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multi-fx under$900
Hey all, Im torn between the Bss rack mount unit, and the Line 6 pod pro XL. Only thing is, I could care less about all the amp "mods" the Lines 6 pod comes with and it seems to me that they put the most effort into makeing the amps sound their best. And, its something Ill NEVER use. Basicly Im lookinfg for a one stop, multi FX unit that offers al the basic stuff, at one, be it on a mono or stero chan doesnt matter... but is under $900. Ive seen the TC electronic Monee XL but... it only offer two effects at a time where as the boss unit can give me much more.... as well as the pod too. Id be useding this unit more on an AUX bus on my mixer when recoding vocals....... unless the things was so supper kick a** that I could track with it and not worry about editing later. Just wondering what all you use? No cheap-o units please.... I need the lower end of "pro" level effects. I dont have the money for the $200 lexicon units........ but something close for under $1,00 would be nice. Anything I have mentioned thats wicked hard core nad a**? ANd if not, if you were me what would you go with? Thanx! ~Zef PS forgive the type-o I was assulted by a six pack of beer and had to defend myself acordingly............ :]
post edited by Zef - October 18, 06 2:17 AM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 4:52 AM
Does it have to be a rack mount unit? Why not Boss GT 8, Zoom G 9.2tt, or Pod XT? GT 8 would be a great choice.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 12:05 AM
It has to be rack mount for 2 reasons. 1 I have way to much rack mount stuff as it is, and it is far better to just have every thing "inline" where I can go down the link " pre-amp-compressor-sonic max-31 band eq-mixer " Where-as if its a floor unit, I trip over it, risk knocking it off the desk, possibly step on it ect. Plus the pod xt pro runs at a 9k/24 and the floor unit is 44.1/24 bit. I believe.Thats great and all.... except Ill be recording at 192K. I am leaning pod... but I dont know. I know the stuff in the "pro audio" department is good... but the best Ive seen there offers only two effects at a time. That means I have to buy multiple units! Id rather not. So I guess it boils down to the pod pro or the boss pro rack unit. Thanx ~Zef
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 12:36 AM
ORIGINAL: Zef It has to be rack mount for 2 reasons. 1 I have way to much rack mount stuff as it is, and it is far better to just have every thing "inline" where I can go down the link " pre-amp-compressor-sonic max-31 band eq-mixer " Where-as if its a floor unit, I trip over it, risk knocking it off the desk, possibly step on it ect. Plus the pod xt pro runs at a 9k/24 and the floor unit is 44.1/24 bit. I believe.Thats great and all.... except Ill be recording at 192K. I am leaning pod... but I dont know. I know the stuff in the "pro audio" department is good... but the best Ive seen there offers only two effects at a time. That means I have to buy multiple units! Id rather not. So I guess it boils down to the pod pro or the boss pro rack unit. Thanx ~Zef Line6 has better sounding FX than Roland in my humble opinion. And I've owned a PODxt-Pro, a Boss GT-8 and presently own a PODxt-Live. Try both of them out at your local GC. They almost always have both on display for trying out. If you go with the PODxt-Pro you will most likely need to buy the FX addon, unless you buy a used one that already has it. So you might want to figure that into your costs. BTW, the PODxt-Live comes with the FX bundle pre-installed. I really prefer the Live over the Pro anyway, because with the Pro you have to buy a foot-controller anyway (or at least I did,) and they are expensive and not near as good as the Live's pedals. And the lower sample rate doesn't matter unless you are actually going to use the POD's A/D converters, which if you already have an interface, you probably won't use them, but instead just take the line outs into your interface. The only real advantage the Pro has over the Live in my opinion is it's dry output, which can be recorded at the same time as the wet signal. So if you nail a take, but decide later you like a different amp sound, you can just send the dry signal back to the POD and re-amp it. But I rarely nail a take anyway, so it's not an issue for me.
