PRINTING percussion lines

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April 01, 06 0:41 PM (permalink)

PRINTING percussion lines

Hi all....

I need to PRINT out some drum charts and I figured I'd use Sonar if I can. I'm going to Staff notation and writing it out note by note, but I can't seem to figure out how to control the way it viusualizes the notes - I need some flags to go up from the note and some to go down, and it seems like the program does it quite arbitrarily..... I can't find anything about how I can overide what it does and chose which direction the note goes visually....

Anyone have an idea?


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    RE: PRINTING percussion lines April 01, 06 0:55 PM (permalink)
    well u can delete and edit notes -- but i think it follows the basic rules of notation --- the notes below the third space have stems that go up -- and the notes that are above the third space have stems that go down

    quantizing will effect how it writes out the exact ryhthm that is notated as well -- really sonar is a poor notating program if thats what you are trying to do -- "finally" (if I spelled it right) is the top of the line one -- I use print music -- you really have to take some time to learn it -- not something you can really learn to do well in a three step easy lesson -- other than i wouldnt use sonar for my music notation

    i don't know if that helps you or not -- but expect to take some time to read some manuals on whatever program you use .... it does take some time to learn -- not something your going to learn quick in a forum-- start with the sonar manual if you plan to use sonar for your music notation
    post edited by Mooch4056 - April 01, 06 2:04 AM

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    RE: PRINTING percussion lines April 01, 06 10:37 AM (permalink)
    I sort of suspected that Sonar isn't the best for printing sheet music. It's not a necessity, so I don't think I'm going to go out and buy something just for that. I've read all I can in the manual and it's no help.....

    Thanks though....
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