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found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
Hey Everyone!- I just accidentally found some very useful keyboard shortcuts that follow using the "Application" button on a standard large windows keyboard... wow! One I've wanted is an easy way to un-solo all, another dis-arm all tracks. (The Application key has an image of a mouse pointer on a menu (between the Alt and Ctrl keys (  ) to the right of your Space Bar). ok, just hit the Application key, then "S" that will unsolo anything that's solo'ed, same principle with Application Key, then "R"- that will disarm all enabled tracks. There are other things you can do easily this way, too, like add tracks, etc... I just never tried it before... Another thing I just noticed, though I should have used before (!)- is to press and hold the "Alt" key or the "Ctrl" key while scrolling. Gives you a nice zoom utility or you can go forward or backward in your timeline. OK you guys have probably been hip to this already- but in case no one had noticed before- just thought I'd turn you on to it. HTH- Ev
Win7 Pro 64 bit sp1, i7-960 Intel processor, 8 gig RAM, SSD 64gig boot drive, Samsung F3 1TB D drive, nVidia Quadro 600 video card, Gigabyte X58A mobo, LG Blu-ray drive, 500 Gig E, F Drives, dual-monitors: 26" each, 2 X Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 ASIO hardware I/O's, Tascam US-428 control surface, Sonar 8.5.3 and X1 Producer, Avid Media Composer 5.0.4, Vintage 42-input Amek console, much outboard analog audio gear, acoustic world instruments, and noise toys!
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 26, 11 1:52 AM
COOl tips man... thanks for sharing hey but the solo and arm only works on the track i have selected... i cant unsolo al of the tracks if i have soloed various tracks... how do you do it Rolo.
post edited by rolo95 - June 26, 11 1:57 AM
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 26, 11 2:40 AM
rolo95 COOl tips man... thanks for sharing hey but the solo and arm only works on the track i have selected... i cant unsolo al of the tracks if i have soloed various tracks... how do you do it Rolo. The Playback State Toolbar has a button for that. When no tracks are soloed it looks like this. The M is lit because i have tracks Muted. When one, or more, tracks are soloed the S button turns green. If you click the Green S, it de-selects all tracks. If you click it when it is NOT green it will solo all non-archived tracks. The R button works the same way for record. If you arm one, or more, tracks the R button turns red. If you click the red R it de-arms (dis-arms?) all the tracks. If you click the R when no tracks are armed, it arms all the non-archived tracks.
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 26, 11 2:41 AM
Great tips Evan. I found that if you have highlighted multiple tracks rolo, you can solo, mute, archive, arm or whatever. If you have keybindings already assigned (as I do), that may cause the page to stop (then there's an extra click as you would have to select whatever you want manually (I have my "M" button keybound for my console, so when I want to mute, I hit app key, then scroll down to mute). Still faster then trying to click each one.
Arlen aka Mr Grant my music Cakewalk by Bandlab, Sonar Platinum (2017.09) & X3e , Windows 7 64 bit, Intel I5 3.4 Ghz, 32 Gbs RAM, Saffire Pro40, various pres and VSTi's.
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 26, 11 2:41 AM
rolo95 COOl tips man... thanks for sharing hey but the solo and arm only works on the track i have selected... i cant unsolo al of the tracks if i have soloed various tracks... how do you do it Rolo. The Playback State Toolbar has a button for that. When no tracks are soloed it looks like this. The M is lit because i have tracks Muted. When one, or more, tracks are soloed the S button turns green. If you click the Green S, it de-selects all tracks. If you click it when it is NOT green it will solo all non-archived tracks. The R button works the same way for record. If you arm one, or more, tracks the R button turns red. If you click the red R it de-arms (dis-arms?) all the tracks. If you click the R when no tracks are armed, it arms all the non-archived tracks.
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 26, 11 2:47 AM
Thanks Chappel, Knew about those already, but somehow had forgotten about the app button.  I use the playback state toolbar all the time, plus when you solo a track, the status is show at the bottom (same for the mute state). If you click on it, it's the same as if you were to click the toolbar (only to deselect though).