post edited by OffAnAirplane - October 18, 06 1:33 PM
Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 3:49 PM
The only real advantage the Pro has over the Live in my opinion is it's dry output, which can be recorded at the same time as the wet signal. So if you nail a take, but decide later you like a different amp sound, you can just send the dry signal back to the POD and re-amp it. But I rarely nail a take anyway, so it's not an issue for me.  Im not looking for "guitar" effects. Just an "all use"multi effects unit. I could care less if it has 1,00 amps that sound "perfictly" like the real ones. I need the best reverb, flang, chr, delay and so on. Plus the ability to arange them in ANY signal configuration that I want. The re-amp ability looks sweet. But like if if the "big deal" about the pod XT pro is all the amp modles, and not its "effects" section.... im not interested in it. I know the "pro audio" sections of GC or sam Ash have many offerings. Sadly Most or all that are any good are limited to 2 effect per unit. ANd when I need one per chan, and Ive got 8 chan, with pre, cop, sonic max, and 31 band eq's when Im recording a full drum kit.... man that insain to have to buy enough $400 units to cover all that. Tho I realize, that prob my only option. I realize there are a ton of plug ins out here that sound sweet. But To my ears, [and Ive heard many plug ins] they have yet to match the outboard stuff tone for tone. And since vista is about to come out, everything is going to take months or years, to get all the drivers and software kinks worked out. Where as, with an outboard unit, I dont have to worry about that. Basicly im looking for something that I can use wile recording VOCALS. Have it run thru an aux buss for monitoring, but not on a buss that is going into the recording input of my daw. Unless the effects are so bad ass that I can have them in the signal chain, and not sweat bullets later to find I added to much of something that I cant take out durring editing or mix down. Im leaning boss cus it offers what Im looking for, yet also has the metal zone. That is alot like my ART extream distortion peddal and the ART extream is a BEAST. Basicly Im looking for someone to tell me "Go with the [BLANK] cus its a great multi effects unit, I use it in my studio in the aux bus of my mixing consoul and it covers everything from vocals to snares. And if there is a unit out there that is a little more in price, that does all this, PLEASE mention it. And no offense to anyone, but unless youve been recording for at least 5 or 6 years, please dont chime in here. I dont mean to be a dick, but I need advice from people who run studios or eat, poo, and breath audio like I do. I need solid advice from solid sources. This isnt to say I havnt gotten it all ready. Im just saying it to say it. I know the pecks of all the units and what they can do. What I need is HONEST advice from people who use these units daily to record people or them self. I hope you understand and I thank you for your understanding. ~Seth
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 4:32 PM
ORIGINAL: Zef The only real advantage the Pro has over the Live in my opinion is it's dry output, which can be recorded at the same time as the wet signal. So if you nail a take, but decide later you like a different amp sound, you can just send the dry signal back to the POD and re-amp it. But I rarely nail a take anyway, so it's not an issue for me. 
Im not looking for "guitar" effects. Just an "all use"multi effects unit. I could care less if it has 1,00 amps that sound "perfictly" like the real ones. I need the best reverb, flang, chr, delay and so on. Plus the ability to arange them in ANY signal configuration that I want. The re-amp ability looks sweet. But like if if the "big deal" about the pod XT pro is all the amp modles, and not its "effects" section.... im not interested in it. I know the "pro audio" sections of GC or sam Ash have many offerings. Sadly Most or all that are any good are limited to 2 effect per unit. ANd when I need one per chan, and Ive got 8 chan, with pre, cop, sonic max, and 31 band eq's when Im recording a full drum kit.... man that insain to have to buy enough $400 units to cover all that. Tho I realize, that prob my only option. I realize there are a ton of plug ins out here that sound sweet. But To my ears, [and Ive heard many plug ins] they have yet to match the outboard stuff tone for tone. And since vista is about to come out, everything is going to take months or years, to get all the drivers and software kinks worked out. Where as, with an outboard unit, I dont have to worry about that. Basicly im looking for something that I can use wile recording VOCALS. Have it run thru an aux buss for monitoring, but not on a buss that is going into the recording input of my daw. Unless the effects are so bad ass that I can have them in the signal chain, and not sweat bullets later to find I added to much of something that I cant take out durring editing or mix down. Im leaning boss cus it offers what Im looking for, yet also has the metal zone. That is alot like my ART extream distortion peddal and the ART extream is a BEAST. Basicly Im looking for someone to tell me "Go with the [BLANK] cus its a great multi effects unit, I use it in my studio in the aux bus of my mixing consoul and it covers everything from vocals to snares. And if there is a unit out there that is a little more in price, that does all this, PLEASE mention it. And no offense to anyone, but unless youve been recording for at least 5 or 6 years, please dont chime in here. I dont mean to be a dick, but I need advice from people who run studios or eat, poo, and breath audio like I do. I need solid advice from solid sources. This isnt to say I havnt gotten it all ready. Im just saying it to say it. I know the pecks of all the units and what they can do. What I need is HONEST advice from people who use these units daily to record people or them self. I hope you understand and I thank you for your understanding. ~Seth Well the Boss GT-8 and the Line6 PODxt are both designed for use with guitars. There are many amp models on both units and also FX. But the FX are geared toward guitar also. I can't imagine why you would want to use overdrive or wah on anything other than a guitar, but I guess to each his own. Considering what you just said, I would not buy a GT-8 or a PODxt, because neither is what you are looking for. I know you said you don't care for software plugins, but please realize most hardware FX are just little microprocessor based machines dedicated to running software FX. They are doing the exact same thing as the software, but the only advantage is they do not bog down your computer. That is not true about analog FX, but I don't think anybody makes an outboard analog multieffect box, but if they did it would be very expensive. They are almost always digital, and if they are digital they are no different sounding than their software counterparts. I would recommend a software FX bundle. You can get an amazing set of FX for the same $500 or so you would spend on an outboard unit, and it will MUCH, MUCH more versatile, and you can use it over and over again on as many tracks as you want. I assumed you were looking for guitar FX, that is why I recommended the PODxt. Though it's claim to fame is it's amp modeling, it also has quite a few really nice sounding FX. But I would not recommend it for anything other than guitar. I don't even think it has a regular line-in. I think it only has a mono, high-Z guitar input anyway. And I'm fairly sure the GT-8 is the same way, since they were both intended to be used with guitars. If you want my opinion, software plug-ins are what you are looking for.
