AudioSnap issue - Need help from the gurus...
AudioSnap is one feature I have not used in Sonar so consider this a noob question...
I want to create a cover of an existing song (including tempo variations) which I imported into Sonar. I enabled AudioSnap on the existing song track, and then in the AudioSnap palette selected Tempo > Set Project from Clip. This created a tempo map for the whole project that matches quite well with the song, which has a somewhat varying tempo throughout, with average tempo of 171 (the song is Surrender by ELO if you want to try and repro the issue).
However, there are 3 measures where the tempo map have not been set properly. The weird thing is that the transient markers around these measures are exactly on the correct places in the clip, however for some reason Sonar misaligned the song measures with these transient markers (everywhere else the markers are spot-on with the measure start positions).
To explain better, see this:
Image link [can't get embedded link to work, sorry]
Notice how the markers up to measure 18 are aligned properly with the measures. However measures 19, 20 and 21 are lagging the markers, meaning the tempo for measure 18 was set too slow, resulting in measure 19 starting late. However at measure 22, things are back in sync again, and is so for the rest of the song.
I played with all the AudioSnap settings, however it insists on starting those measures late no matter what I set the options to. To confirm again, the markers at measures 19, 20 and 21 are at the correct transient positions in the song, so moving them will not fix the problem since they are already at the correct locations.
I also know I can edit the tempo map manually but I'd like to rely on AudioSnap to do it since editing it will make everything later in the song be incorrect timing wise.
So do any of the AudioSnap gurus know how to get it to sync everything up properly?