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Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
Anyone have any opinions regarding the DAW control possibilities in 01v96, sound quality and such? Buy or walk-on-by? Thanx for any advice.
Twin Paradox
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 05, 04 3:00 PM
Tor - I have the older version of the 01v and I find it works very well with Sonar both for the audio i/o and as a controller. I have the midi part of mine connected via a serial port connector which has always been a solid connection. I've used the regular midi as well and never had a problem there either. For controller purposes, I have found that the best approach for me is to set aside several faders (typically 9-12) and the 15/16 stereo fader as the designated controllers. (This is because I generally use tracks 1-8 for audio input from my computer as 4 stereo pairs via ADAT and the 13/14 stereo track for audio from via the SPDIF input. I use a WaveCenter PCI card to connect them.) I find that what works best for me is not to try to set up my 01v in a permanent "studio ware" type of arrangement, but to simply assign and reassign my designated controller faders and mute buttons etc. to items in my Sonar setup as needed while mixing using the "learn" function, which I think is a great feature. I am not familiar with all the details of the newer 01v96, but I suspect that the functions related to its controller use are more or less the same as with the older 01v (that is, there is a midi CC assoociated with faders that you can send out and assign to various things in Sonar.) Hope that helps. Twin Paradox All inertial frames of reference are equally valid.
C Hudson
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 05, 04 5:02 PM
have you tried the 01v control surface plug in? Link is here if you want to give it a spin
< Message edited by C Hudson -- 2/5/2004 6:04:58 PM >
Mr. Ease
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 05, 04 5:42 PM
Like Twin Paradox, I have an original 01V which I use with a MOTU 828 and Terratec DMX6Fire and have been using this in the same way using the "To Host" link and the Yamaha CBX drivers. I find this is a very easy way of getting a good mix - just as you'd expect. It does take a little while to get hold of the way of setting it all up but once there it all works well. I must say that I found the supplied Studioware panel (I am still using SONAR1.3.1) of little use and as it was password protected I could'nt find out what the full setup was - I don't think this would have made it much more use though. After a few MIDI timing problems I am now finally about to upgrade to SONAR 3 so I will have to learn all the new control stuff. Thanks to C Hudson for the link - I've just downloaded the software and now have to wait for Sonar 3 to arrive! Good Luck to you Tor
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 05, 04 7:22 PM
Thank you for responding, i'll check out the plugin. Glad to hear there's some form of DAW control available....... I'm seriously upgrading my studio, 24 ADAT I/O, and 01v96 seems to be one of few alternatives within that price range.
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 20, 04 12:18 AM
In my modest setup I use the 01v/96. All my external soundsources (played via midi from Sonar/or live) are connected to it (to the audio inputs), and I transfer the (mixed/not mixed) audio via ADAT from the 01v/96 to Sonar 3.1.1, and vice versa (via RME Multiface). Up to now I have not tested the controller function of it, as soon as I do, I let you know. mester
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 20, 04 1:06 PM
O1V96 OR 02R96 is my next mixer (replacing my current 03D). Can't go wrong AND a new way to connect it is also around the corner (and its killer!!!) Although it is not available yet, Yamaha will make a YAGDA (their version of the mixers/synths expansion card) that will give you 16 channels of 96k/24 bit synchronous audio (16inx16out) over your standard 400Mhz Firewire bus. Its called mLAN-- and I AM A RARE user of the mLAN 200 (older product) with a similar card in the back of my 03D (older Yamaha dig mixer). I use a laptop to drop up to 8 channels of audio at 44.1/20 bit (my old 03D's limits). Yes...mLAN has taken a long time to get here (due mostly to the OS vendors, btw:), but it is finally here. The OLD mLAN drivers I use on my 03D give me 3.3 ms latency on 6-8 track audio (w/7-12 effects/plugs) projects and recording 8 tracks via my 1.8Mhz P4 LAPTOP works great too...and its all done with ONE cable; by far the best portable solution I have ever imagined using. Also check out the current Yamaha IEEE 1994 (400Mhz firewire) 96/24 machine available in Europe and coming here within weeks: the Yamaha 01X ( This is a killer mixer and the control surface functionality is said to be the best ever for any mixer-- you can read all this at the site's user forum. But back to the 01V96...I worked with several of the Yamaha developers when using my mLAN "YAGDA" expansion card with my 03D mixer (and Sonar). I would not be surprised to hear from the Cakewalk crew that Yamaha is providing (or already has) the necessary code (or whatever) to give you a very robust surface control ability when the YAGDA card comes out any day now. The 01V69 and 02R96 will be super mixers with Sonar (and the first open IEEE platform with plenty of headroom to boot) when you plug this card into them-- oh...and don't forget; no soundcard needed!! My 2 cents: its a paradigm shift for many here, but mLAN works; its less hassle; and its REALLY here this time. -Tex
