No TH3 for me! [SOLVED]

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June 04, 16 4:17 PM (permalink)

No TH3 for me! [SOLVED]

Well, I never heard from cake regarding my issues with TH3, so today I am out of the last 15 day trial, and it says I have to wait
64 weeks before I can have another trial! Are you kidding me!?!
This has been going on since the 2016.04 update, which installed TH3. I have had no help from support.
I guess my only option is going to uninstall SPLAT, and try again.
The following thread helped me straighten the out:
post edited by rworkman - June 20, 16 11:37 AM

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 04, 16 4:22 PM (permalink)
    I never got an answer for my issue either. After reinstalling Sonar, the boutique bundle, etc, about 20 times I could finally open TH3 without Sonar crashing. 
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 04, 16 4:43 PM (permalink)
    [font="%value"]I don't have any crash issues, TH3 is blank unless I run in DEMO mode for 15 days at a time. I've rolled back the boutique effects and reinstalled, hoping that would correct the problem, but it didn't.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 10:28 AM (permalink)
    I have Waves' GTR 3 and NI's Guitar Rig 5, both of which also run standalone.
    Is there any substantive reason for me to deal with TH3?
    Side note: I find the tuner in Guitar Rig more accurate (stable) and easier to use than the one in GTR. How is the TH3 tuner?

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 5:50 PM (permalink)
    personally I think the free Amplitube version just sounds way better (it also comes quite well equiped as a free version, pedals, amps, cabinets, mics etc etc all included).
    could give that a try and perhaps that solves your TH3 probs for good.
    good luck
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 5:54 PM (permalink)
    Free Amplitube?? and where would I find this?
    I'm actually right in the process of doing a clean install of Cakewalk to see if that will straighten things out.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 6:06 PM (permalink)
    just did a quick search it seems you can only get Amplitube 3 free version now.....but I remember I didn't notice a difference in sound comparing 3 and 4.
    and I didn't think of that TH3 might be an improvement on TH2 comes to me now....I then compared TH2 to Amplitube 3 and to my ears Amplitube sounded quite a lot more realistic....but if TH3 is a big step forward from TH2 soundwise I can't say it's not as good as Amplitube 3.
    Anyway, you could try for yourself....good luck.
    Oh, and personally I would try to prevent reinstalling Sonar and only do that as a last option/rescue....
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 7:57 PM (permalink)
    I've been going through the reinstall process for the last few hours. I didn't have much choice. I tried to get help from cake, but they never got back to me, and no one else must have had this problem.
    Reinstall is no biggie, I saved all my project templates and such, so I just hope this will straighten out this issue.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 10:13 PM (permalink)
    Now I'm really getting aggravated with Sonar. Totally reinstalled everything, and now I don't have TH3 at all.
    I just uninstalled Boutique Effects and reinstalled, scanned vsts, nothing. I know it should show up in the VST3 plugins.
    It does no good to contact Cakewalk, as I've been waiting nearly a month and a half for a reply...ridiculous!

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 10:18 PM (permalink)
    Now I'm really getting aggravated with Sonar. Totally reinstalled everything, and now I don't have TH3 at all.
    I just uninstalled Boutique Effects and reinstalled, scanned vsts, nothing. I know it should show up in the VST3 plugins.
    It does no good to contact Cakewalk, as I've been waiting nearly a month and a half for a reply...ridiculous!

    isn't it a little small of you to complain about a free trial ?
    I mean im not trying to make you sound petty or anything but there are so many amp sims out there, free ones too.
    if your that bent on getting a free trial of TH3 though, just do to overloud and get it there.
    its also worth noting that the free trial page for cakewalk says nothing about TH3 free trial.
    it says TH2

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 05, 16 10:31 PM (permalink)
    I am not complaining about a Free Trial! Platinum update (2016.04) included the update from TH2 to TH3!
    It ran once, and then required an authorization, I've had to run in demo mode for a month, now it tells me I have to wait 64 weeks before I get another demo period. It's NOT a demo, it's part of the 2016.04 update! It is the TH3 Cakewalk version. And yes, I pay for the updates, I want them!

