AnsweredHello! Pro Tools

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools October 31, 13 11:17 PM (permalink)
What is the minimal install size ?  (core app +fx) 

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 01, 13 1:54 AM (permalink)
What is the minimal install size ?  (core app +fx) 

It was...
Pro Tools 10.3.7
Pro Tools 11
AIR Creative Collection
AIR Virtual Instruments
Big Fish Loops
Demo Session
misc PDF
Eleven Rack, iLok
all for 669.00

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 01, 13 5:42 PM (permalink)
I'm wondering just what a SONAR user would lose feature-wise when working in Pro Tools 11?  I've considered Pro Tools in the past but didn't stick with the demo long enough to really learn what it could or could not do assuming you didn't buy all the extras.  
I never use Beat Scrape or the Step Sequencer.  I've got plenty of plugins and I think the best of them have been ported over to PT so I wouldn't be hurt there either.
Having Pro Tools available wouldn't hurt me for sure.
EDIT:  This package looks like a really good deal.  I think I might jump on this also.
post edited by Mod Bod - November 01, 13 5:59 PM

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig. 
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 01, 13 9:39 PM (permalink)
What is the minimal install size ?  (core app +fx) 

It was...
Pro Tools 10.3.7
Pro Tools 11
AIR Creative Collection
AIR Virtual Instruments
Big Fish Loops
Demo Session
misc PDF
Eleven Rack, iLok
all for 669.00

My bad ..i was asking for the disk space on HDD to have if someone only wants to install the minimal PT + FX componenet (no instrumenets , loopps ect ...)

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 02, 13 0:31 PM (permalink)
What is the minimal install size ?  (core app +fx) 

It was...
Pro Tools 10.3.7
Pro Tools 11
AIR Creative Collection
AIR Virtual Instruments
Big Fish Loops
Demo Session
misc PDF
Eleven Rack, iLok
all for 669.00

My bad ..i was asking for the disk space on HDD to have if someone only wants to install the minimal PT + FX componenet (no instrumenets , loopps ect ...)

The download size for 5 Zip files for Pro Tools 10 & 11 is 8GB. (inc plugins that come with Pro Tools)
When I look at my Program Files th size of the Avid folder is 1.16GB.
No loops

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 02, 13 1:56 PM (permalink)
Thks Meno  ;)
SSD is starting to get full lol so every GB is precious ...
Samsung EVO 1 TB soon are coming in my home but for now i still use my trusty intel 160 GB 

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 02, 13 6:13 PM (permalink)
Mod Bod
I'm wondering just what a SONAR user would lose feature-wise when working in Pro Tools 11?  I've considered Pro Tools in the past but didn't stick with the demo long enough to really learn what it could or could not do assuming you didn't buy all the extras.  
I never use Beat Scrape or the Step Sequencer.  I've got plenty of plugins and I think the best of them have been ported over to PT so I wouldn't be hurt there either.
Having Pro Tools available wouldn't hurt me for sure.
EDIT:  This package looks like a really good deal.  I think I might jump on this also.

Ditto on Beat Scape and Step Sequencer. I never use them. Looks like ther are a lot of plugins that come with Pro Tools. Found this in a PDF. So far all of my purchased plugins work in PT10 and not sure about PT11. I am assuming the I can use Dimension Pro and Rapture out side of Pro Tools by using the microhost. All of my other Synths like Omnisphere, Guitar Rig, Absynth and all the ToonTrack stuff works. A bit of a learning curve but this was expected. So far so good. really happy to make the move and also get the Eleven Rack...but still not too deep into it all as of yet. Hope to spend time tomorrow diggin in. This really was a deal I could not pass up.
Pro Tools and Pro Tools HD Plugin List

