I see that Sonar 5 Power is available.....

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December 26, 05 8:46 PM (permalink)

I see that Sonar 5 Power is available.....

Just ordered my copy......this'll be my 3rd Sonar Power book of Scott's (3 and 4)......been waiting for it......Thanks for putting it together Scott

Anyone else have a copy yet?


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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 26, 05 10:54 PM (permalink)
    I don't have it, but I will in the next week or so. Not to in any way knock the CW's manual, but I do like the more "blue collar" style of the Power books, as I'm not the sharpest knife in the rack when it comes to technical jargon. I already have the S3 version, and while it's not a substitute for the manual, it makes a great compliment.
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 27, 05 5:17 AM (permalink)
    I know what you mean Quasar. Scott's books rock! They are easy to understand and are a great supplement to the manual.

    Paul G
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 27, 05 7:55 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the heads up on this, Steve. I love Scott's work! This will by my forth, BTW. (Am I a slow learner?)


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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 28, 05 1:13 AM (permalink)
    Got mine and have done initial read already. Scott's usual excellence is demonstrated well in this edition. It is my 4th of his books.

    Jesse G
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 28, 05 1:34 AM (permalink)
    Can someone purchase me a book, I am flat broke after Christmas shopping. Goodness, I should have placed this book on my wish list !!

    Scott..., can you offer a poor pseudo audio engineer a new Sonar 5 book please.

    Will work for Foo--, Uh..scratch that. Will work for Sonar 5 Power books instead!


    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 28, 05 6:19 AM (permalink)
    Hi everyone!

    I am totally new to Sonar. I got my copy of S5 PE last month, but due to the build up to Christmas I'm only just beginning to play with it seriously. The manual seems great compared to some I have, and it's good to have some simple tutorials at the start. Also Sonar is not quite so hard to get started with as I feared - in fact I had recorded and audio track, a MIDI track using TTS-1 and a MIDI track using Reason 3 via Rewire - all within my first hour using Sonar. However...

    I already own and learnt lots from reading the Live 4 Power book, and I wonder whether the Sonar 5 power book will be similarly useful? What does it provide that the manual doesn't? To put this all in context, I previously used Mackie Tracktion 2 as my main host <cough> but have moved over to Sonar 5 as it is more powerful in so many ways . I am also a confident user of Live 5, Reason 3 and Sibelius 3. But Sonar is a more complex program than those, and I want to master it properly... and hence my interest in the Power book...
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... December 28, 05 7:30 AM (permalink)
    Is better than Sonat 5 Ignite?
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 01, 06 7:13 PM (permalink)
    Hi Steve -- My pleasure. Thanks for ordering the book!

    Hi Quasar -- Thanks for ordering the book! I hope you enjoy it.

    Hi Paul -- Thanks to you as well! Nah, you're not a slow learner. You just know quality reading when you see it, if I may say so myself.

    Hi Ron -- You've already read the entire thing? Wow, that's some fast reading. This edition came out quite huge with over 600 pages. Thanks so much!

    Hi Jesse -- That's what nice about the book... it's not too expensive... only about $26. Go to my site for the discount link: http://www.garrigus.com/
    I wish I could give out free books to everyone, but even I only get about $1 or $2 per book. Believe me, I ain't rich.

    Hi Headquest -- I think you'll enjoy Sonar 5 Power. It will walk you through all of the Sonar 5 features with step-by-step examples and exercises. Plus, you get a free CD with 1 hour of video tutorials. For more info and a discount, see the Power Books section of my site: http://www.garrigus.com/

    Also, be sure to sign up for my free music technology newsletter called DigiFreq:

    Hi Mahtazz -- Sonar 5 Ignite is for complete beginners. It's like a picture book for Sonar. It will get you started. Then if you want complete coverage of all the Sonar features, Sonar 5 Power will do the trick.

    Thanks to everyone for all your support! I'll be announcing the book release in the next issue of DigiFreq, along with some other cool stuff. And I'll post an official announcement here shortly.

    Happy New Year!

    Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk, Sound Forge and Sound Forge 6, SONAR, SONAR 2, SONAR 3, SONAR 4, and Sound Forge 8 Power! books.
    ** Sonar 5 Power The Comprehensive Guide - Now Available! ** Books up to 37% off at:

    Publisher of DigiFreq. Win a free copy of Sony's Sound Forge 8 and learn cool music technology tips and techniques by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... over 17,000 readers can't be wrong! Go to:
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 01, 06 7:24 PM (permalink)
    Hi Scott,
    when wil sonar 5 Power be out as an e-book/.pdf?
    Looked a few days ago but no joy yet!!!!

