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Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
[/fontI I am using Garritan Jazz and Big Band in Sonar Home Edition 4 and cannot seem to save the samples with the mod wheel up so I can hear the sound. I have to keep adjusting the mod wheel with each playback. I have hit the save key on the Kontack player and on Sonar to no availl. Please advise. Thanx in advance.
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 0:22 PM
Go to the piano roll view and in the controller box at the lower left, select CONTROL from the drop down menu. In the box underneath that one, select 1 (or type it in). This is the volume control (also called modulation). With the "pencil" tool, draw a short line from the left margin at about 65. This will lock the control wheel in Kontakt at that value and you don't have to manually reset it each time. Hope this helps.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 7:01 AM
In addition to that, go to OPtions - Project - MIDI out and select both "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" and "Patch/Controller Searchbach Before Play Starts"
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 11:36 AM
I didn't realize these options existed. I loaded a project and found them checked off - I guess that is the default for SHS4XL.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 12:48 AM
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 1:24 PM
It is there but you have to "grab" the gray line between the piano keyboard at the left and the "slider" bar at the bottom of the pane. Just move the cursor until it shows 2 small, parallel black lines and, using the mouse, move it up. This reveals the hidden controller pane with the controls at the left. In addition to controlling the volume with controller #1, there are many other functions you can control. Playing around will help you learn a lot about controllers and how to tailor sounds in SHS.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 5:35 PM
Hi I found the drop down boxes and I put in the values you specified then I used the draw tool to draw a short line at 65 and I checked that the options midi boxes were checked then I saved but the Kontakt player is not retaining the setting.Please advise next step. I appreciate your time guys.
post edited by rscully292 - February 14, 07 5:58 PM
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 6:43 PM
Let me suggest a simple experiment for you to try. First, open a new file and delete all tracks except 1 midi track. Go to the staff view and manually enter something simple. Try just a C major scale using quarter notes. If you are hooked to a midi device and the output shows your midi, you should hear the scale on the midi when you hit PLAY. Then add your Garritan JABB using the DXi insert you are familiar with. In the Kontakt player that comes up, select one of the trumpet options (for example, trumpet 1 - open. Your midi track should say 1-Garritan for the output. The DXi channel you added should say Garritan for the input and the DXi output should show your computer soundcard. Now hit PLAY. You get nothing, right? That is because your MOD wheel on the KONTAKT is at zero. Manually move it up to the middle of its range and hit PLAY. You should hear the sound output through your computer. Notice that when the scale is over, the MOD wheel goes back to zero. Hit PLAY again and no sound because it is at zero. Now, go to the piano roll view of the midi file and adjust it so you can see the controller boxes. For controller #1, just draw a very short line at 64. It doesn't even have to be 1 beat long. When you hit PLAY, you will (1) hear sound and (2) see the MOD wheel on the Kontakt player jump about 1/2 way, stay there while the scale plays and jump back to zero when it is done. Now, using the pencil tool, draw a line starting at 127 for the first note and going to zero at the last note. Now, when you hit PLAY, the sound starts out loud and drops off to nothing at the end of the scale. Watch the MOD wheel when this happens. It jumps up to the top and moves down to zero. Try this and you will learn a lot on how the Kontakt player works.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 7:24 PM
[ It worked perfectly. Thank you. Now a couple of dumb questions. 1) This is how you set the volume for each individual part you use in JABB? 2) When you save the file these settings are saved as well? Thank you for taking the time to teach. You have spared me alot of anguish. Wish you the best
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 7:51 PM
