The Funky Groovematrix

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September 14, 05 5:06 AM (permalink)

The Funky Groovematrix

Im a new user, who have been a P5 user for allmost a week now. i have managed to created my first song, ( but it sounds terrible ) i have used Reason and Trackers ( Ft2, Mt2 etc ) alot, and i cant figure out whats so great with the Groovematrix.
I understand many of you use it regulary, and many says its a great tool, but can you give me an example of how you use it in production?

i can shortly describe my workflow, so you can give me tips easier.

First i add some synths ( say Dimension )
Then i sequence some data ( lets say a melody)
then i press "send" and got the sequence in the arrange window
and then i repeat the procedure with other instruments/synths

here is the tricky part, where im lost, why would someone need the groovematrix, when all the sequenserparts are allready in the arrangepanel? you can there move them around, copy and whatever else you feel do to. and offten you even want to change repeated sequences ( velocity and so on )

dont get me wrong, i dont blame the groovematrix, just want some input how you guys use it.

and last, can i change the sound of the metronome? i saw a library with metronomesounds? ( this may be in the handbook, but you guys seems happy to answer ) :-)

take care!

/ André
post edited by andreAMC - September 14, 05 5:16 AM

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    RE: The Funky Groovematrix September 14, 05 5:14 AM (permalink)
    Hi andre, welcome to the forum.

    I've been using p5 for almost a year now, but i only upgraded to version 2 last week. I hav'nt gotten round to using the groove matrix properly yet. As far as i can understand it, it allows you to arrange tracks on the fly which would be great for live work. I'm really looking forward to getting into it as it could be really useful to me because of the way i work. I don't play live, but i like to arrange on the fly sometimes and the groove matrix would make this task easy.
    b rock
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    RE: The Funky Groovematrix September 14, 05 6:30 AM (permalink)
    Welcome to the forum, Andre. To answer your second question first, go to Options / Metronome to change its sound or replace it with .wav files. Someone will be along shortly to pick up the Groove Matrix question.
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    RE: The Funky Groovematrix September 14, 05 9:06 AM (permalink)
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    RE: The Funky Groovematrix September 14, 05 9:24 AM (permalink)
    Welcome to the forum!

    I can think of a few uses for Groove Matrix:

    1) Load up the cells with clips from one measure to entire song segments (verse, chorus, bridge, intro, ending, turn-arounds, etc). Assign the colums to MIDI remote control of some sort and use a MIDI controller to trigger song segments in a live situation. This is kind of like playing with an arranger keyboard for "live backing" except you get to pre-program all your parts yourself. You just hit a key or button or foot switch to change sections in a song when you need to.

    2) Load up the cells with clips from one measure to entire song segments. Again, assign MIDI remote control to trigger items just like you're playing live except hit record for the arranger window so that as you "play" the groove matrix you are recording this into the arrangement window at the same time. When you're done you can use the arrange window to move things around if desired.

    3) This is a combination of using both the Groove Matrix and the arrange window in a live situation. Have a pre-programmed sequence playing back in the arrange window like normal. But have the Groove Matrix loaded with extra clips that you are triggering via MIDI remote control. You "play" the Groove Matrix clips as if they were an additional instrument(s) to augment your sequence back-track in a live performance. This gives you the ability to "change the sequence on the fly". One thing about performing with sequences is that even the most dynamic sequence tends to get stale after you use it over and over. This application of the Groove Matrix can help give you some variety in your stock sequence because it lets you apply additional grooves or preprogrammed clips on the fly when you feel like it.

    4) There have been many times where I am running audio in a christmas play or something like that at the church I attend and I have needed to trigger sound effects on the fly. With Project5 on my notebook and a MIDI controller I can now load sound effects directly into cells in the Groove Matrix and independently trigger each sound when I need to. I know I could have done this before with a Sampler and keyboard but the Groove Matrix makes this so much easier with its drag & drop and P5's preview browser.

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    RE: The Funky Groovematrix September 15, 05 1:37 PM (permalink)
    I use the Matrix mostly as an auditioning tool

    Lets say I have a tune I want to get down in a hurry. Well instead of building each sequence from scratch,and painstakingly moving them to the arrange pane one by one. I will often audition patterns that are close to what I'm after, edit it, then drop that pattern in a cell.

    Let's say column one row one is a basic drum pattern. I might want to layer some percussion over that. So I either write a pattern or edit an existing one and drop it into column one row 2.

    I might want to hear what a bass line sounds like over that, so I write a line using Triangle and drop it into Column one row three.

    I repeat this proccess until I fill up say 16 columns, but i'm not quite sure how I want it all to flow together. So I set each cell to play in time with song by right clicking on the cell and selecting this in the dropdown.

    I set each column to start at the begining of the next measure

    Now when I hit the numbers above the columns they will play in whole measures. If I want to hear the next part of the song I simply click a column on the third beat of the playing pattern, and the next part is cued up, and starts as soon as the previous pattern ends.

    When I'm happy with all of the "parts"

    I map out each part of the song on a piece of paper.

    C1 2B, C3 1B = column one (two bars), column three, one bar etc...

    When the entire song is mapped I press the record button at the bottom of the Matrix. I record the whole song to the arrange pane in it's entirety without ever copying and pasting a single measure.

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