Helpful ReplyBrand new super bad system settings questions

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October 31, 17 1:48 PM (permalink)

Brand new super bad system settings questions

Hey everyone,
Just got my new dream machine PC up and running.
But I'm still noticing both dropouts in synth plugin playback and a sluggish behavior of Sonar in general.

I haven't done much to optimize things in Windows 10 Pro yet. Also, the project is from the saved Projects folder from the past system. Could the saved project be corrupted and causing Sonar to act sluggish? I don't notice it at all times just every now and then. The screen scrolling and movement seems jittery, not smooth, something that has always been the case with my Sonar unfortunately.
I'm hoping to buy the U-he Diva soft synth, which is known to tax CPU's very hard. Surely my latest gen hardware should be up to the task, right?
As always, if any of you agents are caught or killed, the agency will disavow any knowledge of your involvement.
Thank you and good luck, Jim! lol
New system:
MSI SLI Plus X299 motherboard
Intel Core i7 7820X (8 cores)
16gb Crucial Ballistix Elite DDR4 3200 RAM
Samsung 960 EVO Pro M.2 SSD 512GB (OS)
Samsung 850 EVO SSD 250GB (storage)
WD Velociraptor 1TB HDD (storage)
MSI AMD RX580 4GB graphics
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8
Akai MPK261 keyboard controller
Sonar Platinum

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
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Samsung EVO 850 250GB SSD (storage)
WD Velociraptor 1TB HDD (storage)
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions October 31, 17 2:32 PM (permalink)
Did you update the RX580's drivers yet (Not the disc that came with the card) but on MSI website ?
Here's the downloads page for the 4G:
 I could be wrong but I also believe net framework 4.0 is required for this card. Windows update or go to the source(MS).
I would start there. If that doesn't work, make sure you have the latest Focusrite driver. I thought someone mentioned a beta was released a few months back. Im still using the original one (for the 18I8) but im using windows 8.1.

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions October 31, 17 3:08 PM (permalink)
You should also go through Window's settings and turn off Game Mode plus check the USB settings and general power management settings. Be sure none of them is turning USB ports off to save power.
Updating drivers, power management settings and making sure there's no conflicting audio devices is about all you need to worry about in Win 10. You're system sounds great. 

Regards, John 
 I want to make it clear that I am an Eedjit. I have no direct, or indirect, knowledge of business, the music industry, forum threads or the meaning of life. I know about amps.
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions October 31, 17 5:22 PM (permalink)
Run Latency Monitor too:
But sounds like a graphic issue. 
And always a good idea when you have interup issues to disable your internet while troubleshooting. 
One thing a lot found was causing trouble is HD Audio driver. I think it drives the speakers built in monitors over HDMI , disable in device manager. 

Johnny V  
Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions October 31, 17 10:00 PM (permalink)
Chuckebaby, I think I got the right drivers from the AMD site, but I'll check again.
Ampfixer, thanks, I didn't even know there was a game mode. It's off. I used the do-it-all app "Live Update 6" they have for the motherboard drivers. It's supposed to update everything.
Johnny V, Yeah, I tried to avoid that HDMI driver from AMD by unchecking the box during the video driver install. But, Not only did it come through, but there's like 4 instances of it in my sound settings options!??
AND... Sonar crashed today for the 1st time with the new install. I tried to do a large drag-move and it crashed.
Thanks everyone, the journey continues!

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
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Samsung EVO 850 250GB SSD (storage)
WD Velociraptor 1TB HDD (storage)
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions October 31, 17 11:18 PM (permalink)
Where and how do you find and change this Game Mode setting?


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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions October 31, 17 11:43 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby DaGeek November 01, 17 1:42 AM
There must be driver issues.
Download the free Driver Booster. This always helps me to optimize my 4 DAWs:

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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 1:00 AM (permalink)

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
Focusrite Saffire 18I8 - Mackie Control
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 2:08 AM (permalink)
A few other things:
1) turn off indexing on your drives (this can make a HUGE difference on sample drives)
2) give defender a chance to scan your entire system. It may take several hours before disk activity slows down on a new system.
3) turn off Anti Virus on sample drives, or at least see if it makes any difference

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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 12:12 AM (permalink)
Where and how do you find and change this Game Mode setting?