post edited by OffAnAirplane - October 18, 06 4:53 PM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 5:03 PM
Well the Boss GT-8 and the Line6 PODxt are both designed for use with guitars. There are many amp models on both units and also FX. But the FX are geared toward guitar also. I can't imagine why you would want to use overdrive or wah on anything other than a guitar, but I guess to each his own. Considering what you just said, I would not buy a GT-8 or a PODxt, because neither is what you are looking for. If you want my opinion, software plug-ins are what you are looking for. Two things. And before I start, please understand I respect what your saying. ANd im not just saying this to "cover" myself like most people do when they bash another person.... I love it how some people think its ok to total insult someone and think its ok just cus they said " I respect you but". this is not the case here...... I do respect what your sayin' and I will be respectful in my reply. The two things are. 1. In all honesty now. I have yet to hear a guitar processor, that does what a "pro audio" processor does in any way diffrent. Yes......... I know there may be some tweaks here and there. But I have used guitar effects often with GREAT and even FANTASTIC results. That said, my thoughts are, that one co will make two boxes. call one "pro audio" the other "guitar effects" sell the pro audio one for one price and the guitar for another. TO me its more of a sales ploy then a real diffrence. 2. To me, Plug ins would be Idea. IF I didnt have to risk a computer that dies, OS updates, and the fact that plug ins are not 100% as good the true units they emulate. I have waves plug ins. And I enjoy them. However, I just have a daw die on me, and now I want an outboard unit that is great,, god forbid, this new DAW I just built dies. In that event I wont have lost AL my effects, and will have something to use wile I am building the new daw. I like the pod. A lot. MY fear was that I was looking at the inteneral audio signals are treated in 96kk/24bit and thus would then be limited, to that sample rate forever. However, if this is the "norm" as far as processors go. Id then be willing to accept it. As I believe the bossruns at a 44.1k/16 or perhaps 24 bit. Ive been looking at TC electronic gear, and it looks great. But to only be able to use 2 effects at once ...... to me.... that should not be legal at the price they sell it for. No matter how good it is. I thank you for your thoughts, and the debate and the time youve taken to offer your thoughts. I apreaciate the fact that you have no assumed I was an idiot and bashed. Often I find people are quick to do this without even haveing any idea who they are talking to. Ive been recording for over 15 years. Ive got over $23K+ in gear and growing daily/monthly. Im just searching the markets for the best "all use" effects box. Just for the record, Overdrive on vocals is used a lot. And it all depends on the client and project as to what effects are used and how. Thank you, honestly, for you time. ~Seth
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 6:19 PM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 6:55 PM
ORIGINAL: Zef Two things. And before I start, please understand I respect what your saying. ANd im not just saying this to "cover" myself like most people do when they bash another person.... I love it how some people think its ok to total insult someone and think its ok just cus they said " I respect you but". this is not the case here...... I do respect what your sayin' and I will be respectful in my reply. The two things are. 1. In all honesty now. I have yet to hear a guitar processor, that does what a "pro audio" processor does in any way diffrent. Yes......... I know there may be some tweaks here and there. But I have used guitar effects often with GREAT and even FANTASTIC results. That said, my thoughts are, that one co will make two boxes. call one "pro audio" the other "guitar effects" sell the pro audio one for one price and the guitar for another. TO me its more of a sales ploy then a real diffrence. 