Gerry 1943
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Band in a Box vs Sonar
I recently strated using Band in a Box. When I bring tracks from B in a B to Sonar it indicates that the files are in MIDI. However when I try either the piano roll or staff views what appears is the piano roll or staff views screen but they are blank. What am I doing wrong? Or is it that the transfer of tracks cannot be done in a way that they cannot be modified. The tracks that I have transfered sound great but I might want to change the instrment or play with it, but the way it is, nothing seems to be able to be done to the track. It's as if I have to use it as is. Thanks for any info. Gerry
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 18, 15 7:30 PM
Gary, I transfer tracks from BiaB to Sonar all the time with no problem. The questions that I have are how are you transferring the tracks? Are you using BiaB's DAW Plugin mode or are you dropping and dragging onto the desktop? Are you sure you are transferring MIDI tracks and not Realtracks? Realtracks are audio. What versions are Sonar and BiaB?
What do you see in the Sonar track? Are there MIDI data there or a wav form? If it's a wav then it isn't MIDI.
More info is need in order for us to help.
The reason people say the vinyl sounds better is because the music was better. Sonar Platinum, Intel i7 –2600 CPU @ 3.2 GHz, 16 GB ram, 2x2TB internal drives and 1 1TB internal drive, Radeon HD 5570 video card, HP 25" monitor, Roland Octa Capture, MOTU Midi Express 128, Win 10 Pro
Gerry 1943
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 18, 15 10:08 PM
Hi Mario. The way I transfer is as follows: I drag, for example the Bass track, directly from the top of BiaB screen top to my Sonar X3 screew. The dragged track shows the following: BBBass-midi-single render drag drop. That is why I am assuming that it is a MIDI file. Like I said before, it's not with the sound that I have the problem, but with the fact that I cannot modify the track as no info is shown. If I am using RealTracks or not I do not know. All I do is insert chords and choose instruments. I let the software do the rest. When I get what I like, I transfer the tracks. Thanks Gerry
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 18, 15 10:22 PM
In BIAB have you tried to export to disc as a midi file and then open that up in SONAR ? …. Kenny
post edited by kennywtelejazz - September 18, 15 10:32 PM
Gerry 1943
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 18, 15 10:44 PM
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 18, 15 10:48 PM
I transfer tracks from BiaB to Sonar regularly. When I have the tune the way that I want it to sound in BiaB, I save it as a midi file. Once I have done that, I open the midi file with Sonar and copy the midi tracks. Then, I open the Sonar file that I will be using, and paste the midi tracks into it. I have never had any issues doing things that way. Hope it help, Bill
post edited by flashdharma - September 18, 15 10:58 PM
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 19, 15 8:52 AM
check in BiaB's MIDI Plug in and be sure that "Drag individual MIDI tracks as audio (using VSTi/DXi)" is NOT checked.
The reason people say the vinyl sounds better is because the music was better. Sonar Platinum, Intel i7 –2600 CPU @ 3.2 GHz, 16 GB ram, 2x2TB internal drives and 1 1TB internal drive, Radeon HD 5570 video card, HP 25" monitor, Roland Octa Capture, MOTU Midi Express 128, Win 10 Pro
Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 19, 15 8:56 AM
You can also copy MIDI to clipboard in BIAB and then paste into SONAR. BIAB is aware of SONAR's MIDI clipboard format and will put an SMF in there with the MIDI tracks.
Gerry 1943
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 19, 15 11:34 AM
Like the Beatles would say '' With a little help from my friends " my problem seems to be solved. Thank you all. Gerry
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 19, 15 8:59 PM
Great! Would you please post how you solved this problem as others in the future may have the same or similar problem.
The reason people say the vinyl sounds better is because the music was better. Sonar Platinum, Intel i7 –2600 CPU @ 3.2 GHz, 16 GB ram, 2x2TB internal drives and 1 1TB internal drive, Radeon HD 5570 video card, HP 25" monitor, Roland Octa Capture, MOTU Midi Express 128, Win 10 Pro
Gerry 1943
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
September 20, 15 9:41 AM
It seems as if, as soon as I unchecked " Drag individual MIDI tracks as Audio (using VSTi/DXi ) '' from the MIDI plug in, everything started working fine. The tracks being draged and droped into Sonar were in MIDI and the different views were appearing as they should. Thank's again. Gerry
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 13, 18 1:53 PM
just wonder about band in a box and if it would useful in creating my backing tracks for my own styles which is a blend of everything. just wondering
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 13, 18 8:36 PM
I also use Biab and there are 4 different formats that can be moved. I usually place it over the Master and dump all the tracks at one time. I bought it to have midi files for different genras. So I really don't use the real Tracks except for real drums There is a video that explains this Biab Daw plugin mode in the intermediate video's section. I want to keep my tracks midi so I can use my vst's on them.
