Cakewalk Pro Suite

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May 11, 06 6:28 PM (permalink)

Cakewalk Pro Suite

I have cakewalk Pro Suite for windows 95/98...I just purchased a new computer with windows XP, does anyone out there know if I can download my old software without harming my computer? I do music editing for a sport event/events and have be able to do a simi good job in cakewalk, knowing what little I know about all of this...When I first purchased cakewalk I was not able to find anyone who knew how to help me get started....I did buy a howto book, however, I am not the greatest at following the written word....I am so happy to find this forum so I can ask questions. Hopefully, I will be able to use my old software...thx rockn

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    RE: Cakewalk Pro Suite May 11, 06 7:05 PM (permalink)
    I wouldn't. Time to upgrade. You'd be missing a lot of new features and it probably won't run under XP anyway.

    Computer: Intel i7, ASROCK H170M, 16GB/5TB+, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, TASCAM US-16x08, Cakewalk UM-3G MIDI I/F
    Instruments: SL-880 Keyboard controller, Korg 05R/W, Korg N1R, KORG Wavestation EX
    Axes: Fender Stratocaster, Line6 Variax 300, Ovation Acoustic, Takamine Nylon Acoustic, Behringer GX212 amp, Shure SM-58 mic, Rode NT1 condenser mic.
    Outboard: Mackie 1402-VLZ mixer, TC Helicon VoiceLive 2, Digitech Vocalist WS EX, PODXTLive, various stompboxes and stuff. 
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    RE: Cakewalk Pro Suite May 11, 06 7:49 PM (permalink)
    Second that. XP is a very different animal from Win98. Many older programs need files that are no longer present, or their install routines can write to core system files, causing sometimes bizarre behavior.
    Sonar Home Studio4 offers a lot of bang for the buck, and could possibly save you a lot of grief. It would be a worthwhile investment, especially with a brand new machine at risk.
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    RE: Cakewalk Pro Suite May 11, 06 11:54 PM (permalink)
    I also have pro suite.
    I run pro audio 9 with XP & also have HS4 loaded.
    PA 9 is actually more stable in XP than it ever was in 98 for me.
    I wouldn't try loading the Gigasampler LE though. That might cause some problems.


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    RE: Cakewalk Pro Suite May 12, 06 11:59 AM (permalink)
    Agreed, technically and legally you are totally not supposed to run any of the Pro Audio's on XP, but people do it all the time. However, keep in mind that you are taking a risk and anything that happens (or doesn't happen) is totally your own fault. It's like "mom told me not to stick my finger in that electric socket -but i did, and now I can't walk" -Its really taking a chance with your operating system and your entire system. If you are a computer expert, go for it! -if you are not, probably wise not to do so..... Just 2cents worth
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    RE: Cakewalk Pro Suite May 12, 06 8:01 PM (permalink)

    Thankyou all for your advise...I don't think I will take a chance with my new computer...My old computer was windows me not 98...I did have a lot of problems with my old computer and the program. Is Sonar Home Studio 4 similar to ProSuite as far as editing music? It seem like most of Cakewalk programs are geared toward musicians and new created music...I just want to edit music already out there together. thx again rockn
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    RE: Cakewalk Pro Suite May 12, 06 9:27 PM (permalink)
    ME was not one of Microsofts better releases. I think you will enjoy the stability of XP. Home Studio is very much geared to new music production. Some of the other guys will probably have some suggestions for software that may better serve your needs. It is a good program, but it sounds like it may not be what you really want.
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