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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 05, 17 4:39 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby pentimentosound May 07, 17 9:09 PM
It is also possible to select ANY track or clip envelope regardless of the edit filter setting by holding the SHIFT key, position the mouse over the envelope (the envelope name will appear in a tooltip) and click. This also works for orphan envelopes.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 05, 17 5:34 PM (permalink)
Thanks Steve!

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Mark D.
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 06, 17 4:28 AM (permalink)
I don't recommend it, but you can call up New from the start screen and when it's time to save, direct saving audio to the Cakewalk Projects / Audio folder. I also don't recommend bundle files not because there's anything wrong with the bundle file per se, but like a zip file, lose one bit due to media degradation...

Good advice. I have a lot of old projects (hundreds, maybe thousands) accumulated over the last 20 years and since many are archived I may only open a bundle once and then not return to it (after I reference it for whatever reason). So even with saving projects normally, I'm buried in bundles. 

I'll elaborate on turning off per-project folders. There was in prior versions a check box that did it globally. What my goal is would be to open that old bundle (from years ago) and have it just open. No need to un-check the little box about creating project folders when prompted. One less step. 

Does such an option exist, globally, so opening a bundle (by double clicking on the bundle in File Explorer when I'm going through archives) just opens it up in one step. Cakewalk Sonar opens, and there it is all laid out (yes, there could be a "missing plugin" message to deal with, that's okay).

If not, a potential upgrade in the future would be nice to allow this. Maybe they just bring back the code that makes that little box appear where it did in prior versions. That along with the other option I miss to right click a clip and create a pan envelope just on that clip (vs. the whole track).  Production ... Mixing ... Mastering
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 06, 17 9:58 AM (permalink)
Tip 3: Instant Global Edit Filter Change
Don’t forget that Quick Grouping works with the Edit Filter. Ctrl-click on the Edit Filter, and all track Edit Filters will show whatever you choose.

How does it work? I don't see any difference between a normal click and control click.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 06, 17 4:21 PM (permalink)
Tip 3: Instant Global Edit Filter Change
Don’t forget that Quick Grouping works with the Edit Filter. Ctrl-click on the Edit Filter, and all track Edit Filters will show whatever you choose.

How does it work? I don't see any difference between a normal click and control click.

I'm just using Quick Grouping. For example, if you ctrl+click on the edit filter and choose Volume, all the Edit filters will show the Volume automation.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 06, 17 4:37 PM (permalink)
It is also possible to select ANY track or clip envelope regardless of the edit filter setting by holding the SHIFT key, position the mouse over the envelope (the envelope name will appear in a tooltip) and click. This also works for orphan envelopes.

Are you sure this works if you want to edit envelopes appearing in the Parent track with the Edit Filter in the Notes setting? For me it seems to work only if the Edit Filter is set to Clips.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 06, 17 4:43 PM (permalink)
Tip 3: Instant Global Edit Filter Change
Don’t forget that Quick Grouping works with the Edit Filter. Ctrl-click on the Edit Filter, and all track Edit Filters will show whatever you choose.

How does it work? I don't see any difference between a normal click and control click.

I'm just using Quick Grouping. For example, if you ctrl+click on the edit filter and choose Volume, all the Edit filters will show the Volume automation.

Hmm. I can only set quick grouped tracks to Clip filter with Ctrl+Click. Selecting anything else on any track in a quick group just changes edit filter for that particular track.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 06, 17 4:47 PM (permalink)
Are you sure this works if you want to edit envelopes appearing in the Parent track with the Edit Filter in the Notes setting? For me it seems to work only if the Edit Filter is set to Clips.

