Yamaha 01V as a control surface

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July 22, 16 9:29 PM (permalink)

Yamaha 01V as a control surface

Hi All,
Back in the day.. like Version 5 and possibly 6, I was able to use my Yamaha 01V digital mixer as a control surface for Sonar and all was well with the world - to an extent...  I could control faders and aux sends, but no EQ control or an other plugins which was fine, because I rarely automate EQ.  The lack of EQ control was because the plugin did not support it.
Then along comes V7 with ACT, and it broke. I still have the 01V control surface plugin for sonar, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.  I am currently on X2, (I just installed X2a during the week) but the control surface functionality has not improved.  Currently when I attempt to add the 01V Control Surface plugin and assign it MIDI in and out ports, and click ok, the result in the control surfaces list is that the ports (which I just clicked on) are not listed with the device.  This unassigned MIDI ports thing is new.  I used to be able to insert the plugin and use some faders for a period before I had to delete the surface, shutdown Sonar, and/or uninstall and reinstall the plugin, restart Sonar, add control surface etc..
Any body have similar trouble with Sonar remembering port assignments with a different controller?  I assume the 01V is not a common choice, given I had 0 search results here.

Rode NT2, NT3, AKG D112, Shure SM57 & SM58, Alctron RM10
Yamaha 01V w ADAT, Focusrite Octopre w ADAT & Octopre LE w ADAT, RME HDSP9652
Sonar X2
Mackie HR824, B***r HA4700

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    Michayl Asaph
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 0:28 PM (permalink)
    check here, maybe post on "wishes" for a preset to be made, although there may already be a preset for your unit. I have a Roland SI-24, love using it, with this software and a preset Alexey made for me, everything, and I do mean "everything" works in Sonar Plat. 64 bit... it's like new life was giving to the unit. Amazing software!!!!
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 9:32 AM (permalink)
    I have just started down that route in the last couple of days.. I have been capturing MIDI data most of the day with MIDI Ox in preparation to make a preset. There's a lot of data logging and careful labelling required.

    The 01V talks in SysEx a lot, which is not currently supported for input in AZ CS. The MIDI implementation table in the user manual is only a fraction of what is in the console. Current thinking is to use Bome MIDI Translator to change the SysEx into CC messages and back again for automation feedback. Channel 1 controls (B0) is filled by Yamaha default messages already, but channels 2-16 are available for translation - just gotta count how many messages need translating.. *reads MIDI spec* 15 x 120 controllers available plus 16 channels of note on, polyphonic after touch and channel aftertouch each. It'll be fine - I doubt very much that there are that many messages in the 01V. :)
    post edited by MobileStudioGuy - July 23, 16 10:02 AM
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 10:09 AM (permalink)
    The 01V talks in SysEx a lot, which is not currently supported for input in AZ CS.

    Common... that was 2 days ago! Since yesterday evening they are supported (in the latest test version)

    Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity, REAPER, Windows 10 pro
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    RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc.
    www.azslow.com - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 11:09 AM (permalink)
    I knew you were good, but damn that is quick.
    I'll be downloading in a couple of minutes.

    Mind blown Alexey!!
    Cactus Music
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 11:24 AM (permalink)
    Hey are you aware of the User group for the O1v? Lot's of stuff in the archives there including stuff on Sonar.
    I still have the 01V ,we just used it at a gig the other day.. never used it as a control surface but I've seen it done. I guess I should think about it ( again) but it takes up a little to much room on my workspace. It's way off to the side. 
    You go to the "files " link to find stuff. 

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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    Michayl Asaph
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 1:45 PM (permalink)
    The guy rocks.... so does his software!
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 2:06 PM (permalink)
    Oh know.... that means I have to read much more than lengthy manual...
    Just joking! Thank you for the link

    Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity, REAPER, Windows 10 pro
    GA-EP35-DS3L, E7500, 4GB, GTX 1050 Ti, 2x500GB
    RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc.
    www.azslow.com - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools
    Michayl Asaph
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 23, 16 9:51 PM (permalink)
    Truly Great and helpful man!
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 24, 16 3:08 AM (permalink)
    Cactus Music
     I should think about it ( again) but it takes up a little to much room on my workspace. It's way off to the side. 

    here's my mobile studio setup..   photo
    01V on Top (Actually the colour labels you see on the mixer face are for the old control surface commands),
    Behringer Headphone amp,
    Focusrite Octopre LE,
    Focusrite Octopre,
    PC with Sonar and Goldwave for simple stereo recordings and MP3 conversion and Powerpoint for projection if required.
    DIY mixer rack - original intended to finish with a lid and front and back covers, but it spends the majority of it's life in the studio so never got around to finishing it..
    And YES!!!  Alexey is an unusually talented and helpful specimen of the human race.
    post edited by MobileStudioGuy - July 24, 16 9:25 AM
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 24, 16 12:44 AM (permalink)
    The 01V talks in SysEx a lot, which is not currently supported for input in AZ CS.

    Common... that was 2 days ago! Since yesterday evening they are supported (in the latest test version)

    Haha- that is beyond brilliant Alexey! If only all developers were like you:)

    Sonar Platinum 2017-09, Studio One 3.5.3, Win 10 x64, Quad core i7, RME Fireface, Behringer X32 Producer, Behringer X32 Rack, Presonus Faderport, Lemure Software Controller (Android), Enttec DMXIS VST lighting controller, Xtempo POK.
    Cactus Music
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    Re: Yamaha 01V as a control surface July 25, 16 10:21 AM (permalink)
    Nice rig. I used to build my own racks. They get heavy.  
    I'm hoping to rebuild my studio this winter in the oposite corner of my attic. It's a tuff call to figure the old 01v into the design. I have a felling ther old girl will last an other couple of years yet. I don't like to take it out and about but I needed 14 channels for this gig and all my other mixers are small. My long time partner looked at it and laughed at me " I can't believe your still using that old thing!"  But he remembered how to use the Aux to set his floor wedge and even add a little reverb.  

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
    3 Desktops and 3 Laptops W7 and W10
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