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 9:04 AM (permalink)
    ^sounds totally aggravating, and very weird.. 
    cant understand why it went to a demo mode, as the CW version is a stripped down TH3 locked to use within Sonar...
    if you uninstalled, did you do any form of registry cleaning?.. as pretty much no uninstall actually uninstalls everything.. if not, then this is likely why you had the same issue twice.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 9:23 AM (permalink)
    Yes, it is unusual and appears to be unique to this user (at least on the forum). I know Cakewalk support has had some trouble keeping up but they or Overloud may be the only source of resolution for this issue. It might be fixable with a reinstall, IDK.
    The plug-in is the full version of TH3 with three modes of operation:
    1. When running in a version of SONAR which supports it, the plug-in should run as the lite version TH3 Cakewalk.
    2. When running in an unsupported Cakewalk DAW (IOW an older version or different product such as Music Creator) the plug-in runs the standard Overloud TH3 demo. The plug-in may also go into demo mode in DAWs by other manufacturers, I have not tested that. Demo mode can also be run in a supported version of SONAR just like it in other DAWs to try out the full version. I was under the impression the plug-in would revert to the lite version when the demo expired.
    3. The same version when licensed will run the full version of TH3.
    I expect running the uninstall of the Boutique Suite or SONAR itself would not be enough. The plug-in probably has manufacturer specific registry entries and files which are not removed using the uninstaller. This is typical of Windows uninstallers.
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:12 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the replies, Scook and Mystic.
    This may be minor to some, but it's been bugging the heck out of me. When I first updated to 2016.04, I ran TH3 and all was fine. The next day, all of the components were grayed out, and the only way I could use it was to run in the 15 day demo mode. Did this twice, and then it ended telling me I'd have to wait for 64 weeks to run demo again!
    Decided to do a fresh install, per Sonar's directions. Removed, and deleted instructed registry entries.
    Now TH3 doesn't even show up in the plugin scan. It really has me baffled.
    Unfortunately, I've been trying to get help from cake, and all I get are confirmation emails with case numbers.
    I'm no more than a hobbyist, at best, but I would like to be able to use it when I need it.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:24 AM (permalink)
    I do not know how many times demo mode may be used. To my knowledge this situation is unique. The plug-in may have failed during scanning. There is an option in Preferences > File > VST Settings to scan failed plug-ins. This might bring the plug-in back. What are the case numbers? Have you tried sending a PM to one of the staff with the numbers?
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:26 AM (permalink)
    It does run in the light version until one chooses to run it in demo mode and it's goodies kick in for a limited time.
    Sounds to me like you wanted to check it out and chose the demo mode rather than playing with the light version and when the time limit expired you wanted to try to extend the time frame by reloading Sonar hoping to reset the demo time limit.
    If you paid for authorization after the demo time limit expired I missed that part.
    If I'm right...geeze, pay them for authorization to run it.
    If I'm wrong...sorry and good luck.
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:30 AM (permalink)
    I may be wrong but I though when the demo expires, it would revert to the lite version. The way I read these threads (there have been a couple about this issue):
    the plug-in worked in lite mode the first day,
    failed the second day so the user switched on demo mode
    since then the plug-in has never reverted to lite mode.
    If this is not the correct chain of events and it is a matter of wanting more than lite mode makes available then yes, it does require purchasing the full version.
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:39 AM (permalink)
    Scook, your exactly right. I ran what a assumed to be the normal Cakewalk version fine, the first time. The next day when I loaded TH3, NONE of the components were available (all were grayed out), it then prompted me to authorize.
    My only option was to run in demo mode.
    It does run in the light version until one chooses to run it in demo mode and it's goodies kick in for a limited time.
    Sounds to me like you wanted to check it out and chose the demo mode rather than playing with the light version and when the time limit expired you wanted to try to extend the time frame by reloading Sonar hoping to reset the demo time limit.
    If you paid for authorization after the demo time limit expired I missed that part.
    If I'm right...geeze, pay them for authorization to run it.
    If I'm wrong...sorry and good luck.

    Why should I have to pay for an authorization, when I should have the Cakewalk version?

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:42 AM (permalink)
    Then we are back to case numbers and maybe a PM.
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:46 AM (permalink)
    Case No# 315568 (4/27/16), 316998 (5/16/2016).
    Submitted another yesterday, but haven't received confirmation yet.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:50 AM (permalink)
    I can send a PM for you if you wish; cannot guarantee anything though. I see there are 6 call back slots available on Jun 8 right now.
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 10:54 AM (permalink)
    Scook, your exactly right. I ran what a assumed to be the normal Cakewalk version fine, the first time. The next day when I loaded TH3, NONE of the components were available (all were grayed out), it then prompted me to authorize.
    My only option was to run in demo mode.
    It does run in the light version until one chooses to run it in demo mode and it's goodies kick in for a limited time.
    Sounds to me like you wanted to check it out and chose the demo mode rather than playing with the light version and when the time limit expired you wanted to try to extend the time frame by reloading Sonar hoping to reset the demo time limit.
    If you paid for authorization after the demo time limit expired I missed that part.
    If I'm right...geeze, pay them for authorization to run it.
    If I'm wrong...sorry and good luck.

    Why should I have to pay for an authorization, when I should have the Cakewalk version?

     You shouldn't. I didn't say you should. I said if you liked it from running it in demo mode with all its goodies past the expiration then you may want to buy it-get it authorized.
    Now it sounds like you want to run it in light version after you ran it in demo mode past the time limit.
    Hope you figure it out.
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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 11:18 AM (permalink)
    I guess it's just a unique case. Thanks to all who've offered suggestions, hopefully Cakewalk will eventually help me get this straightened out. Until then I'll just have to be happy with my Amplitube plugs.
    Thanks again.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! June 06, 16 11:27 AM (permalink)
    [font="%value"]I don't have any crash issues, TH3 is blank unless I run in DEMO mode for 15 days at a time. I've rolled back the boutique effects and reinstalled, hoping that would correct the problem, but it didn't.

     This issue is not just in Sonar.  The demo popup window freezes in FL Studio.  The problem is TH3.

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    Re: No TH3 for me! December 06, 16 1:09 PM (permalink)
    TH3 should work fine, but I've discovered that, when used as a plugin, hosts sometimes "choke" on it a bit. The reason seems to be that they expose ALL of their parameters for all available amps, cabs, effects etc... regardless of what is currently loaded and used.
    So if you just have an amp and a cab - TH3 still provides the host with thousands of parameters. I've asked them to fix this so we'll see if one of the updates does, but this may just be a case of waiting a bit and see if the host catches up. Some hosts seems to handle it (Logic Pro X), but every time the playhead reaches a point where a midi command is sent to TH3 - the entire application freezes for a heartbeat. No impact on audio though. 
    Seems not to be happening in our plugin host for live performance (Gig Performer), but this should really be addressed by the plugin creators themselves.

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