lantency question
Hello all,
I just purchased the brick from groove tubes and it's a pretty neat gadget. I'm using Sonar studio 4 with an emu 1820. I plan onplugging my el guitar and bass into the the brick (instr in) then xlr out into the emu 1820 balanced +4 input. I use Amplitube for all of my guitar stuff. My latency is @ 10 on the emu 1820, and the buffer is set @ 256 in Sonar. I can still hear some clean unprocessed guitar while playing. What do I have do to hear the 100 % (or close to it) processed sound while recording with minimal delay (or none if possible)?
My PC specs are:
Intel pent 4 2.8
1 gig of RAM
80 gig HD
200 gig HD
Thank you for your help!