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Cleaning junk off new computer
any advice or links to sites that tell you the best way to clean all the junk programs off a new computer? I just purchased a Dell XPS400 with the Intel Core 2 Duo E6400. I'm sure it comes preloaded with a bunch of crap that will probably use computer resources. What's the best way to strip all this stuff off before I start loading the programs that I want?
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 10:44 PM
Re-install XP and only the necessary drivers (DVD drive, graphics card, etc.). Wipe your HD first or Windows will do a fake re-installation. XP will boot up and shut down really fast which I think is a good thing.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 10:48 PM
ditto. If you are nervous about it, spend $50 on a new harddrive and put the original OS HD on the shelf.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 10:48 PM
I don't think stores give out XP cd's with new computers (which I think is a HUGE rip off). I'm pertty sure they just give you recover cd's which is crap, it just puts all that garbage and tracking crap back on your machine.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 10:50 PM
btw, your MFT will get loaded with garbage if you just format the drive to reinstall. So use "active kill disk" to whipe out the drive, then install xp (if you have a xp disk).
post edited by Ogis - October 18, 06 11:06 PM
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 11:23 PM
The computer came with a Windows XP re-installation CD. It sounds like that CD will load all the same stuff back onto my computer. Is there not a way to manually get this stuff off the machine..and what do I look for?
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 11:27 PM
pt the cd in the computer to find out. If it starts the typical windows install you might have it. If it comes up with something labeled Dell, it will probably lay down a clone of the the factory install.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 18, 06 11:45 PM
ORIGINAL: xackley ditto. If you are nervous about it, spend $50 on a new harddrive and put the original OS HD on the shelf. I agree, but even better, leave that for your net surfing, etc.. And use the new hard drive for audio and daw's only. And install xp on the new drive bare as poss. Turn off all services other than plug'n'play, and windows audio, as well as not installing the network. (and a few other tweaks to stop unnessary stuff). You can even do like I did, and edit boot.ini (careful), and name one as "Internet Account", and the other as "Studio" account, for making logging in easier.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 0:58 PM
check out it has detailed instructions that even i could understand,and yes get a second h/d and use 1 for the o\s and sonar and use drive 2 for audio file storage only.i know you just spent a ton of cash on your new cpu but you really need 2 drives
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 3:00 AM
I'm almost sure off the shelf computers don't come with full versions of Windows. You will spend so much time trying to achieve what you want. If you consider time to be money, I like the suggestion of purchasing another hard drive, a full copy of Windows XP, and doing a clean install. But that seems like alot of time and money as well. Why even worry about it? Why not just tweak the computer to function as an audio machine - there are many articles about it. I think has a few good ones. This is why most people wind up building their own machines. I'm using an off-the-shelf HP machine, but when I get ready to seriously implement Sonar 6, I will be building (or having built) my own machine, one reason being so that I can acquire a full OEM version of Windows and do a custom install with only the components necessary for audio/MIDI production. Another thing to consider - computers are getting so powerful that these little extra do-dads probably do little to compromise the performance you'll achieve. The main thing is having enough RAM and a dedicated hard drive for audio. Then do the little tweaks for music production and most likely you'll be fine.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 4:03 AM
You could buy an OEM version of XP from NewEgg and install that on a wiped OS drive? I know it's more bucks, but at least you'll save days of cleaning rubbish off... and with a clean version of XP, when stuff goes wrong you won't be wondering "Did removing Dell Jukebox somehow corrupt my registry? Did removing AOL screw something up?" T.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 4:26 AM
ORIGINAL: The Scar "Did removing Dell Jukebox somehow corrupt my registry? Did removing AOL screw something up?" T. If he has AOL then he's already screwed somethng up  (Sorry, couldn't resist)
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 8:47 AM
I've never had a Dell (well, I have one at work, but not for personal use), but I know my HP recovery disk just installs all the factory junk right back on there. But you can open the "Add/Remove Programs" tool, and the junk programs are usually pretty easy to pick out, and just uninstall them. Then go into your "Program Files" folder and delete all the associated files for the programs you just uninstalled. My HP had a ton of junk on it from the factory, but it only took about 15 minutes to find and get rid of all of it.
post edited by OffAnAirplane - October 19, 06 9:02 AM
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 10:12 AM
thanks for all the advice. I will be using a second hard drive for all my audio files. That's how I have it set up in my current DAW (older HP)..just have to pull it from the HP and install it in the new Dell. That's what I figured I would do..go to the add/delete programs and remove all the stuff that I think isn't necessary. I guess before I do that I can always make a system restore point incase I screw something up. At what point do you think I should pull my Aardvark sound card out of my old computer and put it into the new one?...after I've cleaned it of unnecessary programs or right from the beginning?
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 10:17 AM
ORIGINAL: toastjam At what point do you think I should pull my Aardvark sound card out of my old computer and put it into the new one?...after I've cleaned it of unnecessary programs or right from the beginning? I don't think it would make any difference.
Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 7:03 PM
ORIGINAL: toastjam The computer came with a Windows XP re-installation CD. It sounds like that CD will load all the same stuff back onto my computer. Is there not a way to manually get this stuff off the machine..and what do I look for? all the dells i've ever owned or worked on have the actual xp installation cd (if in fact you choose to have it sent to you when buying it). hp, compaq, gateway, toshiba, etc. to my knowledge do the "re-installation" cd which is why i'll never buy one of those machines. my next laptop will be a dell latitude, and my next daw will be one i've either built myself or ordered from a daw builder.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 8:38 PM
Jack is correct; they will also send it to you afterwards if you request it. I don't have a Dell myself, but helped a friend who has one out of a McAfee disaster recently. One her Dell there had been no restore CD, there was a separate hidden partition (which of course had all the preinstalled crap on it). We got Dell to send her the separate disks. No need to buy an extra copy of XP.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 19, 06 9:08 PM
Or you could try msconfig. Go to Start Menu --> Run, and then type "msconfig". Go to the last tab entitled Startup. I wouldn't mess with any of the others. From the startup tab you can uncheck and thus prevent most programs from being loaded at bootup and into your Ram. Jeff
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 20, 06 9:43 PM
That prevents them from starting up (I prefer CodeStuff Starter, myself--lets you control processes too), but they're still cluttering up the PC. Unless you can be sure these things will uninstall cleanly (AOL leaves lots of bits behind, for example), getting the disks from Dell and installing only what you want is still the best bet, IMHO.
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RE: Cleaning junk off new computer
October 21, 06 12:45 AM
i agree - fresh install + all windows updates. if your xp install cd doesn't say 'sp2' (dell's should) then download the redistributable package from microsoft and do an offline install of xp + sp2 so your computer isn't owned in the first 5 to 10 minutes after it boots.