Arlen aka Mr Grant my music Cakewalk by Bandlab, Sonar Platinum (2017.09) & X3e , Windows 7 64 bit, Intel I5 3.4 Ghz, 32 Gbs RAM, Saffire Pro40, various pres and VSTi's.
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 26, 11 8:11 AM
hey Rolo- The APPLICATION KEY just opens the menu of what you've recently clicked (at least inside Sonar 8.5.3, as far as I know- don't know X1)- if you've clicked on the tracks bar, when you press the application key it opens a track menu, just hitting a single letter like S or R accomplishes what that key is short for in the menu. So if you swipe a set of tracks to solo, Application key> S will unsolo all those tracks. As far as what Chappel says, yeah, the toolbar button does that too, in many ways much easier, but it requires mousing- which is what this here tip tries to AVOID! I really like shortcuts... better than mousing! A while ago there was a thread about finding a keyboard shortcut to unsolo all- and the only way we thought it could be done is cntrl A> shift S (select all, solo all) then shift S again (unsolo's all). This only worked for me because all my track shortcuts are mapped with "shift" as a modifier. But there wasn't a KEYBOARD shortcut available to "safe all" or unsolo all" in a simple form, (like clicking the toolbar- but just a key). I'm still learning how to use the Application key in Sonar- the menu it gives you, and the hot keys which that menu offers- depend on what you've recently clicked on... so it's not as perfect as just clicking on the toolbar. But it's one more way to avoid the mouse(!) which is good for me! Since I usually have a cello, electric guitar, etc, in one hand, a bow in the other, a beer in my lap and a fattie in my mouth- plus a remote control or two... I'm always looking for less work to do- you know... I'm a musician.
post edited by evansmalley - June 26, 11 8:49 AM
Win7 Pro 64 bit sp1, i7-960 Intel processor, 8 gig RAM, SSD 64gig boot drive, Samsung F3 1TB D drive, nVidia Quadro 600 video card, Gigabyte X58A mobo, LG Blu-ray drive, 500 Gig E, F Drives, dual-monitors: 26" each, 2 X Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 ASIO hardware I/O's, Tascam US-428 control surface, Sonar 8.5.3 and X1 Producer, Avid Media Composer 5.0.4, Vintage 42-input Amek console, much outboard analog audio gear, acoustic world instruments, and noise toys!
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
June 27, 11 5:51 AM
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
September 14, 16 10:06 AM
rogeriodec.com.br* Cakewalk By Bandlabs (always lastest versions), Window 10 x64* Focusrite Scarlett Solo Audio Interface* Intel i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00 GHz / ASROCK EXTREME 4 Z97 Mobo* 2 SSD Samsung Evo 250 Gb (RAID-0) + 1 Western Digital 2 Tb + 1 Seagate 1 Tb* Onboard video / 16 Gb RAM HyperX Fury 1600 Mhz* 3 LCD Monitors* Axiom 61 MIDI Controller, Tapco S5 Active Studio Monitors
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
September 14, 16 12:28 AM
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Re:found accidentally- great shortcuts with "Application" button!
September 14, 16 1:00 PM
RSMCGUITAR This post is from 2011
And yet there is still no native Sonar hotkey to unsolo all tracks ...
rogeriodec.com.br* Cakewalk By Bandlabs (always lastest versions), Window 10 x64* Focusrite Scarlett Solo Audio Interface* Intel i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00 GHz / ASROCK EXTREME 4 Z97 Mobo* 2 SSD Samsung Evo 250 Gb (RAID-0) + 1 Western Digital 2 Tb + 1 Seagate 1 Tb* Onboard video / 16 Gb RAM HyperX Fury 1600 Mhz* 3 LCD Monitors* Axiom 61 MIDI Controller, Tapco S5 Active Studio Monitors