I rarely use the inline PRV and do not recall ever testing this case. I can confirm that SHIFT+hover and SHIFT+Click do not work with the edit filter set to Notes. I am not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior. I cannot think of a reason it should work differently when the edit filter is set to Notes. I am leaning toward bug.
Edit: SHIFT+Click worked but SHIFT+hover did not show labels in X2 and X3. Both failed in 2016.04, I do not have any of 2015 installed ATM.
Edit2: According to Cakewalk this is by design.
post edited by scook - May 15, 17 4:16 PM
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 07, 17 2:17 AM (permalink)
Is it possible to access an automation envelope of a VST's automatable setting WITHOUT having to go find it in the pull-down menu of automatable functions?
In Ableton you just click on the know and then the associated automation envelope is ready to be edited...

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 07, 17 3:12 AM (permalink)
Is it possible to access an automation envelope of a VST's automatable setting WITHOUT having to go find it in the pull-down menu of automatable functions?

UInfortunately there's no function specifically like Live, where the track shows the name of the automation when you move the knob. In SONAR, doing something similar depends on how you did automation. If you did MIDI learn, right-click on the knob and you'll see the controller number. If you used VST automation, as soon as you record any automation, it creates a lane. Subsequent to that if you vary the knob, you'll see the parameter value change in the right-hand side of the lane.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 07, 17 3:36 AM (permalink)
Either I'm not understanding correctly or didn't explain something clearly. I know you know what you're doing...
Hmm. I can only set quick grouped tracks to Clip filter with Ctrl+Click.

Yes, that's what I experience as well.
Selecting anything else on any track in a quick group just changes edit filter for that particular track.

Could the issue be that a quick group remains grouped only as long as you are holding down ctrl?

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 07, 17 8:18 PM (permalink)
Selecting anything else on any track in a quick group just changes edit filter for that particular track.

Could the issue be that a quick group remains grouped only as long as you are holding down ctrl?

I don't think so, but what do I know?    Tracks remain selected all the time. I can upload a screen capture, if needed.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 08, 17 7:15 PM (permalink)
It is also possible to select ANY track or clip envelope regardless of the edit filter setting by holding the SHIFT key, position the mouse over the envelope (the envelope name will appear in a tooltip) and click. This also works for orphan envelopes.

OMG you're kidding me, I can't believe that works! This has frustrated me for ever, finally I know how to get rid of them!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 08, 17 8:54 PM (permalink)
It is also possible to select ANY track or clip envelope regardless of the edit filter setting by holding the SHIFT key, position the mouse over the envelope (the envelope name will appear in a tooltip) and click. This also works for orphan envelopes.

OMG you're kidding me, I can't believe that works! This has frustrated me for ever, finally I know how to get rid of them!

If I ever get abducted by aliens or run over by a truck, my fervent hope is that scook would take over Friday's Tip of the Week 

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 09, 17 0:40 PM (permalink)
Mark D. goal is would be to open that old bundle (from years ago) and have it just open. No need to un-check the little box about creating project folders when prompted. One less step. 

I might be missing a subtle issue here, but based on the way Windows associates applications with file names, I can simply double click sand the bundle (.cwb) opens in SPLAT.  Yes, I have to accept the unbundle prompt, but that isn't much of a hassle.
If there is a mod you can do, it would probably involve editing the INI file.  That's beyond my knowledge, but i bet someone like SCOOK could lay it out in a flash.
Btw, this forum is an awesome resource for such questions, but the best way to get a response is to post a new (separate) thread with the point of your post in the subject line.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 12, 17 7:58 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Bflat5 May 12, 17 6:26 PM
Week 145: End Boring MIDI Drum Patterns!
Personally I think this is one of my coolest tips ever, but you can be the judge of that. Here’s the scenario.
You have a 2-bar MIDI drum loop that you roll out for 16 bars, so it’s the same two bars over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. No wonder people fall asleep listening to your music.
You could go in and tweak notes around to try and make things different, while burning up a lot of time in the process. But hey—we have computers! How about letting Mr. SONAR do the work for us?
I’ve often said MIDI FX are one of the most underused and least appreciated areas of SONAR, but they can do a lot. We’re going to use them to banish boring MIDI drum patterns forever by introducing musically useful variations.
1. Insert a Quantize MIDI FX into your MIDI drum pattern track. We’ll call this Q1.
2. Insert a second Quantize MIDI FX into your MIDI drum pattern track. We’ll call this one Q2. It’s very important that this one follow Q1.
3. Set up Q2 for the desired quantization—for now, let’s say 16th notes with full Strength and no Swing. In other words, plain vanilla boring quantization.
4. Q1 is the fun plug-in because we’ll have it randomize the start times. Normally this would produce all kinds of crazy and probably useless patterns, but having quantization afterward tames the randomness and can convert the craziness into non-repetitive, syncopated, and very cool drum parts.