2. To me, Plug ins would be Idea. IF I didnt have to risk a computer that dies, OS updates, and the fact that plug ins are not 100% as good the true units they emulate. I have waves plug ins. And I enjoy them. However, I just have a daw die on me, and now I want an outboard unit that is great,, god forbid, this new DAW I just built dies. In that event I wont have lost AL my effects, and will have something to use wile I am building the new daw. I like the pod. A lot. MY fear was that I was looking at the inteneral audio signals are treated in 96kk/24bit and thus would then be limited, to that sample rate forever. However, if this is the "norm" as far as processors go. Id then be willing to accept it. As I believe the bossruns at a 44.1k/16 or perhaps 24 bit. Ive been looking at TC electronic gear, and it looks great. But to only be able to use 2 effects at once ...... to me.... that should not be legal at the price they sell it for. No matter how good it is. I thank you for your thoughts, and the debate and the time youve taken to offer your thoughts. I apreaciate the fact that you have no assumed I was an idiot and bashed. Often I find people are quick to do this without even haveing any idea who they are talking to. Ive been recording for over 15 years. Ive got over $23K+ in gear and growing daily/monthly. Im just searching the markets for the best "all use" effects box. Just for the record, Overdrive on vocals is used a lot. And it all depends on the client and project as to what effects are used and how. Thank you, honestly, for you time. ~Seth Well then I don't have an answer for you. You are trying to do something very different, that I've never even heard of, so I don't have any advice. Maybe someone else can help. Good luck. One more thing though. You do realize that the POD and the GT-8 are only going to be able to be used for one track at a time, right? You can stack a phaser, verb, flanger, wah in any order you want, but they will all be in series in the same signal chain. You will still only be able to apply one instance of each effect, and only to one track at a time. Whereas, with a software plugin you can use as many instances of that plug as your CPU can handle.
post edited by OffAnAirplane - October 18, 06 7:13 PM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 7:06 PM
I see that you said you don't want software plug ins because you are afraid your computer might die or something and because the software does not sound as good. FWIW, I've never had a computer die on me, except for a hard drive once and that was $80 and a few hours. My little sister, on the other hand, has her computers die all the time (and usually not anything I can fix). Maybe it's the electricity outlet or static or gremlins. I need Moulder and Scully on that case. Anyway.... I gather you are one of the unfortunate ones that has bad luck with computers. However, if you could get over your fears, I will share my top notch secret weapons: Izotopes trash and spectron. These are awesome and make my guitar parts sound like a record. For real.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 8:04 PM
I had a tyan board act all sorts of crazy... then wouldnt boot at all..... I build computers, Ive built and fixed many for family members..... when I say this thing was dead... I mean It was DEAD. lol. I LOVE the IZOTOPE stuff. I love the waves stuff too. Its just that I want some outboard gear that is good, even great, but not gunna break the bank. I do understand that I can only use this on ONE track at a time. However my intent here is to do just that. I want to run this on an AUX bus on my mixer wile recording vocals so the vocals are not bone dry when the singer is singing, yet, the effects are not getting "printed" to the daw. Wile a $120 behringer unit could do this.... I want something a bit more high range/pro... that in a pinch I could use it as a main fx unit if something were to happen. Ive checked out the Yamaha and the lexicon Ive spent days/weeks maybe even months looking over specks and came to the idea that the POD PRO XT and the BOSS rack unit were the two that were best for price and offerings. I like the pod, I like the Boss. OH, how I wish I could get both. Truth be told, I dont have the money to buy these out right Ill have to use the payment plan from Musfri or AMS. to get this. I guess its a coin toss really. I guess I can go "wrong" with either unit. Thats why to me its so hard to make the choice. I am going to check out the lexicon real quick... if thats the one with four outputs? If each out can be used as mono IE: four in/four out even if its the same amount of effect applied to each out........... Id have to consider it...... and probably go for that. Thank you everyone for your thoguhts, I guess if anyone else has anything to add, to please do. If not, thank all of you that have added. ~Zef
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 18, 06 9:58 PM
Ok, I see where you are comming from. I would go for the boss rack (the gt-pro) To me, they are awesome and can't be beat. The way a different fx comes in depending on how hard you play is really cool (and opens up a ton of creativity). I don't think anything else does that.