• AIR Distortion
•AIR Dynamic Delay
•AIR Enhancer
•AIR Ensemble
•AIR Filter Gate
•AIR Flanger
•AIR Frequency Shifter
• AIR Fuzz-Wah
• AIR Kill EQ
•AIR Lo-Fi
•AIR MultiChorus
•AIR Multi-Delay
• AIR Nonlinear Rever
•AIR Phaser
•AIR Reverb
•AIR Spring Reverb
•AIR Stereo Width
•AIR Talkbox
• AIR Vintage Filter
• Avid Channel Strip
•Avid Down Mixer
• BF76 Compressor
• BF Essentials utility plug-ins
•Essential Clip Remover
• Essential Correlation Meter
•Essential Meter Bridge
• Essential Noise Meter
• D-Fi plug-ins
• D-fx plug-ins
•Multi-Tap Delay
•Ping-Pong Delay
• Dynamics III
• Compressor/Limiter
•Eleven Free™guitar amp modeling plug-in
• 2–4 Band
•Mod Delay II
• Mod Delay III
•Pitch Shift
•POW-r Dither
•SansAmp PSA-1
• Signal Generator
• SignalTools
• SurroundScope
• Time Compression/Expansion
• Time Shift
•TL InTune™
•TL MasterMeter™
•TL Metro™
•Other AudioSuite Plug-In Utilities
•DC Offset Removal

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 02, 13 11:09 PM (permalink)
The air series is real serious and pro ....

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Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 04, 13 10:11 AM (permalink)
What kind of feature like Audio Snap or Studio One Audio Bend does it have?  I get involved with projects or artists where I'm matching up my work to previously recorded material that might not have a steady tempo.  I have to create a temp map some way.  I don't necessarily have to have something that is automatic.

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig. 
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Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 04, 13 10:16 AM (permalink)
I'm going to be talking to my Sweetwater rep, Randy Adkins soon.  He's a Pro Tools user as well as a SONAR user and he said he'd be willing to talk to me about comparisons between the two platforms.

I'm not about abandoning SONAR but I do find it beneficial to be competent in a number of platforms.  I'm all about whatever works in the situation you are in.

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 05, 13 9:00 AM (permalink)
Automatic Delay Compensation, is that an issue that PT11 are dealing with?  What kind of strategy are you using for real time playback with effects?  Other than softsynths, I don't necessarily use plugins when I am recording.  I prefer to track first, see if I have a complete song and then add effects after I have all my parts in place.  Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't the occasional exception.

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig. 
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 05, 13 8:45 PM (permalink)
Mod Bod
Automatic Delay Compensation, is that an issue that PT11 are dealing with?  What kind of strategy are you using for real time playback with effects?  Other than softsynths, I don't necessarily use plugins when I am recording.  I prefer to track first, see if I have a complete song and then add effects after I have all my parts in place.  Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't the occasional exception.

I never used plugins when I was recording in Sonar. Only after the fact when mixing and mastering. Since Pro Tools is all new to me there is a bit a learning curve for me so I do not have all of the answers. All I have been doing is watching videos on Pro Tools 11 and 10 to get a grasp of the differences.
Your question...
In Pro Tools 10 I found that there is a setting under Setup "Playback Engine " called Delay Compensation Engine. There are four different values you can use. None, Short, Long, and Maximum. Samples per channels depend on the session sample rate. In Pro Tools 11 there is a feature called Delay Compensation which you can check or uncheck. When checked it is set to the maximum value that was an option in PT10. You can not change it but there should be no reason to.
These videos may help. PT11 seems to have it all. They took older Pro Tools and did a complete rewrite for PT11.
I also saw a video that would address your other question in regard to Audio Snap features in PT11. If I find it I'll post here. PT11 seems to have come a long way with the rewrite. Remember it is 64Bit AAX only.
post edited by Meno - November 06, 13 0:10 PM

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
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Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 06, 13 10:27 AM (permalink)
Thanks for the reply.  From what I understand, the ADC is set at 1024 buffers for playback but you can have lower buffer settings for tracks you are recording and monitoring real time.  That seems to be similar to the set up that Samplitude Pro X has. 

We work alike in that I also don't use plugins while recording with the exception of soft synths that are being recorded real time.  If I had an arsenal of vintage hardware synths, I would use them instead.