I am sure you have noticed that a lot of computer-generated music sounds like, well, computer-generated music. The controllers allow you to add in some human-touch. If you are using JABB then you should take advantage of things like controlling the volume. The amount of stuff you can control is amazing. If you want to hear what can be done, I suggest finding something on this board done by Randy Bowser and then visit the site where he has links to his music. He really understands how to use the controllers. He takes each individual track and works it over with as many different controllers as he needs, then blends everything together after applying things like reverb and compression. So each track is tailored. When the project is saved, all the control settings are also saved. Generally, as a final step, all the usable tracks are highlighted and you use the EDIT -> BOUNCE TO TRACK and save the mix as another separate track which SHS generates. This last track can be exported as a wav file and use to burn a CD.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 14, 07 8:00 PM
I have heard some of randys material and it is great. I use to do alot of Big Band arranging an i am excited about this program and its potential. I just got Sonar Home edition and JABB so my learning curve is huge. It is fun and fustrating but with the help from people like you it is a journey worth taking. Thanks again for responding. Look forward to talking with you in the future. Any suggestions or information you want to share is always welcomed. THANX
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 11:17 AM
Hello everyone on this thread--I had to take a look since your question, Rscully, was about JABB, a library I'm Very glad to have recently added to my set up. Turned out to be a very nice start to the day, having my work mentioned here as an example of good MIDI work--Thank you, Ken J and Rscully for the unsolicited and much appreciated comments! There was something on this thread which needs to be corrected--Boten said exactly the opposite of what he meant, I'm sure of it, so let's just make sure this thread doesn't cause future confusion: "...In addition to that, go to OPtions - Project - MIDI out and select both "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" and "Patch/Controller Searchbach Before Play Starts"..." He meant to Un-check, DE-select the "Zero Controllers" option, not to select them. See, Rscully, one of the problems you were experiencing was that the JABB instrument volumes (cc#1) were being set to Zero every time you stopped playback. The results were you couldn't hear much of anything. Zeroing controllers is helpful on standard MIDI instruments, but because of the way Garritan sounds are programmed, that doesn't work. When you start and stop a project, you need to have the current volume level maintained, not zeroed. The rest of what Boten was saying was right, that you DO want to keep "Patch/Controller Searchback.." selected, checked. One more thing--This was implied in the responses you got here, but I want to make sure you understand that the controls in the Kontact player are primarily meant for audition purposes. They aren't what you use for control throughout a project. You can move Kontact's virtual mod wheel up, but that's not setting the volume for your project. As we've just gone over, all the volume work has to be recorded (or drawn in) inside the project itself. The volume knobs themselves in Kontact Do maintain their settings which are the loudest Potential volume for the instruments. You can see for yourself, if it helps, by opening a Kontact display which has instruments in it--When you move the mod wheel of your keyboard, the virtual wheel in the Kontact moves but not the volume knob. If you want to make one instrument more prominent through an entire mix, you can set up a basic starting mix with those Kontact knobs, so that it's easier to always have your louder solo instrument up front. Just watch out for going over the 12:00 position--it's easy to get distortion. Have fun! Randy rbowser
Sonar X3e Studio Roland A-800 MIDI keyboard controller Alesis i|O2 interface Gigabyte Technology-AMD Phenom II @ 3 GHz 8 Gb RAM 6 Core Windows 7 Home Premium x64 with dual monitors
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 12:15 AM
Randy, Does it really make a difference if the zero controller box is checked or unchecked? I would think that, as long as your track has some cc#1 value designated at the very beginning of the track, it wouldn't make any difference or not if you zeroed out the controllers when play stops.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 12:53 AM
HI, Ken! It's simply mandatory that you un-check that box in Sonar. Take a look around at the Garritan site for confirmation if you need. Not knowing about that option in the Project tab in Sonar is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for Sonar users getting started with GPO and JABB. Time again the question is posted, "Hey! I've inserted all sorts of cc1 but my instruments keep fading down to nothing!" " long as your track has some cc#1 value designated at the very beginning of the track, it wouldn't make any difference or not if you zeroed out the controllers when play stops..." See--the answer is right there in your question. If you have a high cc1 value at the beginning of the track and you stop/pause the project in the middle, as we have to do constantly