michael japan
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 20, 04 7:41 PM
can get the original 01V in Japan for $600. But it's 20bit isn't it? WIth the O1x. 01v96 you don't need a soundcard? I'm looking and waiting for the next best upgrade to go fully digital with my Triton Rack/EMU E6400 Ultra. I use a MOTU 828MKII with Pro-mix and Mackie 1604VLZPro. I wrote a thread asking for help. If you had time to give your professional opinion I would be grateful. Michael
< Message edited by michael japan -- 2/20/2004 7:42:47 PM >
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 20, 04 9:52 PM
I have an 01v and it DOES do 24bit. BUT only if your sound card provides the word clock (my M-Audio Delta 1010 does). Since most cards do nowadays, you could get a cheap deal on an 01v. But there other benefits to getting 01v96... Thanks for the previous tips regarding control in this thread. I will try some of them! cheers! earache
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 21, 04 1:54 PM
Dear Earache, Your o1v (if not a 96 version) does 24 bit, but the last 4 bits are 0000. Thus, you are using a 24 bit wordlength recording with the Sonar Program stating 24 bit...but it is being sent 20 usable bits with the four 0s. The 01V, 03D and 02R mixers are all 20 bit max; that is the machine limit for the old Yamaha mixer. I have all my work done in 24 bit too and it makes a big difference from 16 bit-- no doubt. But the true 24 bit x96 mixers are going to do a better job overall as the electronics are 6 years newer (mic pres, chips, etc) and they send a full 24 bit signal to your Sonar Prog. Tex
Twin Paradox
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 21, 04 6:43 PM
Tex - Hold on there pardner, I'm not sure that's exactly correct ... The A/D converters of the older 01v mixers are indeed 20 bit, as are the D/A converters at the analog stereo out (while the omni outs and monitor out have only 18-bit D/A converters). However, the digital i/o -- including both the built in S/PDIF and the optional ADAT card -- do handle true 24 bit wordlength. The older 01v uses 32-bit internal audio processing (44bit in its EQ section) and allows you to dither that back to specific word lengths between 16 and 24 bits for the S/PDIF out and separately to word lengths between 16 and 24 bits for the optional (e.g. ADAT) digital outs. So, even with the older 01v, one can bring in 24 bit digital audio via one of the digital ins, and route it around internally and to / from other external 24 bit gizmos via the digital i/o options without encountering the 01v's internal dithering to 20 bits that occurs prior to sending it out the analog stereo outs. Twin Paradox
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 21, 04 9:36 PM
Hi Twin, I like your reasoning, I read the same before I invested in mLAN200. But Yamaha states 20 bit max-- if its processed through any portion of the mixer (18 bit if it the spdif/coax) although you see 24 is in fact, 20 bits with 4 zeros on the end. I received this info direct from the source at Yamaha. Point here is if you are using the mixer buses (main or subs) you are going through 20 bit chips. Yes, it looks like 24 bits, but its 20 bit dithered with four zeros on the end (even though you see the dithering selection at 24 bit). In other words, if you are using the digital mixer for its intended use ( to mix down and assign busses/effects) then you are running through 20 bit chipsets. There ain't no way to get 24 bit out of 20 bit chips-- sorry pardna" Not my statement-- Yamaha's. I'm just calling them "like I see them" (and I think the guys at Yamaha now what they are talking about). If I am missing something here, I am still open to your suggestions/ideas cause it would save me from dropping about $3k later this year to buy my new 0R296-- by all means, please show me why Yamaha might be wrong....I want to know!!!! Tex
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RE: Anyone using Yamaha 01v96??
February 22, 04 5:04 AM
Nice discussion! Let me go back to the original question of 'tor'. Up to now I have used a Mackie analog mixer, and recently I switched to the 01v/96. I think, that ones you use a digital mixer with Sonar, next to the technical questions what matters is also what you want to do with the digital console/Sonar tandem. One thing is clear, it does not make any miracle. Your ear will judge its sound. Sure thing, it is very flexible, and to me it does not really sound harsh. I also realize, that such an "entry" digital console will not replace a digital console what just costs so much more. I like it, and even I record my tracks to Sonar, I still use the 01v/96 to mix my tracks. Currently I am running this tandem at 48kHz/24 bit. Until Cakewalk comes up with a control surface, I am going to to set it up for my needs. My settings are: all my analog inputs are on Layer 1 (in the 01v/96) the digital stuff is on layer 2 (in the 01v/96) and the remote is on layer 4 (in the 01v/96). So, by setting up the control surface, I will be able to control the mixing in Sonar from layer 4. And this makes things to happen faster - the musical ideas have more place in the mind... mester