Here are some tips on how to set Q1’s parameters. Make no mistake based on not playing around with this enough: you can create subtle, very natural variations if you want...or you can make it sound like the drum kit is falling down several flights of stairs.
Resolution: This should be equal to, or coarser than, Q2’s resolution. The coarser the resolution, the greater the variation. (If Q1’s resolution is finer than Q2’s, nothing significant will happen because any changes will be undone by Q2.) When starting out, I recommend resolution equal to Q2, or perhaps a little coarser—e.g., if Q2’s resolution is 1/16, use 1/16, 1/8 triplet, or 1/8 for Q1.
Random: First, make sure Q1’s random function is enabled. The more randomness, the more…randomness. If the Q1 and Q2 resolutions are the same, anything below 50% won’t make a difference because Q2 will undo any changes. If you want some occasional, mild changes, even 51% or 52% can produce useful variations where it sounds like the drummer is throwing in a few offbeats. If Q1’s resolution is coarser than Q2’s, then Random percentages below 50% will make a difference. The Random parameter value is crucial, so play with it to get a feel for what’s happening.
Strength: This doesn’t really seem to make a difference, or if it does, it’s swamped by the Resolution and Random settings.
Note that when you make a change in Q1, you’ll need to stop and start the transport before the change takes effect. However if you’re looping the drum pattern, then it will “reset” when it goes back to the beginning so there’s no need to start/stop.
Also note that Q1 really is random. In order to avoid “the big one that got away” syndrome, you might want to Process > Apply Effect > MIDI Effects and listen to determine if Mr. SONAR has created a truly fabulous drum groove. Don’t worry about unchecking the box about deleting the MIDI FX; if you don’t like what you hear, Undo is your friend and you can try again.
But wait - there's more! Q2 doesn't just have to sit there and bring weirdness back into reality. Don’t forget that you can further embellish the quantization effect with Q2's processing—add swing, randomize some more, etc.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 12, 17 1:22 PM (permalink)
Hey Craig
I know I shouldn't be surprised, but this Really works!
I took a very boring pattern with just kick, snare and hi hat.
Plugged in your settings and... Magic 
The part has suddenly blossomed with added nuance and character.
Very, very Cool
PS - I recommend bypassing the second quantizer (just for a moment) to A:B how it holds everything together.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 12, 17 10:33 PM (permalink)
Great tip, as always! Lots of fun. Just tried it with piano. Amazing!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 13, 17 0:34 PM (permalink)
Seems wayyyy too cool!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 13, 17 11:25 AM (permalink)
Wow! This one is really golden. Thanks Craig!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 15, 17 9:35 PM (permalink)
WOW Craig , this tip works Great for Drums in the Fusion Musical Genre .
Did a little experiment over here,
I took the stiffest Session Drummer W Boys can't dance beat  I could find and started there by rolling out a 4 bar Session Drummer Midi to 16 bars .. ( Metal_ Verse_ 04 ...Slate Zep wet set )
Dialed up 2 instances Q 1 & Q2  as per your suggestions  ..
Played around a little bit to see where I can take the Groove ..set them Q's 1 & 2  to my taste ...
Then I said to my self , hey wait a second here , lets take the same beats ( Metal_ Verse_ 04 ...Slate Zep wet set ) , and use them in a 3 rd party ethnic kit together w the Session Drummer 3 kit .
This way I could compare the feel of the grooves of both kits in real time .
On that experiment Session Drummer had Q1 & Q2 to engaged while my Ethnic kit didn't.
It was nice to be able to compare the results in real time within my SONAR project ...
After hearing what this tip could do I set the Ethnic Kit up w a Q1 and Q2 of it's own modified settings that blended well with the  Session Drummer kit ...
Next I took a Middle Eastern Tabla type of sound from another ethnic VST percussion plug ( Darbuka Nut ) inserted a looped midi fie and set that one using Darbuka Nut to float over the top of the other 2 Kits ...
The results actually shocked me in a good way ...
The reasons for that are probably a few fold ...
The amount of shifts were so subtle yet the perceptible combined impact was not subtle at all ...
The modified groove was swinging ...the actual results that I had gotten sort of reminded me of how the SONAR Pro Channel console emulations works,  yet applying that concept  to giving static beats a new lease on life  ...
A small bit here and a small bit there accumulates to create a synergistic relationship within the parts .
full disclosure , since using the Quantize  plug this way was totally new to me I had opted for setting up my drum kits VIA a stereo output per kit ...not a  multi out put set up ...i did it that way to keep it easy on myself so I could learn a new thing ...
Thanks for declassifying this tip is a real nice one 