post edited by sandman5000 - October 18, 06 10:30 PM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 19, 06 2:02 AM
Respectfully..................It seems your a little skattered on your request. I do agree on using true outboard multi effects vs. some of the guitar processor recomendations. Here are some thoughts on multi effects ...............you do the home work. Used recommendations..................... Ensonic Dp Pro Alesis Q2 Yamaha SPX 90,900,2000 Digitech Studio 4...................Don't be brand blind.................. do the research.(bigger older version of Quad 4} Digitech TR-24........................Ditto above. One of Digitechs nicest pieces ever. New stuff is becoming limited in your requested range............... Yamaha SPX 2000 My personal favorite swiss army knife rack piece.................. Digitech Quad 4. No its not $1000.00 US.......... but nothing and I mean nothing under $1000.00 will match its routing and editing capabilities. I've been slowly dumping several $$grand$$ of outboard gear and have not been able to part with this piece and don't plan on it. I use it for monitoring(parallel), guitar tracking(serial) , electronic drum tracking(serial) and the occasional out of the box loop(parallel). If you have ears and engineering experience it can sound very good................ Upper Lexi good ...no. Monitoring......or better than plug in good................. YES. Quad 4 for is not transparent and definately has its own signature when used as insert or serial effect. I personally like the signature, as it is its own. Good Luck
post edited by zungle - October 19, 06 2:20 AM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 19, 06 7:26 AM
ORIGINAL: zungle Here are some thoughts on multi effects ...............you do the home work. ---Don't be brand blind.................. do the research--- Ditto above. One of Digitechs nicest pieces ever--- Its hard not to be pissed after reading that. You have NO Idea how much I know, how long I have searched, how much I have read, what classes Ive taken, or if I have a degree or not. You simply know NOTHING about me. You have no idea how many hours/weeks/months Ive spent looking at sweetwater, AMS, BPM, Musfir, and harm central. You just DONT KNOW. So, to even imply thats somethin I should do... is like ... well, asking me to say something hurtfull about and to you. And how in the hell do you get the ideal I am "a little skattered"???? All I asked for was a simple yes or no, on one of these units as an efects box on a AUX bus wile recording vocals. How that left you with the idea I am "Skattered" is FAR beyound me. To imply in any way shape or form that I have not "done my home work" is not only insulting, but but shows, you to be someone who is talking about stuff you dont know about. Me. You dont know me. You know nothing about me! Sure, you may know your gear....... but..... you dont know me.Yet here you are saying what I need to do, as if I havnt already. I mention that I havnt read up on the lexicon, and bam! some one says I havent done my home wok..... argh........ for the love of god... And EVEN if you meant it as "this is a step by step way to do this" Havnt I already said that I have done this and came down to the pod or the boss unit? I dont know if you mis-spoke, but it is condesending talk that truely, pisses me off. Have I not said repeatedly that Ive checked out other units? But figured Id go with the pod or boss cus they offer the most FX at once? Now, with me asking about those two units, I think Ive proved I reasonably say I have done my" homework". Then you go on to offer units that only offer 2 effects at a time...... when I think Ive made it clear I DONT want that. So, there was NO NEED at ALL for you to say that. I can not grasp where you would get the idea im "scattered". Im down to two units. MAYBE A [lexicon] 3rd later. As with just about every mesg brd, its only a few posts before someone has to grandstand, act like they know everything for reasons I ccan explain. Those things realy piss me off. Like really, make me pissied! At the least you could have ASKED first "what all I read, and about what units have I looked into?" Instead you assume I just plucked these units out of the air...... and asked every what I should get. I believe I started this threat on " Multi-FX under $900?" As in units that iffer 5 tt Not unit thats only offer one or two really great effects... but if the pod, minus the amp mods, is beter then the box? Not "Oh, please help me im 12 and I have no idea what audio is and I need someone to tell me to check specks and check out all the gear that out there before I buy". There is NO excuse for you to say "do your homework" to me ...... NONE. Ive been recoding since 1996..... maybe before then. The only reaon I am at this spot now is cus I sold my last FX's unit/s, in order to build and by parts for the new daw. If you took the time to read my posts SLOWLY youd see that I was just talking about the pod and boss. Till the lexicon was brought up. And as soon as It was, I ran off tot he corp website, musfri, and AMS to learn about it and get reviews. Do my home work...... I dont need, and wont, take some one talking down to me. There is no way talking like that will lead to productive converstation or even be helpful. What did you think id say? "Oh thanks!!! I never thought to look to look at specks before! I just blew $23K guessing on gear and got lucky. I didnt read all those music law and biz law, and recording books Ive got stakrd up.... I just have them there to impress chicks." Again, thank you for your help fom those that offered productive advice and thoughts. If you all wish to keep this thread going.... by all means do........ But im done. I have nothing more to say. And, frankly dont want to hear/read any more of this. It was "ok" or even "good" conversation till the last post. It really is astounding how some can form ideas about your work ethic, without asking questions about you, or what youve done to learn about the other units out there. Maybe Im over reactings, but I see this WAAAAAY to much on the cake boards. Its a good product and good people use it. But it seems there are more bad seeds, or at the least people who have NO CLUE that say stuff without even knowing, what you know. It care if in some way it seemed it seemed I was someone who "knew nothing" the least... less offencive way would have been to aasl what did and knew first. Thanks again to those that were helpful but im so VERY DONE here. This is going no where and its onnly gunna get worse. Feel free to bash me and my reply to all your hearts desire, I wont care, I wont read them. And I believve it may be months before I ppost agan. Sad for me cus I like to helpp the newbs. Bad for cake as when enoug "pld heads" leave they will lose our wisome. Possibly to anotheer bord, and product. ~Zsdddd