Be warned that the latest Creators Edition Update (1709) no longer includes the option to disable 'game mode', it now runs in automatic mode. However, it is possible to disable it via the registry.

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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 12:12 AM (permalink)
Duplicate post

Sonar Platinum - BandLab Cakewalk - Presonus 16.0.2 - Tannoys - Lava BandLamp ?

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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 2:17 PM (permalink)
I found out I needed specific drivers from Samsung for the M.2 drive. Got those and the Magician SSD optimization app as well. Seems to be working great.
Used the clean instal tool from AMD and reinstalled the graphics driver.

There IS a newer BIOS release available from MSI, but not sure if that is necessary.
I put it into what I think is the lowest Overclocking mode ( they make it so simple now) and enabled XMP mode. Big difference in overall system performance, yet when using Raptor Pro on certain patches, if I play an arpeggio slowly, then increase the speed of the notes, the audio begins to break up horribly as the sustain of the notes begin to overlap.

Been playing with the disc buffer settings, both lower and higher, but I still get breakup. The CPU Meter stays low (I have Load Balancing enabled) but one bar will jump high and the sound distorts. I seem to hear slight distortion even when no cpu bars go high.

To be clear, the playback and recording of Sonar seems to be working good, it's the soft synth plugin, real time sound synthesis part that's totally uncool. Ya know?

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
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MSI SLI Plus X299 mortherboard
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MSI Radeon RX580 4GB Graphics
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 2:35 PM (permalink)
have you tried to disable all overclocking options ?
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 4:03 PM (permalink)
Yes, I started out with all stock settings.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
-Marvin Gaye
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 4:30 PM (permalink)
It seems like it's CPU or the Focusrite related.
Both the CPU and the M.2 SSD are crazy fast. The only other thing I can think of is the audio interface. Since its responsible for the sound.
I have the latest drivers for it. Chuckebaby says a new version is supposed to be out soon.

Thanks again everyone!

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
-Marvin Gaye
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 7:50 PM (permalink)
Go into Sonar preferences and disable the 64 bit double precision engine. It used to cause me issues and since disabling it I never have crashes. IT's worth a shot. Also be sure to go into device manager and shut down all those AMD audio drivers. It's just a case of finding that needle in the haystack of drivers, hardware and preferences.

Regards, John 
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 9:51 PM (permalink)
I forgot to ask, is the 18I8 a 1st gen or a 2cnd gen ?
The 2cnd gen is here Windows: Focusrite Control 2.1.7 that driver was released in June.
I thought someone had mentioned a beta release though popped up a few months ago.
That info can be found here

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 9:51 PM (permalink)
Bass Rocket,
Something else you might want to verify (if you have a 1st gen unit) is make sure your plugging in to a USB 2 port. The first gen will work in a USB 3 port but not consistently, it will bog down and cut out and cause issues.
I cant recall if the 2cnd gens support USB 3 or not. So that's something to examine.
Also check cables from the 18I8 ( I had a bad USB cable that literally tortured me for weeks).
I also agree with Johnny, when problems like this arise, more often than not Latency mon  can be a good friend.
If you have any problems trying to figure out how it works, post here and we will walk you through it.

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 9:52 PM (permalink)
Sorry I had to use 2 posts right there but the spam filter was eating my post.
(hence I had to put it in 2 comment boxes) This is beginning to turn in to a joke.
Cakewalk needs to fix that spam filter. Nothing like writing a long post trying to help someone and it goes "Poof" like Harold Houdini.

Windows 8.1 X64 Sonar Platinum x64
Custom built: Asrock z97 1150 - Intel I7 4790k - 16GB corsair DDR3 1600 - PNY SSD 220GB
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 11:03 PM (permalink)
Thanks everyone!
I'm trying not to get too down about all this. I just literally spent a fortune on this "box" and my keyboardist (who is an avid Mac guy by the way) is making jokes about how much I've spent and still have problems.
I really appreciate the help!
Another big possibility?
I might have made a huge mistake in the way I saved my projects from the old PC! It was really bugging out and I thought I might not even be able to save the stuff to the external drives. So I just copied the Cakewalk Projects folder only to the external WD Passport drive I have. Then I re-installed Win 10 on the new machine and new M.2 SSD, re-formatting the old SSD and the 1TB WD HDD in the process.
Then I later read that you're supposed to use a .CWB file for backing up? and there's another type of save file you can use as well??? But, after transferring them back to the new M.2 drive, Sonar project icons loaded the songs up fine, minus the missing plugins and such. I think I've got them all reinstalled now.
So could it be my songs are just screwed up in general? I'm probably guilty of making many mistakes during their creation, ya know? All my track bouncing issues and Melodyne non-rendered business, lol. Maybe the songs are just messed up and that's what's giving me issues?