    Mike V.

    Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 01, 06 11:34 PM (permalink)
    I've already amazoned for my copy also.

    i7 8700k, Asus Z370 Prime A, 32 gigs RAM, Focusrite Pro 40, Cakewalk, and Me.
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 02, 06 2:47 AM (permalink)
    I ordered it as well. While I was at it I also ordered Bob Katz' Mastering Audio. I will need to take some days off from work when they arrive..

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    Jesse G
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 02, 06 9:48 PM (permalink)
    Scott G,

    Actually, I would really like to see you construct a book called Project5 Power !! now that would be nice and include a CD tutorial. . I have purchased Power 3 and 4 which were well worth the purchase. So, I will be getting the Power 5 book as well.

    Now how about that Project5 Power book, oh how that will be a real seller Scott !!


    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 03, 06 2:43 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: garrigus
    Hi Headquest -- I think you'll enjoy Sonar 5 Power. It will walk you through all of the Sonar 5 features with step-by-step examples and exercises. Plus, you get a free CD with 1 hour of video tutorials. For more info and a discount, see the Power Books section of my site: http://www.garrigus.com/

    Thanks for the information and link! Yes - I am going to buy this book

    Does the CD come as standard or just if ordered from your site? As I am in the UK I think I probably need to order from Amazon UK?

    Also, be sure to sign up for my free music technology newsletter called DigiFreq:

    I'll do that too!

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 03, 06 2:58 AM (permalink)
    Hi Headquest,

    I'm not Scott, but if Sonar 5 Power is in the same format as its predecessor, the CD is included with the book no matter where you buy it. (I bought the book from Amazon and the CD was included).

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 03, 06 3:07 AM (permalink)
    That's great! Thanks for the reply.
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 03, 06 4:00 AM (permalink)
    The listing on Amazon UK says the book includes the CDROM:



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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 03, 06 6:54 AM (permalink)
    Jesse G, If you contact me with your address, I'm going to order myself a copy of his book & just because you went to such great lengths to help the many with their BCF2000 setups, I'll buy a s 2nd copy to give & send or have sent to you in gratitude.... Everyone need not get me wrong as "Rich" I am not but when someone is in need & has given of himself so genuinely & from his/her heart, when & if possible, I'm a soul that enjoys being able to a random act of kindness. Send me an e-mail at my obvious addy & I'll make an order...

    I've been a big fan of yours Scotty G for ions & wish you & yours a Happy New Year! Wildman in NC...
    I am flat broke after Christmas shopping. Goodness, I should have placed this book on my wish list !!

    Wildman,,aka,,,"Nick Danger"
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    Jesse G
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 03, 06 1:30 PM (permalink)
    Thanks, b3gsus,

    but I've aready orderd my book to get the discounted price and the included FREE bonus SONAR 5 CSi LE CD.

    That was a very kind gesture on your behalf, and that is truly what this forum is about, helping each other learn about recording and the techniques involved.

    Now, if you want to help me with the kids private school tuition, ..we can talk!


    Jesse G. A fisher of men  <><
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 04, 06 11:53 AM (permalink)
    Hi Mike -- I'm not sure about the e-book version yet. I have a request in to my publisher and I'm waiting to hear back from them. Thanks!

    Hi Apex -- Thanks for your support! I hope you enjoy the book.

    Hi Grooveteer -- I appreciate your support as well! Yeah, that's going to be a lot of reading. Thanks!

    Hi Jesse -- I've been thinking about Project 5. Not sure yet though. Thanks for the suggestion! And thanks for purchasing Sonar 5 Power... I hope you enjoy it!

    Hi Headquest, Jon, and Alastair -- Yes, the CD should be attached to the back inside cover of the book. Thanks!

    Hi Wildman -- That's very generous of you! Thanks so much for your support and Happy New Year!

    I hope everyone has a great and productive musical year!


    Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk, Sound Forge and Sound Forge 6, SONAR, SONAR 2, SONAR 3 and Sound Forge 8 Power! books.
    ** Sonar 5 Power The Comprehensive Guide - Now Available! ** Books up to 37% off at:

    Publisher of DigiFreq. Win a free copy of Sony's Sound Forge 8 audio editing software and learn cool music technology tips and techniques by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... over 18,000 readers can't be wrong! Go to:
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 12:01 AM (permalink)
    Forgot to mention...

    After you've had a chance to read the book, please let me know what you think.

    And if you like it, please feel free to post a review up on Amazon...



    Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk, Sound Forge and Sound Forge 6, SONAR, SONAR 2, SONAR 3, SONAR 4, and Sound Forge 8 Power! books.
    ** Sonar 5 Power The Comprehensive Guide - Now Available! ** Books up to 37% off at:

    Publisher of DigiFreq. Win a free copy of Cakewalk's Sonar 5 and learn cool music technology tips and techniques by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... over 18,000 readers can't be wrong! Go to:
    mr. moon
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 12:14 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: garrigus

    Forgot to mention...



    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for stepping up for me at your forum. Kinda interesting the way things panned out there yesterday...

    Anywho, I was wondering if Amazon offered one of their special "reduced price on two related books" type of deals on the purchase of Sonar 5 Power and SF 8 Power? I gots me some X-Mas cash that's burning a hole in me pocket.


    -mr moon

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 1:09 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: garrigus

    And if you like it, please feel free to post a review up on Amazon...



    Hey! Thanks for replying to my questions here - very unexpected! Being new to SOnar I didn't realise just how excellent this forum would be

    Anyway, I've ordered the book from the UK Amazon site, and I'll certainly pop a nice review up there once I've read the thing.

    Cheers again!
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 3:32 PM (permalink)

    Just ordered my copy......this'll be my 3rd Sonar Power book of Scott's (3 and 4)......been waiting for it......Thanks for putting it together Scott

    Anyone else have a copy yet?

    .......and it just arrived! Not bad considering it's been the Holidays and all. Wooohooo

    I'll be sure to post a review Scott.
    post edited by SteveJL - January 05, 06 3:35 PM

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 5:08 PM (permalink)
    What is the difference between the Power books and the Overdrive books? I am looking for an advaced book. I have purchased sevreal others and found them helpful, but really just a refresher.

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 5:27 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Redgrizz1

    What is the difference between the Power books and the Overdrive books? I am looking for an advaced book. I have purchased sevreal others and found them helpful, but really just a refresher.


    I've never seen a Sonar Overdrive book.....gotta link?

    Anyone else?

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 6:19 PM (permalink)
    mr. moon
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 05, 06 11:48 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Redgrizz1

    What is the difference between the Power books and the Overdrive books? I am looking for an advaced book. I have purchased sevreal others and found them helpful, but really just a refresher.


    I stopped by the local bookstore and checked out the Sonar 5 Overdrive book tonight, as I'm putting in a book order shortly and I wanted to see if the book was worth purchasing or not. I found that (for me, anyways) the Overdrive book complements the Sonar 5 Power book very nicely, The Overdrive book is more of a quick and dirty "here's how you do this really cool advanced thing" kind of book than I find the Power book to be. Personally, I'm going to buy them both (via the links on Scott's website) and take a day or two to read through them thoroughly before using them as reference material.

    -mr "Big M" moon

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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 06, 06 3:41 AM (permalink)
    Just ordered my copy... Never bought one of Scott's books before, can't wait for it to arrive having read the reviews. And anything's better than the useless multi-lingual manual I got from Et Cetera!
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    RE: I see that Sonar 5 Power is available..... January 08, 06 3:37 PM (permalink)
    Hey Mr. Moon -- No problem at all. I'm glad to have you there at the forum. Hopefully, we'll get even more people participating there after I install some new features. Unfortunately, there's no bundle price for two books. Thanks for ordering my book though! I hope you enjoy it.

    Hi Headquest -- Feel free to come on over to the DigiFreq forum as well. We've got a great bunch of people there too... http://www.digifreq.com/digifreq/discuss.asp
    And thanks so much for ordering my book! I look forward to your review.

    Hi Steve -- Yeah, Amazon is usually good at delivering. Thanks! I look forward to your review too.

    Hi Redgrizz -- My power book will walk you through all of the features of the software with step-by-step examples and exercises. Plus, you get a free CD with 1 hour of video tutorials. I believe the Overdrive book is a tips-based book, but I didn't write it and I haven't read it. You can find more info about it at:

    Hi Emma -- Thanks so much for ordering my book! I appreciate your support. I think you'll enjoy it. Over 600 pages of info and 1 hour of video tutorials. Lot's of info in there to keep you busy for a while. Happy music making!


    Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk, Sound Forge and Sound Forge 6, SONAR, SONAR 2, SONAR 3, SONAR 4, and Sound Forge 8 Power! books. ** Sonar 5 Power The Comprehensive Guide - Now Available! ** Books up to 37% off at:

    Publisher of DigiFreq. Win a free copy of Cakewalk's Sonar 5 and learn cool music technology tips and techniques by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... over 18,000 readers can't be wrong! Go to:

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