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 19, 06 8:16 AM
ORIGINAL: Zef ORIGINAL: zungle Here are some thoughts on multi effects ...............you do the home work. ---Don't be brand blind.................. do the research--- Ditto above. One of Digitechs nicest pieces ever--- Its hard not to be pissed after reading that. You have NO Idea how much I know, how long I have searched, how much I have read, what classes Ive taken, or if I have a degree or not. You simply know NOTHING about me. You have no idea how many hours/weeks/months Ive spent looking at sweetwater, AMS, BPM, Musfir, and harm central. You just DONT KNOW. So, to even imply thats somethin I should do... is like ... well, asking me to say something hurtfull about and to you. And how in the hell do you get the ideal I am "a little skattered"???? All I asked for was a simple yes or no, on one of these units as an efects box on a AUX bus wile recording vocals. How that left you with the idea I am "Skattered" is FAR beyound me. To imply in any way shape or form that I have not "done my home work" is not only insulting, but but shows, you to be someone who is talking about stuff you dont know about. Me. You dont know me. You know nothing about me! Sure, you may know your gear....... but..... you dont know me.Yet here you are saying what I need to do, as if I havnt already. I mention that I havnt read up on the lexicon, and bam! some one says I havent done my home wok..... argh........ for the love of god... And EVEN if you meant it as "this is a step by step way to do this" Havnt I already said that I have done this and came down to the pod or the boss unit? I dont know if you mis-spoke, but it is condesending talk that truely, pisses me off. Have I not said repeatedly that Ive checked out other units? But figured Id go with the pod or boss cus they offer the most FX at once? Now, with me asking about those two units, I think Ive proved I reasonably say I have done my" homework". Then you go on to offer units that only offer 2 effects at a time...... when I think Ive made it clear I DONT want that. So, there was NO NEED at ALL for you to say that. I can not grasp where you would get the idea im "scattered". Im down to two units. MAYBE A [lexicon] 3rd later. As with just about every mesg brd, its only a few posts before someone has to grandstand, act like they know everything for reasons I ccan explain. Those things realy piss me off. Like really, make me pissied! At the least you could have ASKED first "what all I read, and about what units have I looked into?" Instead you assume I just plucked these units out of the air...... and asked every what I should get. I believe I started this threat on "Multi-FX under $900?" As in units that iffer 5 tt Not unit thats only offer one or two really great effects... but if the pod, minus the amp mods, is beter then the box? Not "Oh, please help me im 12 and I have no idea what audio is and I need someone to tell me to check specks and check out all the gear that out there before I buy". There is NO excuse for you to say "do your homework" to me ...... NONE. Ive been recoding since 1996..... maybe before then. The only reaon I am at this spot now is cus I sold my last FX's unit/s, in order to build and by parts for the new daw. If you took the time to read my posts SLOWLY youd see that I was just talking about the pod and boss. Till the lexicon was brought up. And as soon as It was, I ran off tot he corp website, musfri, and AMS to learn about it and get reviews. Do my home work...... I dont need, and wont, take some one talking down to me. There is no way talking like that will lead to productive converstation or even be helpful. What did you think id say? "Oh thanks!!! I never thought to look to look at specks before! I just blew $23K guessing on gear and got lucky. I didnt read all those music law and biz law, and recording books Ive got stakrd up.... I just have them there to impress chicks." Again, thank you for your help fom those that offered productive advice and thoughts. If you all wish to keep this thread going.... by all means do........ But im done. I have nothing more to say. And, frankly dont want to hear/read any more of this. It was "ok" or even "good" conversation till the last post. It really is astounding how some can form ideas about your work ethic, without asking questions about you, or what youve done to learn about the other units out there. Maybe Im over reactings, but I see this WAAAAAY to much on the cake boards. Its a good product and good people use it. But it seems there are more bad seeds, or at the least people who have NO CLUE that say stuff without even knowing, what you know. It care if in some way it seemed it seemed I was someone who "knew nothing" the least... less offencive way would have been to aasl what did and knew first. Thanks again to those that were helpful but im so VERY DONE here. This is going no where and its onnly gunna get worse. Feel free to bash me and my reply to all your hearts desire, I wont care, I wont read them. And I believve it may be months before I ppost agan. Sad for me cus I like to helpp the newbs. Bad for cake as when enoug "pld heads" leave they will lose our wisome. Possibly to anotheer bord, and product. ~Zsdddd Wow! That was uncalled for. I think you are overreacting, just a wee bit. He didn't say anything insulting whatsoever. He just didn't want you to underestimate Digitech, since they may not have as big a name as Roland or one of the others. That's all. And the skattered comment was not a personal attack. It just means that he is uncertain of exactly what you are looking for. And the homework comment only meant that he didn't intend to give a full report of each product's specifications, but you can just look that up yourself. But he went to the trouble to give you some advice and recommendations based on his personal experience, and instead of being grateful, you slap him in the face. Don't expect too much help in the future with that attitude. English isn't your primary language, is it? If not, maybe that is where some of the misunderstanding came from. No one here is trying to insult your intelligence. We are only trying to help give you some advice. If you don't want that advice, then don't ask for it.
