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Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
Hello People, I'm trying to use two separate MIDI tracks to play different drum parts of a single Velocity DXi instance. When I use the vel+ trim in one of the MIDI tracks to increase or decrease the volume of just one drum part, it affects the volume of the other part aswell. I don't understand this because I thought that vel+ just adjusts the velocity values of the MIDI note data leaving the track. I've also noticed that the same thing happens with the transpose track adjustments aswell. Anybody got any idea? Thanks, Henry By the way, I'm using Sonar 5P (with the 5.2 patch installed).
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 10, 06 7:39 PM
This happens because they share the midi channel. If you don't want another Velocity DXi on another channel to have one for each drum track, you need to adjust velocity by right-clicking the track and selecting Midi Effects>Cakewalk FX>Velocity. If you want to edit only one note i.e. a ride or a hihat, double-click the track in question, and click on the keys to the left to find the right one. Clicking them will also highlight the corresponding notes for editing. Next just right-click on one of the notes you want to edit and go Midi Effects>Cakewalk FX etc..... These methods applies to all midiFX.
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 10, 06 8:00 PM
Thanks tor. What you've suggested seems to work OK, but it only allows me to 'absolutely' set the velocity values for the MIDI data on a particular track. I still don't understand why what I'm trying to do doesn't work (even if Velocity does use only one MIDI channel). All the vel+ trim should do is adjust the velocity values of MIDI notes/drum beats as they leave the MIDI track on the way to their destination (Velocty in this case). Also, I've tried the same thing with other DXis and the problem doesn't occur. Henry
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 11, 06 9:56 AM
Other DXi's may have been playing in a multichannel mode? If your DXi is set to play on basis of data from only one channel, you are forced to send those two tracks down the same channel, or else you would hear only one or none of them. This means that whatever tweaks you do to the channel itself will have effect on all events going through it. If you want to avoid this you must edit the tracks on an event-specific basis. The velocity controller you want to use is not event or track specific, but channel specific. I'd suggest you save yor Velocity DXi as an instrument and then insert another for one of your tracks, that will solve your problem, and make it possible to adjust velocity the way you want.
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 11, 06 10:59 AM
Thanks for your help tor. My only concern with adding an instance per drum sound is that I'll use loads of CPU cycles - maybe this is not the case with a simple sample player like Velocity. Cheers, Henry
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 11, 06 12:33 AM
You'll probably notice a little increase in CPU usage, but the amount of RAM in your system also matters, the more the better, since a lot of samples are held in the memory. Also, the HD's RPM matters, the faster it spins, the faster it can be read from, which means easier streaming of audio if the Velocity DXi has direct-from-disk-reading functionality. However, since you're using Sonar 5, you can "freeze" everything after you're done tweaking the drums. That way you'll have the drums exactly the way you want them, and your system will treat your tracks as audio, and the CPU usage will drop. You can also bounce them to audio for further treatment with audio FX, such as compressors, equalizers, gates, reverbs and such.
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 11, 06 7:05 PM
Thinking about it a little more, I still think that what I am trying to do should work. Vel+ is a "track" parameter, so all it should do is alter the velocity of the MIDI notes as they leave the track to their destination (Velocity DXi in this case), irrespective of the channel. I appreciate that, in the case of Volume or Pan, what you are saying applies, because volume and Pan are MIDI "per channel" parameters. Using my old MIDI soundcard I had a drum kit selected to channel 10 and then sent several different tracks all to channel 10, using vel+ on a per track basis to get the balance of volumes (you know what I mean!) for different drum sounds sounding right. I've also tried this with Loopazoid (a free drum sampler VST plugin) and the problem doesn't occur - and this is without using different channels for different drum sounds, if indeed this is possible. By the why, I have exactly the same problem with the track transpose (key+), and surely that's got nothing to do with MIDI channels?
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 11, 06 8:35 PM
I see this problem in Velocity, too. Velocity has other problems, as well. If you insert any SynthEdit-based softsynth (such as Organized Trio) into your project, Velocity will not work.
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 12, 06 4:29 PM
I'm suprised no-one has flagged this up before (or that the problem hasn't been fixed). Surely the way I'm wanting to use Velocity is the obvious way to sequence drum patterns?! Maybe Velocity is not a very popular choice for playing drum samples, and if so, does anyone have any good suggestions as an alternative to what I'm trying to do? I've got Sonar 5P, Project5v2 (without the Dimension Pro upgrade) and z3ta+ and no more money to spend. ORIGINAL: sinc I see this problem in Velocity, too. Velocity has other problems, as well. If you insert any SynthEdit-based softsynth (such as Organized Trio) into your project, Velocity will not work.
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RE: Velocity DXi problem in Sonar
May 12, 06 7:10 PM
I usually don't use the velocity trim. I just set the velocity I want in the individual notes.