Helpful ReplyAny convolution reverb recommendations?

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Re: Any convolution reverb recommendations? 2014/03/06 16:26:34 (permalink)

So I will say that I broke down and bought spaces, because they have the best impulses EVAR, and it seems to work fine with no issues. I don't have the problems I do with Play. However, I still don't like EastWest :P... but man does Spaces sound good.

Congratulation with the new purchased Reverb , i heard some of the music
there and it do seem to have very real sounding spaces that is also what i look for too.
What i found out, if you have good Impulses, then Convolution Reverb is the most
accurate and great sounding Reverbs, open, detailed and clear and real. 

not all the " mambo-jamba " sounds that i can easy create myself with a long reverb tail and some delay's etc.

Thanks for the info on Waves IR Reverb
but i must admit i am no waves fan . . . 
they seem to have issues when you gonna try activate and so forth at least some plugins
some also is very cpu, hungry, then expensive too.
Popular, yes, but for me no..


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Re: Any convolution reverb recommendations? 2014/03/06 17:47:14 (permalink)
Well you could consider Spaces. If you sniff around you can find it for $200-250 from vendors online. Also you can get on EW's newsletter, they do a few sales a year where it could go below that. It is low CPU usage and the impulses are amazing. There aren't all that many, but they are great. They also are categorized by what instruments they are good for.
If you buy it from a 3rd part vendor, the code you get is not likely to work to activate and you'll have to e-mail them to get it fixed and get the license on your iLok.
Also, as mentioned, you need an iLok, it doesn't come with one.
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