post edited by OffAnAirplane - October 19, 06 8:47 AM
Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 19, 06 8:54 AM
ORIGINAL: Zef Its hard not to be pissed after reading that. You have NO Idea how much I know, how long I have searched, how much I have read, what classes Ive taken, or if I have a degree or not. Forget the pod or boss. I think you need one of these instead: http://www.evitamins.com/product.asp?pid=1337 Seriously, you threw people off for several reasons. 1 You want to do something that most people will use a computer/plug ins for 2 You want to use a guitar prosessor for vocals 3 You will be recording at 192k (pointless) Now I'm not knocking your methods, whatever works for you. It is art after all. I am just saying most people wouldn't do it that way and that is why you threw people off. You actually got some very good advice. But clearly you did not want that. You are set on your methods and there is nothing wrong with that if it gives you the results you want. You would have gotten the responses you were looking for if you would have phrased your initial post like this: Which do you like better; the pod or the boss?
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 19, 06 11:02 AM
OK? First .................there was nothing............nothing insulting said or done or meant by anyone here . Only suggestions that were requested by you. Second ..............All of the units I threw up will process up to 4 FX and a couple of them will process 6. Quad 4 can process 8 fx and do it with seperate multiple ins and outs. This requires a firm knowledge of the units routing and the S-Disc Processing. The routing capabilities are a strong point to this unit and will allow for 2-True stereo processors, 4-mono to stereo processors, 4 mono processors, 2- mono with 2-side chains and much, much more ......with completely assignable ins and outs ........simply put......all of the S-Disc engines can have seperate inputs and share out puts or vice versa. Also the S-Disc engines can be broken up for more fx. There are whole engines, 1/2 engines and 1/4 engines. For the project studio types this unit can solve almost any routing problem possible. The Ensonic DP-4, DP pro, ART Quadra Fx, ART DMV Pro(awsome discontinued Unit) Also took a stab at the multi in out/routing/slit engine concept (each of those pieces also very good at what they do) but they never got the routing down as Digitech did. In the past few years the lower Lexi and TC units began implementing a similar routing feature as Digitech. Still they do not have it down with the same flexibilty and simplicity as Digitech. As for your original question. Which I must not have covered...... I would go with neither the Boss or Line 6 I would look to a lesser $ multi fx .........then see if the $ saved would beneifit you some where else in your set up. For anyone else interested Quad 4's can be p/u for a couple hundred or less almost any where. These are the units with the Blue Face not their Black faced predacessor. Keep in mind there are no digi in/outs and the converters are 20 bit. The unit has a signature tone...very warm and kinda thick. I like the added color. It is not Lexi clean or transparent, or master/label quality fx. I have seen them around a few nicer project studios as monitoring and backing processors(in the Seattle area) The tone is not Older Alesis....DOD......Peavey...Behringer...... cheesy and toy like. The presets do not reflect the units capabilities and deep editing is a must for good results. If you have limited space, funds, ins/outs or collect Fx its a good little unit. Hope this is helpful to anyone looking........Today I felt like rambling a bit.
