Here is a "No Duh Ron" tip regarding sloooow saves in bigger projects.

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May 21, 18 1:36 PM (permalink)

Here is a "No Duh Ron" tip regarding sloooow saves in bigger projects.

Because of issues I am dealing with I am having to save often.
The particular project that I'm working on would take maybe 15 to 20 seconds to save, which continually done, can begin to seem like an eternity. 
Well due to another problem that cropped up I decided to select all and perform a bounce to clips to create one clip on each track, bouncing all the edits. (I saved a copy as first). Now file saves are about 2 to 3 seconds.
post edited by bitman - May 21, 18 4:14 PM

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    Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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    Re: Here is a "No Duh Ron" tip regarding sloooow saves in bigger projects. May 21, 18 7:09 PM (permalink)
    Audio snap edits to clips are known to take longer since there can create a lot of transient markers in the project.
    Or lots of Melodyne clips can also slow down saves.

    Noel Borthwick
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    Re: Here is a "No Duh Ron" tip regarding sloooow saves in bigger projects. May 21, 18 8:46 PM (permalink)
    Hi, I noticed this as well with a large project.  However, I also bounced tracks to clips (there were no major edits, audio snap, or melodyne processes...or any plugins for that matter) thinking it would help with the save time.  It did not in my case.
    Also to note, this was specifically when importing a file...mp3 in this case.  Recorded audio for that project was no issue, but as soon as I imported about 5-8 tracks, the save issue happened.

    Cakewalk by Bandlab
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    Re: Here is a "No Duh Ron" tip regarding sloooow saves in bigger projects. May 23, 18 2:19 AM (permalink)
    Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
    Audio snap edits to clips are known to take longer since there can create a lot of transient markers in the project.
    Or lots of Melodyne clips can also slow down saves.

    The whole saving is IMO an area where Sonar can really improve, I find the autosaves a little disruptive sometimes, some of my complex projects do take ~20 seconds for saving. On the other hand, Studio One saves a similarly complex project in seconds, in the background, without interrupting the audio engine.
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