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig. 
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 07, 13 2:14 PM (permalink)
Looked in this thread and nobody has mentioned it....
Eleven Rack (11R) Editor only works in Pro Tools 10 - which apparently comes in this deal , but 11R editor does NOT work in Pro Tools 11.  PT 10 and PT 11 can apparently live on the same machine so maybe it is not a really big issue however you would have to have both versions installed and that's a lot of HD space.
After reading a ton of forums, blogs etc it appears that the 11R team at Avid are no longer employed or working there.  Reading the Avid 11R forum people love the hardware but lack of support, software updates is miffing a lot of people.
The 11R seems like a very good hardware device, bunch of features I would like to have and I thought about this deal a lot.
I'm torn about the 11R.  really really like the features but am looking at Boss GT-100 or Line 6 POD HD.
I of course cannot figure out easily if my computer hardware is Pro Tools compatible either.  So I don't even know if the Pro Tools software would install or run on my box (i7 3.5ghz, 16g ram, Firewire Saffire Pro 24 interface).
on the surface this seems like a killer deal to get a 11R and Pro Tools - but now I'm not really sure.
(maybe I should just go buy a Axe-FX rig  hahahaha yeah like I should really do THAT!).
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 07, 13 5:48 PM (permalink)
Looked in this thread and nobody has mentioned it....
Eleven Rack (11R) Editor only works in Pro Tools 10 - which apparently comes in this deal , but 11R editor does NOT work in Pro Tools 11.  PT 10 and PT 11 can apparently live on the same machine so maybe it is not a really big issue however you would have to have both versions installed and that's a lot of HD space.
After reading a ton of forums, blogs etc it appears that the 11R team at Avid are no longer employed or working there.  Reading the Avid 11R forum people love the hardware but lack of support, software updates is miffing a lot of people.
The 11R seems like a very good hardware device, bunch of features I would like to have and I thought about this deal a lot.
I'm torn about the 11R.  really really like the features but am looking at Boss GT-100 or Line 6 POD HD.
I of course cannot figure out easily if my computer hardware is Pro Tools compatible either.  So I don't even know if the Pro Tools software would install or run on my box (i7 3.5ghz, 16g ram, Firewire Saffire Pro 24 interface).
on the surface this seems like a killer deal to get a 11R and Pro Tools - but now I'm not really sure.
(maybe I should just go buy a Axe-FX rig  hahahaha yeah like I should really do THAT!).

Eleven Rack does work in Pro Tools 11 but not in the same way that it does in PT10. Meaning that you will not get the GUI that you see in PT10 with the rack and effects setup (Like Guitar Rig). You can still use the Eleven Rack in PT11 there is a mini window for it and you can set up all amps/effects etc. directly from the hardware itself.
Lucky for me HDD space is not an issue.
I spoke to Avid support and they said that they would be updating PT11 at some point. Check out these videos if you want so see what I am talking about. Watch in order though. It will show Pro Tools 11 with Eleven Rack set up.
post edited by Meno - November 07, 13 5:51 PM

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 07, 13 7:49 PM (permalink)
I get the impression that Eleven Rack was a completely outsourced design, like so many gear manufacturer's these days. I could be wrong, though...
The problem with outsourced designs seems to be the product design sub-contractors come and go - ala Frontier Design... along with support.

laudem Deo
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 07, 13 11:43 PM (permalink)
welp I went to Guitar Center tonight and talked with my friend and the manager.
open box eleven rack + Pro Tools.  last one they carried in store.  I could not pass it up, cheaper cause it was no return open box floor demo.  still under full avid warrantee and everything in the box.
plus the eleven rack came with latest firmware upgrade and the eleven rack expansion which is $99 extra on avid site.
I only had about an hour to play with the eleven rack tonight.  WOW.  dead simple easy to use and the sound is really really good.  much better sound than I have been able to get from Amp3, guitar rig 5 or the Line 6 in Reason 7.
I have no idea if Pro Tools will work on my rig but I will find out this weekend when I have time to install and play more.
really is a great deal just to get the eleven rack.
Sonar X3 Pro is still my DAW but more toys is mo toys.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 08, 13 5:07 AM (permalink)
I bought into Pro tools with version 9 when they finally broke the connection to Avid only hardware. I've learnt it during what I call the Sonar X1 debacle. Also got into Presonus Studio One at that time and had been using Reaper since it's early days.

Different Daws have different strengths and weaknesses. Bend 'em to your will as you need. I'm back to feeling good about Sonar again with X3 but I'll never be a one Daw user. I'll have my main daw which is Sonar but I don't hesitate to use the strengths of another if needed.

Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 08, 13 12:41 AM (permalink)
I bought into Pro tools with version 9 when they finally broke the connection to Avid only hardware. I've learnt it during what I call the Sonar X1 debacle. Also got into Presonus Studio One at that time and had been using Reaper since it's early days.

Different Daws have different strengths and weaknesses. Bend 'em to your will as you need. I'm back to feeling good about Sonar again with X3 but I'll never be a one Daw user. I'll have my main daw which is Sonar but I don't hesitate to use the strengths of another if needed.

Agreed...I see such big differences in both DAWs PT and Sonar.
It seems that Sonar has made certain things easier to do (Much better Windows DAW from day one) and it feels like I am taking a step backward in how they do it in PT (An Apple DAW from day one). I am finding that they both have their strength’s. I am a Windows user to heart.

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 17, 13 7:00 PM (permalink)
Yeah, after a short evaluation of PT11, I've decided to add it to my current tools.  It's got a nice Organ plugin as well as several other instrument plugins that are very nice.  My Toontrack products are all ported to AAX and they were picked up by PT11 immediately and were accessible.  My Wave plugins required a repair install to add the AAX Waveshell and that was fairly painless.

My UAD-2 and my Slate Digital plugins have not been updated as of yet but both companies indicate that they are heading that way.

PT11 doesn't seem to be so convoluted as it was the first time I looked at it and rejected it.  It seems like they still force you to do things a particular way though.   One way in and one way out sort of thing, I would describe it.  It's reminds me of when I was learning to program in Cobol after more or less teaching myself how to write spaghetti code in Quickbasic.  Forced discipline is always a pain to us creative types.
The Eleven Rack appears to be a nice amp simulator.   I have a Pod HD500 and I'd like to sell that and get back some floor space.  

I may use it a lot or I may use it only when a client project requires it.  Looks like a good purchase for me.

Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig. 
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 17, 13 10:18 PM (permalink)
Mod Bod
Yeah, after a short evaluation of PT11, I've decided to add it to my current tools.  It's got a nice Organ plugin as well as several other instrument plugins that are very nice.  My Toontrack products are all ported to AAX and they were picked up by PT11 immediately and were accessible.  My Wave plugins required a repair install to add the AAX Waveshell and that was fairly painless.

My UAD-2 and my Slate Digital plugins have not been updated as of yet but both companies indicate that they are heading that way.

PT11 doesn't seem to be so convoluted as it was the first time I looked at it and rejected it.  It seems like they still force you to do things a particular way though.   One way in and one way out sort of thing, I would describe it.  It's reminds me of when I was learning to program in Cobol after more or less teaching myself how to write spaghetti code in Quickbasic.  Forced discipline is always a pain to us creative types.
The Eleven Rack appears to be a nice amp simulator.   I have a Pod HD500 and I'd like to sell that and get back some floor space.  

I may use it a lot or I may use it only when a client project requires it.  Looks like a good purchase for me.

Lol Cobol ....hard to live a normal life after ......years of Cobol , C++ , ADa , Java , Sql , Versant ect ....had me work full time in Music !!  lol're comparing PT to cobol .....i'm now officially scared !!!

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools November 18, 13 0:37 PM (permalink)
Mod Bod
PT11 doesn't seem to be so convoluted as it was the first time I looked at it and rejected it.  It seems like they still force you to do things a particular way though.   One way in and one way out sort of thing, I would describe it.  It's reminds me of when I was learning to program in Cobol after more or less teaching myself how to write spaghetti code in Quickbasic.  Forced discipline is always a pain to us creative types.

Great analogy! I am having a hard time with it but am getting it. I had Pro Tools when it was first released for Windows OS. It was bad like a bad game port so I dropped it. PT10/11 still does not seem on par with the X2 GUI nor how well X2 it works with Windows OS. Trying to like it, I have to remember the reason for wanting it.
Getting used to some things is tough. No floating windows on a dual monitor setup is big for me. Their method for dual setup really sucks. My guess is they don't invest as much time/money on getting it to work with Windows as much as they do for MAC OS. Still seems a bit clunky and after all those years I expected more. And what's with the very minimum usage of the right click. Things taking longer or is it me?
At least I was able to import a Sonar song to OMF. Working on that now. That is the goal for now, to send X2 songs to a PT Pro friend to mix for me.
post edited by Meno - November 18, 13 0:52 PM

Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato
i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools February 26, 14 0:15 PM (permalink)
Sorry for dredging this thread up, but this is an appropriate place to tack this on...

ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools February 26, 14 0:51 PM (permalink)
I have had quite a few issues with Sonar X2 and was not able to get tech support to resolve them. There are other users that have same issues with X2 along with very strange graphic anomalies...

I used to see weird graphic anomalies in Sonar X2 too.  But after recently updating my graphic card drivers these problems now seem to have gone.
post edited by Kev999 - February 26, 14 4:11 AM

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools February 26, 14 3:06 PM (permalink)
Sorry for dredging this thread up, but this is an appropriate place to tack this on...

"For that reason, I would expect Pro Tools to have a future, perhaps as an acquisition. But some sort of business change seems coming at Avid the company. For loyal Pro Tools users, that change might be welcome sooner than later."
Maybe Roland would be interested?? ;)

Arvid H. Peterson
Sonar X3E Prod / X2A  / X1PE | Cubase 9.5.1 | Reason 9.5 | Sibelius7 | Pure Data
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Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools February 26, 14 9:43 PM (permalink)
All that matters to me is that since Nov. 17th, PT11 has been my goto audio sequence software.  

I've got one particular client that works in SONAR and I'm happy to accommodate him.  I've got projects in Studio One and I pre-master my PT mixes in Samplitude Pro-X.  Haha, I guess I'm all over the place.
But when I open a new project, I open Pro Tools 11 for tracking and go to PT 10 for mixing because my UAD 2 plugins and some of my Slate plugins haven't been ported to AAX yet.  I'm getting more and more comfortable with the key combinations and when you start learning those, you can move pretty quickly.

I love the look of the console and how it works with my three monitors.

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools February 27, 14 11:19 AM (permalink)
Just for the record, I have Sonar X2 and had the graphical problems very badly - in fact so badly it was difficult to use the program, so I went back to X1.
Now have X3 - computer / operating system / video drivers etc all the same and everything is now rock solid - I think X3 is the best Sonar version so far and I absolutely love it.

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools February 27, 14 8:22 PM (permalink)
Mod Bod
All that matters to me is that since Nov. 17th, PT11 has been my goto audio sequence software.  

I've got one particular client that works in SONAR and I'm happy to accommodate him.  I've got projects in Studio One and I pre-master my PT mixes in Samplitude Pro-X.  Haha, I guess I'm all over the place.
But when I open a new project, I open Pro Tools 11 for tracking and go to PT 10 for mixing because my UAD 2 plugins and some of my Slate plugins haven't been ported to AAX yet.  I'm getting more and more comfortable with the key combinations and when you start learning those, you can move pretty quickly.

I love the look of the console and how it works with my three monitors.

Dave your post sums up a tendency is see more and more (experienced that with my students) : no more one only daw users around (exept me and few hardcore ones lol) ....but unlike you  alot don't know when to use one instead another ....(resolution /summing engine, PDC ect ...)

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Re: Hello! Pro Tools March 07, 14 9:45 AM (permalink)
You will not like it, this is personal opinion: I should not have bought Pro-Tools and look for cheaper audio interfaces, though I like my interface. If I knew that upgrade to PT 9 will require 500$.... PT 10 another 500$ and so on. And my CPU could not handle medium project. I use another DAW. My bad, should've checked demo program. So I said Bye! for an unknown amount of time. And no PT 9 +etc. for me.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools March 07, 14 3:00 PM (permalink)
Since I do not do this for a living I do not have the time to invest as students and Pro's do.
But I do agree with you Zo.
I find myself going back to X3 which I did a new install on and other than issues with CLSID's things are much better than X2. I now have 4 HDD's...2  for 2 different daws, 1 for games :) and one for storage.
I don't go to Pro Tools that much but every once in awhile. I wish I had more time to learn it. I really thought it would have been easier.

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