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 01, 17 11:18 PM (permalink)
You did the correct thing. CWB files are actually a cause of greif for some people. I have old Sonar project folders using CWP going back to sonar 7 I can still open and load those files no problem. 
There's a thread here today where someone used CWB and all the audio went south. 
I tried saving and re loading a CWB just to see for myself and the audio was missing from the song even though it said it was unpacking audio, the tracks were greyed out. 
I would have had 3 copies myself, 1 copy is living dangerously. 

Johnny V  
Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 02, 17 5:10 AM (permalink)
Wow, thanks allot, Cactus Music! I was super worried about having saved the songs incorrectly!
So, if they are corrupt, they were corrupt before I saved them.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
-Marvin Gaye
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MSI SLI Plus X299 mortherboard
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MSI Radeon RX580 4GB Graphics
Samsung 960 Pro M.2 SSD (Win 10 Pro)
Samsung EVO 850 250GB SSD (storage)
WD Velociraptor 1TB HDD (storage)
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 02, 17 1:18 PM (permalink)
Thank you so much.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate"
-Marvin Gaye
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Intel Core i7 7820X CPU
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MSI Radeon RX580 4GB Graphics
Samsung 960 Pro M.2 SSD (Win 10 Pro)
Samsung EVO 850 250GB SSD (storage)
WD Velociraptor 1TB HDD (storage)
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Sir Les
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 02, 17 1:27 PM (permalink)
Hello...What midi playback method/device path are you using in sonar?

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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 03, 17 4:48 PM (permalink)
Hey everyone,
Just got my new dream machine PC up and running.
But I'm still noticing both dropouts in synth plugin playback and a sluggish behavior of Sonar in general.

I haven't done much to optimize things in Windows 10 Pro yet. Also, the project is from the saved Projects folder from the past system. Could the saved project be corrupted and causing Sonar to act sluggish? I don't notice it at all times just every now and then. The screen scrolling and movement seems jittery, not smooth, something that has always been the case with my Sonar unfortunately.
I'm hoping to buy the U-he Diva soft synth, which is known to tax CPU's very hard. Surely my latest gen hardware should be up to the task, right?
As always, if any of you agents are caught or killed, the agency will disavow any knowledge of your involvement.
Thank you and good luck, Jim! lol
New system:
MSI SLI Plus X299 motherboard
Intel Core i7 7820X (8 cores)
16gb Crucial Ballistix Elite DDR4 3200 RAM
Samsung 960 EVO Pro M.2 SSD 512GB (OS)
Samsung 850 EVO SSD 250GB (storage)
WD Velociraptor 1TB HDD (storage)
MSI AMD RX580 4GB graphics
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8
Akai MPK261 keyboard controller
Sonar Platinum

One thing I did with my system was to disable the USB and purchased a dedicated USB Card from Sonnet Allegro:
Note: I turned off the on board USB in the BIOS.


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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 03, 17 7:29 PM (permalink)
Chuck : Good to see you doing pro support system setup is key to a smooth running system ...
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 03, 17 7:45 PM (permalink)
Maybe try some other compatible memory to test with? I've never had much luck with Crucial Ballistix ram.
Cactus Music
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Re: Brand new super bad system settings questions November 03, 17 7:53 PM (permalink)
It is true the best way to troubleshoot is by the process of elimination. Pretty hard to do with our DAW setups as this involves trying a different computer, different DAW and a different audio interface. 
Well the computer I can do as I have 4 or so kicking around, most people might not have that option.
The DAW, well it's never the DAW so forget it..
I have 4 different audio interfaces kicking around which help me figure stuff out pretty quickly.. It will answer the question of where to place the blame.
So that is something you might want to try.  Is there a music store you can go to. Most will happily let you try gear for a few days. 

Johnny V  
Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
3 Desktops and 3 Laptops W7 and W10
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