while we work, if you have that option checked to be On--that cc value you inserted is ignored and instead, cc1 is set to Zero. Exactly as the name implies--this option reduces Any controllers you have in the project to Zero. As I said in the earlier post, this works well for regular synths--you Don't want modulation or pitch bend to be half-on when you start playing a project again. With the option checked On, you won't hear the instrument until the next cc1 value is in the track. Even with virtually continuous use of cc1, you'll see in Piano View that there are still plenty of blank spots--whenever the value hasn't change. Having the box unchecked is part of my template. If I start a project from absolute scratch, skipping the use of a template, I still sometimes forget to go in and set this option correctly, and I go through a momentary surprise, "HEY--where's my sound?"--and then have to go, "Um, duh, Randy, go un-check the box." If it still seems strange, look through your post again, Ken, and try to see the logic of what I've explained. With that box checked--whatever you have in the project will be ignored when you start play again after stopping. Randy rbowser
Sonar X3e Studio Roland A-800 MIDI keyboard controller Alesis i|O2 interface Gigabyte Technology-AMD Phenom II @ 3 GHz 8 Gb RAM 6 Core Windows 7 Home Premium x64 with dual monitors
Ken J
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 1:20 PM
I guess it's a matter of my misinterpreting the phrase "when the play stops," I thought this meant "at the end of the track" but, if I understand you correctly, it means anywhere in the track where that instrument is sitting out for bit.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 1:29 PM
You guys are a great resource. Since talking to you I have cut my drinking in half and my hair is growing back. Thanks so much. RScully Why all of a sudden can I not record my tracks to a audio file? One door opens and another closes.
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 1:33 PM
OH, I see! Right--If you're playing something straight through to the end, then it wouldn't matter--Whatever volume control you have in the track of course keeps playing throughout. I'm talking about when you're working on a project and constantly stopping it as you go. If that box is checked, when you start up again you'll have no sound on the track, and so you're not getting a true picture of how the track is adding up. You'd need to push the wheel up after you hit play, and very likely you wouldn't have it where you had it--and you just missed hearing a few notes etc. Simple thing, Ken--Just be sure to un-check that box and you won't pull your hair out over the Disappearing Volume Syndrome as you work on a song. Randy rbowser
Sonar X3e Studio Roland A-800 MIDI keyboard controller Alesis i|O2 interface Gigabyte Technology-AMD Phenom II @ 3 GHz 8 Gb RAM 6 Core Windows 7 Home Premium x64 with dual monitors
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 2:04 PM
"...Why all of a sudden can I not record my tracks to a audio file?..." Rscully, start a new thread with this question, since it's a different topic. Give people a chance to see the question and respond. And when you post this, be much more specific with details. There's No way of guessing what's going on with this brief description. Randy rbowser
Sonar X3e Studio Roland A-800 MIDI keyboard controller Alesis i|O2 interface Gigabyte Technology-AMD Phenom II @ 3 GHz 8 Gb RAM 6 Core Windows 7 Home Premium x64 with dual monitors
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 2:08 PM
You're right. That happens with GPO and JABB using the cc#1 controller. The problem is that some other soft synths have some issues when unchecking the Zero controllers when play stop, so it's a problem when you use them with GPO and JABB together. But if you're using just GPO it is smart to uncheck the option
post edited by boten - February 15, 07 2:30 PM
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RE: Garritan Jazz and Big Band Question
February 15, 07 2:31 PM
Hi, Boten "'s a problem when you use them with GPO and JABB together. But if you're using just GPO it is smart ot uncheck the option..." Things do get more complicated when combining a lot of different programs. Since the Garritan stuff is so power hungry, I always have those contributions bounced down to audio before I start using other synths in the same project, which of course avoids the problem you're talking about. I have your quote there, though, because it sounds like you're saying the unchecking thing (pointed out on the Garritan site as The major Sonar fix) won't work if you have GPO and JABB together--? You said "if you're just using GPO"---But both GPO and JABB use cc1 for volume, so you must've meant "if you're just using Garritan libraries."--Right? Randy rbowser
Sonar X3e Studio Roland A-800 MIDI keyboard controller Alesis i|O2 interface Gigabyte Technology-AMD Phenom II @ 3 GHz 8 Gb RAM 6 Core Windows 7 Home Premium x64 with dual monitors