post edited by zungle - October 20, 06 2:25 PM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 20, 06 11:09 AM
Wow! Let's cool it guys and be constructive here so that we can have lots of fun! Zungle has given great advice and is usually very detailed. I just got a great P4 thanks to his honest reply a few weeks ago. Here's another one for Zef: TC Electronics M300. It's comparable to the Lexicon, but slightly different.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 20, 06 11:20 AM
Jeez, it's been a while since I've seen such an entertaining thread!  hahahahahahaha
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 20, 06 11:48 AM
Hey Slug, Hey Sonic, I'm hearing ya.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 20, 06 12:00 AM
ORIGINAL: zungle Here are some thoughts on multi effects ...............you do the home work. ---Don't be brand blind.................. do the research--- Ditto above. One of Digitechs nicest pieces ever--- ORIGINAL: zef Maybe Im over reactings, but I see this WAAAAAY to much on the cake boards. Its a good product and good people use it. But it seems there are more bad seeds, or at the least people who have NO CLUE that say stuff without even knowing, what you know. Zef, you're over-reacting. It care if in some way it seemed it seemed I was someone who "knew nothing" the least... less offencive way would have been to aasl what did and knew first. Uh... asking if a couple of GUITAR processing units is a good way to spend a grand to process VOCALS seems inexperienced to me. I'm not sure what research you've done that would bring you to the point of even asking about these units. I've used my Line 6 and my Johnson J-station as FX processors for vocals, but only when I've been looking for a bit of nastiness... they're NOT go-to vocal FX units. I use in-the-box solutions (as it seems pretty much everyone who responded here does) these days. I've been recording since the early 80's (not WELL, mind you! lol), and still have a TREMENDOUS amount to learn... so your comment about "recording since '96" doesn't hold a lot of water. It's what you've DONE that matters to me, man! How many classes you've taken, etc., means NOTHING. Thanks again to those that were helpful but im so VERY DONE here. This is going no where and its onnly gunna get worse. Feel free to bash me and my reply to all your hearts desire, I wont care, I wont read them. And I believve it may be months before I ppost agan. Sad for me cus I like to helpp the newbs. Bad for cake as when enoug "pld heads" leave they will lose our wisome. Possibly to anotheer bord, and product. Frankly, I'm not sure how much "wisome" (I think you meant "wisdom") we're LOSING here, Zef. You got some great answers to a somewhat interesting question, and responded with nastiness. Too bad for you, I guess. I've been following the thread since you first posted your question because it was a somewhat unique situation you'd presented... but it ended up pretty much where I thought it would... with other units being suggested. Anyway, best of luck to you finding the unit you need, man. I'm not sure any single unit out there will do what you're hoping, but if it does, please get over your hurt feelings and let us know what you came up with. I, for one, would really like to know what it will take to provide for your particular situation! And I mean that seriously, not sarcastically! Corey
post edited by lazarous - October 20, 06 12:21 AM
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 20, 06 1:26 PM
Dude................. This forum has its moments but it usually rocks..............................So. In the interest of this community and ......... Slug, Sonic, Airplane, Lazarous, Sandman..........(Your vision is excellent). I have edited earlier reply.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 21, 06 6:29 PM
I think that the only reason why anyone would want outboard stuff, is because they absolutely can't find that sonic signature with a plug or they need it for live stage work. Nowadays you will find yourself "swimming upstream" trying to go this route anyway, because of the practical and technical and economical advantages of using plugins. As mentioned above....modern outboard gear is really a discrete processor running an algorithm (plugin) anyway!
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 21, 06 7:06 PM
I don't know what to say. Someone seems insecure, and rightfully so.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 21, 06 7:47 PM
And again, most of these guitar processors are going to only have a mono high-impedance input. So that pretty much makes them useless for this application.
Rom 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 21, 06 8:46 PM
I think that the only reason why anyone would want outboard stuff, is because they absolutely can't find that sonic signature with a plug or they need it for live stage work. Nowadays you will find yourself "swimming upstream" trying to go this route anyway, because of the practical and technical and economical advantages of using plugins. As mentioned above....modern outboard gear is really a discrete processor running an algorithm (plugin) anyway! Agreed, Like I mentioned earlier, I've been dumping rack gear. While I still prefer the overall tone of some HW FX vs. Plugins. The convienience, price, project storage, variety of Plugins has finally gotten to me. I now have only one HW processor still in the rack....Quad 4....I use it as 3 fx units to my board mostly for monitoring or tracking w/FX.
Sonic the Hedgehog
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RE: multi-fx under$900
October 21, 06 9:10 PM
Nowadays you will find yourself "swimming upstream" trying to go this route anyway, because of the practical and technical and economical advantages of using plugins. Hmmm. Are you guys certain of that? Forgive me if I'm wrong - and I obviously do have many plugins - but there are still many advantages to a hardware fx processor. For one, I don't think that - given an equivalent price - a software is ''better'' than its hardware namesake. A hardware unit has its own power supply - something that should not be ignored. It obviously does not use up the computers memory either. Another point - and this one is subjective - is the ''hands-on'' experience which allows you to configure your settings within a few seconds. I'd appreciate your responses regarding this, but I suspect we're hijacking this post
''I work to live, but live to make music'' -Mahler