newb routing/effects question

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August 11, 05 10:30 PM (permalink)

newb routing/effects question

Im using sonar 3. Ive got a simple project going... two midi tracks, one edirol vsc "track" if you call it that.

midi1 goes into vsc1 channel 1 (basic drum kit) and midi2 goes into vsc1 channel 2 (bass guitar).

how can i equalize the drums without affecting the bass?



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    RE: newb routing/effects question August 11, 05 10:42 PM (permalink)
    Use another instance of VSC is easiest.

    But I would recommend using Vsampler if you want to create something worthwhile.

    VSC is just above Soundblaster Sondfonts, but not by much.


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    RE: newb routing/effects question August 11, 05 10:47 PM (permalink)
    I don't have a vsampler license. Is there anything free (or cheaper at least) that would give me better audio quality than vsc?

    If I bought the current version of vsampler and I buy an upgrade to sonar 4 in a few months (which I will probably do), will I have to spend more money for a newer or different version of vsampler?


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    RE: newb routing/effects question August 11, 05 10:56 PM (permalink)
    Vsampler came with Sonar 3

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    RE: newb routing/effects question August 11, 05 11:47 PM (permalink)
    VSampler came with Sonar 3 Producer, not Studio.
    post edited by daveny5 - August 11, 05 11:52 PM

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    RE: newb routing/effects question August 11, 05 11:54 PM (permalink)
    I am using producer and it has vsampler, but it's running in demo mode.
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