[SOLVED] Not so nice from Cakewalk with my account
OK, I'll try to explain as good as possible what happened.
I moved from Luxembourg to Germany and don't have access anymore to my Luxembourg e-mail address (with which I created an account a few years ago).
I wrote to Cakewalk a few months ago already to ask if it was possible to create a new account and that my previous registration codes and information could be migrated to my new account. After a few months of waiting (:-() I received now an e-mail that I could create a new account and that Cakewalk would manually migrate my old account into the new one.
Today, I reset my computer because it was very very slow and I started to install my software all over again. Sonar Home studio 6xl, put the serial number (which I have on the CD) and when opening the program, it says : please register online and put your registration code. I still had my registration code from my previous account, but what happens ???
Cakewalk says that this serial number seems to be of another customer (off course, myself, but with the previous account)...so I can't put the registration code and therefore I don't have access to my software...
I therefore wanted to call Cakewalk (even if it's overseas and expensive) to ask them to set this right immediately but when I click to support by phone, Cakewalk says that with my new account, I don't have any registered software, so I can't call them....
So, instead of recording some music tonight : I can't do anything but wait until Cakewalk wants to migrate my accounts and let me introduce the registration code...
Solange Coussement
bollendorf, Germany
post edited by Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk] - September 16, 16 8:29 PM