Brian Cadoret
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 3:41 PM
jammin241dave just wonder about band in a box and if it would useful in creating my backing tracks for my own styles which is a blend of everything. just wondering
Hi, I've used Band In A Box for a number of years now with excellent results for backing tracks, especially using the RealTracks and RealDrums. Creating simple backing tracks is fairly easy but getting into the program deeper will give excellent results. My SoundCloud page songs use BIAB for for the backing tracks , with just me playing guitar. think they have a 30 day money back guarantee. No affiliation with PGMusic just putting in my tuppence. Brian
John Payne
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 5:14 PM
As a guitarist I use BIAB to create and play (laptop) backing tracks for live restaurant gigs and have been doing this for 10 years. Works great, stable, solid. BIAB has thousands of high quality styles to choose from, great product.
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 6:56 PM
I'm a guitarist with no keyboard skills, so when I need piano or other keyboard parts I go to BIAB, using either their MIDI parts or RealTracks (audio), auditioning various styles until I get the part I want. I then bring the results into CW, tweaking/adjusting them to taste. A terrific tool.
My stuff Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM.OS & Programs drive: 240GB SSD Data drives: 1 x 1TB drive RAID mirrored, plus extra 1TB data drive Windows 10 Home 64 bit Cakewalk by BandLab 64 bit, Studio One 3, Band In A Box 2016, Ozone 8+ too many other pluginsBandLab page
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 7:07 PM
Can you create your own "styles" in BIAB?
Brian Cadoret
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 8:13 PM
chris.r Can you create your own "styles" in BIAB?
Yes it's possible to create your own styles which I do regularly, combining elements from different styles allows you to make your own custom styles.
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 8:57 PM
Is it just me or are the bass parts from BiaB always 1 octave low and nded to be transposed up +12 to work properly?
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 14, 18 9:27 PM
Skyline_UK I'm a guitarist
That's a nice LP!! : ) Is that a Norlin?
Grem Michael Music PC i7 2600K; 64gb Ram; 3 256gb SSD, System, Samples, Audio; 1TB & 2TB Project Storage; 2TB system BkUp; RME FireFace 400; Win 10 Pro 64; CWbBL 64, Home PCAMD FX 6300; 8gb Ram; 256 SSD sys; 2TB audio/samples; Realtek WASAPI; Win 10 Home 64; CWbBL 64 Surface Pro 3Win 10 i7 8gb RAM; CWbBL 64
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 0:47 PM
Brian Cadoret
chris.r Can you create your own "styles" in BIAB?
Yes it's possible to create your own styles which I do regularly, combining elements from different styles allows you to make your own custom styles.
I mean more like making a new original from scratch? Like it was possible to do with some more advanced Yamaha PSR keyboards using dedicated software.
Brian Cadoret
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 7:49 AM
Brian Cadoret
chris.r Can you create your own "styles" in BIAB?
Yes it's possible to create your own styles which I do regularly, combining elements from different styles allows you to make your own custom styles.
I mean more like making a new original from scratch? Like it was possible to do with some more advanced Yamaha PSR keyboards using dedicated software.
Yes you can make styles from scratch, bit of a learning curve but can be done. :)
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 8:54 AM
BIAB has amazing sounding tracks that you can manipulate in many ways, but I think because they used a more universal linear approach in their "Real tracks" (the muscle behind it all) it is very hard to actually create a complete song. What I mean, they do not have a traditional approach like arrangers do, with parts for Intros, Variations, Breaks, Endings only imitations of them... Created songs at times resemble looong snakes because it lacks proper "breaks", "fills" and "bridge" parts. It is possible to manipulate their tracks to make a tune, but not intuitive at all. Overall I think their software engineers are ignorant boneheads.(not musicians who record stuff for real tracks, musicians are actually awesome) It is a "feature creep" 32 bit program that looks like something from late 90s, and feels that way too. But in reality there are not too many choices if you want to make backing tracks that actually sound good and not spend weeks if not months in studio and they take full advantage of that refusing to modernize their stone age program to make it robust and user friendly. Having said that, vArranger (hi Dan) has more traditional approach compared to making backing tracks. It is a MIDI only program. It is very stable and fast, uses many style types from different hardware arrangers, but has a hefty price tag and many shortcomings. One of the best approaches into creating complete ideas for tunes fast were first introduced in Yamaha QY sequencer series (20+ years ago). Where you can mix various parts/genres re voice them on the fly etc. Yamaha, a few years back came out with software arranger as an app sadly for ipad only. It took best features from hardware sequencers and added many new ones. Sadly it is for ipad only and uses only "in house" Yamaha styles many of which were taken from 20 year old sequencers. Since Bandlab is a Musician based platform, not just Cake... maybe Meng and his Magic crew should consider something like an arranger for creating backing tracks or as a scratch pad for song ideas that would resemble more traditional, hardware arrangers.... Just thoughts out loud :)
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 9:52 AM
My stuff Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600 @ 3.4GHz, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB RAM.OS & Programs drive: 240GB SSD Data drives: 1 x 1TB drive RAID mirrored, plus extra 1TB data drive Windows 10 Home 64 bit Cakewalk by BandLab 64 bit, Studio One 3, Band In A Box 2016, Ozone 8+ too many other pluginsBandLab page
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 6:41 PM
bluebeat1313 BIAB has amazing sounding tracks that you can manipulate in many ways, but I think because they used a more universal linear approach in their "Real tracks" (the muscle behind it all) it is very hard to actually create a complete song. What I mean, they do not have a traditional approach like arrangers do, with parts for Intros, Variations, Breaks, Endings only imitations of them... Created songs at times resemble looong snakes because it lacks proper "breaks", "fills" and "bridge" parts. It is possible to manipulate their tracks to make a tune, but not intuitive at all. Overall I think their software engineers are ignorant boneheads.(not musicians who record stuff for real tracks, musicians are actually awesome) It is a "feature creep" 32 bit program that looks like something from late 90s, and feels that way too. But in reality there are not too many choices if you want to make backing tracks that actually sound good and not spend weeks if not months in studio and they take full advantage of that refusing to modernize their stone age program to make it robust and user friendly.
