The Funky Groovematrix
Im a new user, who have been a P5 user for allmost a week now. i have managed to created my first song, ( but it sounds terrible ) i have used Reason and Trackers ( Ft2, Mt2 etc ) alot, and i cant figure out whats so great with the Groovematrix.
I understand many of you use it regulary, and many says its a great tool, but can you give me an example of how you use it in production?
i can shortly describe my workflow, so you can give me tips easier.
First i add some synths ( say Dimension )
Then i sequence some data ( lets say a melody)
then i press "send" and got the sequence in the arrange window
and then i repeat the procedure with other instruments/synths
here is the tricky part, where im lost, why would someone need the groovematrix, when all the sequenserparts are allready in the arrangepanel? you can there move them around, copy and whatever else you feel do to. and offten you even want to change repeated sequences ( velocity and so on )
dont get me wrong, i dont blame the groovematrix, just want some input how you guys use it.
and last, can i change the sound of the metronome? i saw a library with metronomesounds? ( this may be in the handbook, but you guys seems happy to answer ) :-)
take care!
/ André
post edited by andreAMC - September 14, 05 5:16 AM