Lynx L22 and sonar

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October 08, 16 8:21 PM (permalink)

Lynx L22 and sonar

I'm having problems getting sound from Sonar.  It works perfectly in PT12 so it's something specific to sonar.  The levels show that sound is being produced in sonar.  It's just not getting to the Lynx.  If I play something in sonar, get the green meters showing that there's sound, but go to the control panel sound, it's not showing that the audio  is going through to the lynx.  I have windows 10 and SPLAT

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    Re: Lynx L22 and sonar October 08, 16 8:33 PM (permalink)
    There are many reasons that could happen...misset preferences, something in Windows taking over the audio before SONAR gets to it, a setting in the Lynx applet, etc.
    Since it works in PT12 you might want to look at how PT12's parameters relate to audio, and try to duplicate those same relationships within SONAR.

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    Re: Lynx L22 and sonar October 08, 16 9:18 PM (permalink)
    Which driver are you using?  If ASIO, it may be that another program is latching on and not letting go of the L22.  That happens here sometimes.  I have Sonar/Preferences set to share but it does make a difference which program opens first. e.g. if I open Edge and play audio/video, I cannot then leave Edge open and open Sonar and get sound.  However, if I open Sonar first, I can open Edge and play media (or at least record sound in Sonar).  I have the L22 and also use Reaper & Vegas.  It does happen with other software although Sonar may be a bit pickier - don't remember how the other programs react.
    Not at the computer atm but I do remember some peculiarities especially using ASIO.  More information on your circumstances would be helpful.
    post edited by fwrend - October 08, 16 9:57 PM
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    Re: Lynx L22 and sonar October 09, 16 4:49 PM (permalink)
    What does the Lynx Mixer app show? Any output? Make sure the outs aren't muted!
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    Re: Lynx L22 and sonar October 09, 16 8:27 PM (permalink)
    What does the Lynx Mixer app show? Any output? Make sure the outs aren't muted!

    So I got it working, but sonar insists I use certain (different) outputs which I have to switch before I start sonar.  so as of now I have to 1. manually start the pace license service for the ilok stuff, and I have to 2. change playback devices before I start sonar.  No biggy, kind of a hassle though.  The card sounds so different than other interfaces I've used.  Not sure if it's better fidelity and converters, but it sure is different.  My mixes are all wrong now!
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