Hmmm.. OK, then what do you call this? Quickly generate a song form in Band-in-a-Box
DAW: CbB; Sonar Platinum, and others ...
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 8:20 PM
"Hmmm.. OK, then what do you call this?" I am aware of this:) I have tried it too. It is not solely my opinion, but many folks feel "real tracks" feel a bit like jelly, "lazy-jazzy" This state of viscosity is a bit too liquid my taste. Yes, you can make magic with it either by learning their wicked ways or by experimenting by bulldozing through ten thousand features they have. Do not get me wrong... Idea of BIAB is great, and surely is very useful, but implementation of software is horrific, scary like Windows 95 on 386 with EGA monitor in 21st century. I wish somebody would talk some sense into those PG developers to make a 64 BIT VST or similar to integrate with DAW properly and to make the standalone more user intuitive and robust.
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 10:10 PM
bluebeat1313 "Hmmm.. OK, then what do you call this?" I am aware of this:) I have tried it too. It is not solely my opinion, but many folks feel "real tracks" feel a bit like jelly, "lazy-jazzy" This state of viscosity is a bit too liquid my taste. Yes, you can make magic with it either by learning their wicked ways or by experimenting by bulldozing through ten thousand features they have. Do not get me wrong... Idea of BIAB is great, and surely is very useful, but implementation of software is horrific, scary like Windows 95 on 386 with EGA monitor in 21st century. I wish somebody would talk some sense into those PG developers to make a 64 BIT VST or similar to integrate with DAW properly and to make the standalone more user intuitive and robust.
Oh well. Clearly it hasn't worked out for you, and that is fine to have an opinion. But bear in mind that there are many folks happily making music with the program, so not everyone will agree with you. It is the same with many DAWs, you have to find the tools that work the way you do. Been nice chatting with you. Cheers!
post edited by abacab - August 16, 18 0:48 PM
DAW: CbB; Sonar Platinum, and others ...
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 15, 18 11:27 PM
Brian Cadoret Yes you can make styles from scratch, bit of a learning curve but can be done. :)
That is actually a great info! Cheers.
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 16, 18 0:12 PM
Skyline_UK No, it's a Peter Green Lemon Drop by Vintage Guitars with Bare Knuckle Mules fitted.
Really nice! : )
Grem Michael Music PC i7 2600K; 64gb Ram; 3 256gb SSD, System, Samples, Audio; 1TB & 2TB Project Storage; 2TB system BkUp; RME FireFace 400; Win 10 Pro 64; CWbBL 64, Home PCAMD FX 6300; 8gb Ram; 256 SSD sys; 2TB audio/samples; Realtek WASAPI; Win 10 Home 64; CWbBL 64 Surface Pro 3Win 10 i7 8gb RAM; CWbBL 64
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar
August 16, 18 1:36 AM
abacab yes, folks are happy and I am too... happy... that it exists, but I believe after so many years in business they should have done more for their costumers as far as interface design, overall workflow optimization simple arrangement functions and many other things that normally should evolve with time especially with such large following. I feel that (so far) we got very lucky to have Meng who listens and crew who is doing amazing job in pushing Cakewalk to a better place. I feel absolutely opposite about BIAB. Seems PG has no desire to actually do what is for the better for their customers and what is considered "good programming". They keep on milking same ole cow as long as it gives milk, even if that cow is long overdue to visit McDonalds in the form of frozen patties. I will be among first in line to upgrade if they decide one day that enough is enough and rebuild software properly. Otherwise will stick to the version I have.