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 15, 17 9:52 PM (permalink)
Presumably something similar with the Velocity plug-in (sans quantisation, of course) would help too...

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 17, 17 3:31 PM (permalink)
Presumably something similar with the Velocity plug-in (sans quantisation, of course) would help too...

Yes and no...dynamics variations can be helpful, but really good drummers have good dynamics control so randomness can sound more like the drummer isn't that great. The reason why this tip works so well is because of the second Quantize FX, which prevents the randomness from getting out of control.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 4:40 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby abacab May 19, 17 11:17 PM
Week 146: The Perfect Fadeout
When you want to fade out a song using automation on the master bus, you can either take the time to place nodes exactly where you want them...or you can save much time using this tip for obtaining the Perfect Fadeout. I've been using this technique on all songs requiring a fade for the last couple months, and it works every time. As in, every time! Here's the step-by-step.
  1. Open the volume automation envelope on your master bus.
  2. Add a node where you want the song to start fading.
  3. Add another node where you want the song to have faded out, and drag this node down to zero volume.
  4. Add a third node equidistant between the fadeout start and end nodes.
  5. Right-click on the envelope between the fadeout start and midpoint, and then choose Slow Curve.
  6. Right-click on the envelope between the midpoint and fadeout end, and then choose Fast Curve.

Done! Of course you may want to do weird fadeouts sometime, but when you just want a song to fade out smoothly and in a subjectively pleasing way, I'm pretty sure this will do it for you. 

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 4:46 PM (permalink)
An everyday useful tip. I love it and will experiment with this later today. I assume that the same technique could be used mid project to bring down an instrument and then bring it back in. I'll find out.

Regards, John 
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 4:56 PM (permalink)
Nice, simple tip 
Have used this myself in the past, and it works a treat.
All the best.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 5:09 PM (permalink)
An everyday useful tip. I love it and will experiment with this later today. I assume that the same technique could be used mid project to bring down an instrument and then bring it back in. I'll find out.

Yes, I've done this with sustained organ notes and such. It seems the ear's response to level matches this kind of volume curve well.

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 5:10 PM (permalink)
Nice tip!

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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 6:15 PM (permalink)
Thanks again for a great tip, Craig!!

We'll not risk another frontal assault-that rabbit's dynamite!!!

Tommy Byrnes
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Re: SONAR X August: 31 Days of Tips May 19, 17 7:36 PM (permalink)
Week 136: Sonitus Presets - Yes, We Can!
Because the Sonitus effects are wonderful. 
These plug-ins may be from 2003, but Ultrafunk—the Norwegian company that created them—got it right. Ignore these plug-ins at your own peril.

I would love to see a UI update for these plug ins in a future release. If they looked better and were a bit easier to read, they would probably be more popular. I'm sure most people find the Windows NT looking interfaces a turnoff. 

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