Beginner with gear question

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September 24, 06 1:59 PM (permalink)

Beginner with gear question

Hello everyone -

I have finally decided on Home Studio XL as I think it will fit my needs nicely. I have a Pentium 4 2.8 with 550mb RAM and am a computer idiot.

I am thinking of getting a Delta 44, but then I'll also need something to use with XLR inputs as I enjoy micing my speakers more than a direct input. (using my friends equip). Do they make a decent card with XLR inputs?

I'm not sure what else I will need -

I believe I will need a ...

soundcard (such as Delta 44)
something for mics
what else am I missing?

Thanks for the help - I have thoroghly enjoyed reading through all the past posts and am thrilled to have found this site.

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 9:23 AM (permalink)
    Asking what you need is tough. It really depends on what you want to do with it.
    Here are my ideas.

    If you're recording one instrument at a time, go for an M-Audio 192 or 2946 for a soundcard. If you do need the extra inputs, go for the Delta 44 or 1010.
    For the XLR inputs, get a mixing board with phantom power (for condensor mics). That will change the XLR to something compatible with the soundcard (i haven't seen a soundcard with XLR Ins).

    Get more RAM. With less than 1 gig, you might still get dropouts with SHS4XL.
    MOnitors... I'm not sure what to offer here. I have a pair of KRK5s. They're powered, which is handy because my Behringer1202 mixer is not.

    Something for mics... what do you mean? A popscreen? Types of mics? Chocolates and flowers? I've found that bribery won't help my vocals to sound better.

    If you're planning on using MIDI, you'll want to get a controller as well. You can usually find these for $100-$150, although someone else will have to refer you to something good. I just use an obsolete Yamaha keyboard with MIDI In/Outs.

    For a MA2496, Behringer 1202, KRK5 monitors, 1G RAM, you can probably get the lot for about $4-500.
    post edited by Slugbaby - September 25, 06 9:39 AM
    Dell i5, 16Gb RAM, Focusrite 2i2 IO, Telecasters, P-bases, Personal Drama for a muse.
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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 9:54 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the reply -

    I thought about adding ram, but I am a bit of a computer idiot. Is there a way to tell what type of RAM to purchase and what would be compatible with my computer? It is a Dell 4700 series desktop from a couple years ago, and I'm not sure where to even start with adding RAM.

    I am trying to not purchase everything at once until I know I am going to enjoy recording - is there a way to use computer speakers as monitors temporarily?

    I alos have an older pod 2.0 pro rackmount - although it isn;t in my live setup at all, I could use that initially and not have tp purchase the mixing board right away and save a bit initially.

    Thaks again for the reply -

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 10:27 AM (permalink)
    As far as soundcards go, the Echo Gina 3G has the breakout box with XLR inputs as well as MIDI in and out. Great specs as well. This is what I use. See

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 10:37 AM (permalink)
    Do you mean speakers built into the PC (they suck), or external ones plugged into your soundcard?
    If they're external, you can use them as long as the connection matches whatever is the Out in your soundcard.

    If you go to, and search for the specs on your PC, you should find what you want. Or you can find it somewhere in your system info. For mine, I went to - it was easier.

    Good idea with the pod. I used a digital 8-track as my mixer before buying a proper one. It was a gigantic, expensive, waste of space, but did the trick.
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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 11:36 AM (permalink)
    I have crappy external speakers currently. I realize they are terrible, I am just hesitant to make a huge financial commitment to something that I am not sure I will enjoy.

    I appreciate the reccomendation on the Gina - I had looked at that, but that is also a fairly hefty price tag for a new hobby -

    I'm a little torn between buying once and having great stuff, or saving a little money and buying as needed and if I decide I want to continue to pursue recording. I certainly have zero intentions of doing an album or any other grand recording, I just think it will be another fun way to enjoy music in general.

    Thakns for the help,

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 5:17 PM (permalink)
    I am just hesitant to make a huge financial commitment to something that I am not sure I will enjoy.

    Then maybe go with something like the Soundblaster Audigy and a decent pair of headphones for monitoring. You can always use those in other ways. A preamp could give you the XLR inputs you want. I know Studio Projects used to have a good rated one. Or you could get a small mixer with good preamps built in.

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 7:15 PM (permalink)
    Would I be spending money better if I installed a firewire card and purchased a sound card that was firewire - or is PCI a better route?
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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 9:32 PM (permalink)
    I would look at a different sound card, maybe something from M-Audio.

    You won't like the Soundblaster after you have uesd it. Been there done that.

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 25, 06 9:48 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the reply -

    i am thinking the M audio 2496 might be the right choice for my needs. It appears to be good enough to start and continue with and not break the bank.

    Anybody have a clue what the connections are for monitors - 1/4"? Is there a standard for the industry? I'm still wondering if I could get away with my crappy Dell speakers for a bit to raise the funds....

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 26, 06 8:29 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: randy

    I would look at a different sound card, maybe something from M-Audio.

    You won't like the Soundblaster after you have uesd it. Been there done that.


    I agree. You can get a decent M-Audio for the same price as a Soundblaster, and there's a big quality difference.

    You might have trouble using your Dell speakers with a good soundcard. Most decent cards have 2 mono outs (L/R), while if your speakers are like my old Dells, they use one 1/8" phono jack.
    You could probably find an adapter to run the 2 RCA outs (on the soundcard) into one female 1/8". It might lower the sound quality, but with Dell speakers you may not notice.

    And I have the M-Audio 2496, and quite like it.
    post edited by Slugbaby - September 26, 06 8:46 AM
    Dell i5, 16Gb RAM, Focusrite 2i2 IO, Telecasters, P-bases, Personal Drama for a muse.
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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 26, 06 10:52 AM (permalink)
    If you can get an M-Audio product for the same price as the Audigy, that would probably be best. But I've seen Audigy's go real cheap, and I thought money was an issue.

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    RE: Beginner with gear question September 26, 06 11:36 AM (permalink)
    roland makes a USB interface with an XLR plug on it and guitar modeling PLUS it comes with Sonar LE. my guitar player bought one & it's very nice.

    this is the one he has:

    The Poodle Chews It.

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