Automation won't read unless I also leave the "Write" button on!

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2014/04/11 14:02:06 (permalink)

Automation won't read unless I also leave the "Write" button on!

I seem to be experiencing some glitches in Sonar x3e intermittently. On some song, if I draw an envelope or use the automation button (Touch overwrite or latch), it will record the automation but won't play it back UNLESS I have both the Read and Write buttons enabled. 
Only intermittently but very annoying as I have to copy tracks or export files to a brand new project to see if that instance will work.
Anyone else have this problem and does anyone have any suggestions? I can't think of any settings I need to review...
Thanks in advance
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Re: Automation won't read unless I also leave the "Write" button on! 2014/04/11 20:26:35 (permalink)
Offset mode?

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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Re: Automation won't read unless I also leave the "Write" button on! 2014/04/11 21:00:44 (permalink)
Hi gswits...thanks for responding. Offset mode? I tried a mock-up of this. Imported an audio file and played with the automation. You're right. In offset mode the automation works only when you leave the Write button enabled.
I will now go and check the real file and see if this is the case. I really hope it is. If it is, I must have clicked this mode accidentally as I don't really understand offset much and don't use it!!
Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.
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Re: Automation won't read unless I also leave the "Write" button on! 2014/04/11 21:15:57 (permalink)
NP. Read the helpfile on it. The o key turns it on. Usually folks hit it by accident and get all outa whack.
It's not that hard to undo the damage, but you'll want to read the helpfile on it so you understand offset mode and what it does.

StudioCat > I use Windows 10 and Sonar Platinum. I have a touch screen.
I make some videos. This one shows how to do a physical loopback on the RME UCX to get many more equalizer nodes.
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