Hmmmm grrr...

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September 14, 05 1:40 PM (permalink)

Hmmmm grrr...

Hey do you guys know if there is a way to set the default velocity value? Whenever I play something in I come back and try to edit it and the new notes I enter are WAY too loud because the velocity is up way too high. The reason being I played it in rather soft. Also I hate the way P5 edits velocity values because it always seems like whenever I change one value, the ones around it change.

Any help would be great.
post edited by triscuit - September 14, 05 1:48 PM

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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 2:30 PM (permalink)
    triscuit. I dont know about the first half of your question but I know that if you just want to adjust the velocity of one note you have to click on that particular note. in essence selecting and deselecting the stuff you do want to edit. Not to mention you can use the select tool to select many or even a group. YOu can also hold the control button and select non-consecutive notes. The automation tool/pencil is nice to, have you tried all that?

    good luck.

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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 4:26 PM (permalink)
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    post edited by MurderDethKill - September 14, 05 6:40 PM

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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 5:22 PM (permalink)
    I'd try this but don't have an hour or two.
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 5:37 PM (permalink)
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    post edited by MurderDethKill - September 14, 05 6:43 PM

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    b rock
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 6:21 PM (permalink)
    I'd try this but don't have an hour or two.
    This takes 10 seconds. Load the Velocity MFX plugin, and adjust or limit your velocity value range. It works on live input as well. HTH
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 6:33 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: b rock

    This takes 10 seconds. Load the Velocity MFX plugin, and adjust or limit your velocity value range. It works on live input as well. HTH

    Honestly, forgot about that one....oh well

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    Monstruousubergeekyhardcorefunkytrancepolkaoptimism Lives!!!
    b rock
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 7:38 PM (permalink)
    Honestly, forgot about that one
    No need to edit, MDK [Mustn't Delete Kommentary] Lots of ways to skin a catty velocity response; the more the merrier. No one answer is better than the next. I have to agree with you; CAL is underutilized and undersupported in Sonar, and that's a waste of untapped potential.

    It's funny how this developed. I had some long diatribe typed with alternatives to the velocity problems, including LiveSet's velocity compressor, MusicLab's plug, velocity curves and static transission from a KB controller; etc. Then I timed-out, forgot to copy first, and lost the whole enchilada.

    So my quick response was to repost the easiest solution before it happened again. Then I saw your CAL solution; one avenue that I had obviously missed. So, thanks for that ...
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 10:24 PM (permalink)
    we must all stand united behind CAL. CAL must live again. demand that government officials deliver free CAL to all. no tax on CAL. why are they letting it die. have mercy cake we need our CAL. :-) sonar CAL user. i want my CAL in p5. CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 CAL p5 :-)
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 10:29 PM (permalink)
    I'd also like to see CAL implemented in P5.

    I know a room full of musical tunes.
    Some rhyme, some ching, most of them are clockwork.
    Let's go into the other room and make them work.
    jardim do mar
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 10:39 PM (permalink)
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    ,,,, "no soup for you",,, ,,,
    edit- ,,,,message deleted,, by jardim do mar,,,,,,

    And Remember,,,,One thing at a Time.....
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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 14, 05 11:38 PM (permalink)

    there is soup!

    post edited by MurderDethKill - September 15, 05 1:29 PM

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    RE: Hmmmm grrr... September 15, 05 1:20 PM (permalink)
    *Message restored.*

    Here it is, back from the crypt, (wife had copied it when I wasn't looking...need to watch her) with apologies to all for deleting it...after all, it was my 500th post (I'm silver now---where does the time go to...) and I felt b rocks solution more "elegant" (it was/is). Thanks everyone for the kind words.

    The following method takes no more than a minute or 3, once you got accustomed to the workflow.
    I only mention Cal because I think it's a fantastic tool that tends to be neglected or ignored. Sometimes it's appropriate, sometimes not. One of my biggest complaints about P5 is that it didn't include Cal.

    P5 Velocity CAL-i-fornication*

    This will work if you have Sonar 4. After you have entered your midi notes in P5's editor (played, drawn, step-entered, whatever...), save your pattern (*.ptn) file. Then, with Project 5 still open, start up Sonar (not as a rewire client) and import the *.ptn file into Sonar.

    Sonar will import P5 patterns but, you have to select (highlight) a midi track to import it or else the midi import dialog will remain greyed out.

    At this point, if you have the system resources, it would probably be a good idea to insert the same synth you used in P5 into an audio track's "effects bin" and link it to your midi track via midi out.

    From here you can highlight the imported pattern file and hit cntrl-F1, which will bring up the Open Cal dialog. Then, select VARYVEL.CAL and click Ok.

    The CAL window will open and the first dialog box will ask Low limit of Velocity Range.
    Select your limit and click Ok. The High limit of Velocity Range Dialog will open. Paydirt!!!
    If you don't like the results, go to Edit undo and do it over again until you get what you need.

    With your clip still highlighted, go to File/Export Midi Groove Clip and save it back in your Default Project 5 pattern directory.

    Then, go to Project 5 and Hit File/Import and import your midi groove clip (it will no longer be a *.ptn file). Delete your original pattern and drag the imported midi groove clip where needed (groove matrix, track view...).
    Viola! Lowered velocity midi groove clips.

    If you want to use the clip in other projects, be sure to save it as a *.ptn file before you quit.

    Remember, Cal is our Friend!

    IHIMS (I hope it makes sense)


    edit: *my apologies to the Red Hot Chili Peppers...and everyone else.*
    post edited by MurderDethKill - September 15, 05 1:30 PM

    My site i guess;)
    Monstruousubergeekyhardcorefunkytrancepolkaoptimism Lives!!!
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