
Regarding the ASIO latency not being shown, it was just a minor bug in the UI that has been corrected.
Regarding scan, SONAR never does a full scan by default it only scans for changes. The only time it does so is if the user chooses "reset" or "rescan original" or "rescan failed" in the VST properties. 
plugin layout with different names showing original name in the bin. Its not a bug but a feature request :) The bin refers to the master plugin record once inserted and not the layout which is user selectable. I see your point though, but changing it means that we now have to store two names in the project file - the original name as well as the display name, something that SONAR doesn't do today. See comment about migration above for why this would be necessary. Any way we'll consider this for a future version.
What Zo is doing by renaming plugins directly is bad. Plugin manager shouldn't allow renaming directly anymore - that was a feature that was ok in older versions of SONAR. If anything if a plugin is renamed it would have to retain the original name.

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 10:01 AM (permalink)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
Thks guyz ..but i think i'm not clear : the names i wanna change is not those ij the plugin layout , the plugin layout is the one i  used in X1  , i alwayz manually copy files adress form on pref panel (X1) to the other (here X3) so i have those folder location migradted 
Second : i know i can change the plugin name by double ckikikng on them in the plugin manager : i'm taliking DLL name not their names on the plugin layout : the issue is then it refresh the manager and it takes crazy time  so i simply go to registry and for each plugin i want to change the name , i do what the plugin manager does : i change the display name value in the key !! easy ....

You are running into weird stuff because you are trying to hack the registry to do things you want.
As steven said the workflow for renaming plugins is to use plugin layouts not change the plugin names in the registry. The names there will be lost the next time you do a full scan so its a waste of  your time anyway!
Also there is another danger with doing that. X3 supports automatic VST2 to VST3 plugin migration. The logic for doing that is dependent on the *original* plugin name so changing that value will break this migration potentially (or at least part of it).  If you want different plugin names edit them in the menu layout.
Regarding the ASIO latency not being shown, it was just a minor bug in the UI that has been corrected.
Regarding scan, SONAR never does a full scan by default it only scans for changes. The only time it does so is if the user chooses "reset" or "rescan original" or "rescan failed" in the VST properties. 
plugin layout with different names showing original name in the bin. Its not a bug but a feature request :) The bin refers to the master plugin record once inserted and not the layout which is user selectable. I see your point though, but changing it means that we now have to store two names in the project file - the original name as well as the display name, something that SONAR doesn't do today. See comment about migration above for why this would be necessary. Any way we'll consider this for a future version.
What Zo is doing by renaming plugins directly is bad. Plugin manager shouldn't allow renaming directly anymore - that was a feature that was ok in older versions of SONAR. If anything if a plugin is renamed it would have to retain the original name.
(I'll be happy to post this as a suggestion once I get some sleep) 

Hi Noel,
Thanks for the clarification.
I see what you mean about the naming in the FX Bin -and while there will be some issues regardless of what is done, something should be done.
There is a problem that exists in that there can be various versions of a plug-in that use the same "FullName" and once you insert a plugin into one of the bins you then loose the ability to tell which one it is. 
For example Absynth 5 has 2 FX versions with the same name:
Absynth 5 FX.dll
Absynth 5 FX Surround.dll
once you insert it into the FX BIN you cannot tell which one it is just by looking at the name in the BIN.
In some cases you have different versions of the same plug-in installed. You might have multiple versions of a plug-in that you need to maintain because the vendor changed features and you have old project that need a specific version, etc..  
While storing the display name with the project could be an option I would think that  it might be more effective to store that info as a separate registry entry that is tied to the plug-in but not 'refreshed' if the plug-in's other info is updated.  
One thing that I think should be done is to have a plug-in ID method - where, for example, if you Alt-Right clicked on the plug-in name that a pop-up identifying the plug-in (showing menu-name, file name & path, etc.) would appear.  So where the BIN Name might show a quick reference the pop-up info would provide clarifying detail. Currently Alt-Right click appears to not be used... 
Thanks again for jumping in on the thread.

"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils" Loius-Hector Berlioz MenuMagic - plug-in management powertools!
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 11:29 AM (permalink)
If i was Zo, then i would open up my saved X1 plugin menu file in X3 then save as to the correct X3 folder.

I was bewildered on the upgrade from X2 to X3, i "lost" my customised menu. But after putting the thinking cap on i opened up the X2 customised menu file (still have X2 installed), added the X3 specific vst's and then saved it to the Correct X3 folder. Not exactly rocket science !


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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 11:42 AM (permalink)
Thks Noel !!
First : of course i didn't check the options to rescan ....what i think is that when i delated a VST 3 default scan option , X3 re created that link and then X1 rezscanned the whole thing , this is the only thing i see ......i choose manuel scanning (in X3) ...double check if this option isn't corrupting pre X3 settings ....please
Second : the registry thing is exactly what the cakewalk manager does ..and i don't want names in the plugi nlayout to bechanged but in the FX !!! or make some descent FX bin and we will stop this nonsense !!
Third : migration and reference are mostly done by ID , not names  ....not 100 % but most dev base themselve on ID ....
anyway under than that my issue is that some FACTS are there :
1) the plugin layout access /selection (from some areas like tracks/bus FX bin)  IS weird from time to time and i KNOW how to use it .
2)Also the acces to the plugin management from those areas isn't working time to time 
3)Deleting the AUD .ini solved this issue !! (yep the FX bin stuff ..i know it'w weird)
4) The asio Panel got some weirdeness 
5) Zero improvement on the VS 700 switch latency (from tracks to bus via the console ...working great pre X1D upadte !)
Those are the things i and other have noticed ...

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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 11:50 AM (permalink)
In some cases you have different versions of the same plug-in installed. You might have multiple versions of a plug-in that you need to maintain because the vendor changed features and you have old project that need a specific version, etc..  
While storing the display name with the project could be an option I would think that  it might be more effective to store that info as a separate registry entry that is tied to the plug-in but not 'refreshed' if the plug-in's other info is updated.  
One thing that I think should be done is to have a plug-in ID method - where, for example, if you Alt-Right clicked on the plug-in name that a pop-up identifying the plug-in (showing menu-name, file name & path, etc.) would appear.  So where the BIN Name might show a quick reference the pop-up info would provide clarifying detail. Currently Alt-Right click appears to not be used... 

Storing it in the registry has some disadvantages:
- its global for all versions of SONAR. If you made a change for a project and saved it, then changed the name in the registry later, the next time you open the project it would be different.
- A reset operation clears the registry so any customizations will be lost. Its not practical to try and retain that across rescan operations.
I think the best solution would be to have plugin friendly names saved per project. Regarding the extra info for the plugins, I suppose we could enhance the inspector to display plugin information when you click on one. We could also do plugin tooltips in the future.

Noel Borthwick
Senior Manager Audio Core, BandLab
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Re: My afternoon with X3 : heaven and hell ! October 12, 13 12:30 AM (permalink)
Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
I think the best solution would be to have plugin friendly names saved per project. Regarding the extra info for the plugins, I suppose we could enhance the inspector to display plugin information when you click on one. We could also do plugin tooltips in the future.

That would be cool. :)

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