Re: Missing Plugins
2014/03/03 21:21:22
The advanced install of SONAR is the way to select individual components to install. V-Vocal is not a separately installable plug-in. To get V-Vocal installed will require installing an older version of the SONAR program itself, although it is not necessary to install all the other components.
The Rapture failure is most likely a project reference to the DXi version of Rapture. This version predates the X-series SONAR. The best way to get the DXi version of Rapture working along with the VST version is to uninstall the current version of Rapture (including the registry entries), install the old version (authenticate using the original credentials) and patching with the files from the Rapture support page. Then re-install the add on libraries.
If you have custom samples and programs, create a copy of the current Rapture, both the "Program Files" and ProgramData directories before uninstall. Then re-integrate the files after the re-install. If a copy is made, you can skip re-install of the add-on libraries and use this copy instead.