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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 08, 14 10:39 PM
Meno: Like you, I've had a love/hate relationship with Sonar, but I've decided to stick with it since I understand it (more or less) and it does seem more stable now than ever. So with that said, the best of luck to you with your music!! Please post some files when you get under way with your project.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 08, 14 11:48 PM
Were I to switch to another DAW, which I was considering for awhile since I was having lots of trouble with X2 (though a non-trivial portion of that trouble ended up being Play's fault) it would be anything but Pro Tools. I really don't like Avid's business model and the lock-in with proprietary plugin formats and that kind of thing. Were I to jump to another, Cubase would be a top contender I think, or maybe Digital Performer.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 09, 14 0:41 PM
jude77 Meno: Like you, I've had a love/hate relationship with Sonar, but I've decided to stick with it since I understand it (more or less) and it does seem more stable now than ever. So with that said, the best of luck to you with your music!! Please post some files when you get under way with your project.
jude777 Same here...love hate. So far fresh install of X3 is working no issues. X2 Graphic anomalies are gone and looks good for now. BTW I have links to my music on sound cloud and my personnel web at the bottom of all my posts if you are interested. (Its like a signature) These were all done with Sonar 8-X3
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 09, 14 0:53 PM
Sycraft Were I to switch to another DAW, which I was considering for awhile since I was having lots of trouble with X2 (though a non-trivial portion of that trouble ended up being Play's fault) it would be anything but Pro Tools. I really don't like Avid's business model and the lock-in with proprietary plugin formats and that kind of thing. Were I to jump to another, Cubase would be a top contender I think, or maybe Digital Performer.
Not getting into Pro Tools so much. Purchase point was X2 issues and to port my songs and do some new ones for my producer friend to work on because he is Pro Tools exclusive...but I'm not feeling it. Really would like to see the difference between what I the tinkerer does and a Pro. I also hate Avid's business model, especially when it comes to support. Not a good experience the 1st time I had Pro Tools (1st port for windows) and now.
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 09, 14 1:51 PM
I'm amazed that I find Pro Tools 11 such a more pleasant experience that the others here. I wonder what it is about my way of working differs in such a way that PT fits for me. It surely wasn't a deal where I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I journeyed through Reaper, Samplitude Pro X and Studio One along the way. They are all fine products along with SONAR. I also agree about the proprietary products to an extent but in some ways ProChannel is proprietary. As I was working my way through many hosts, it would frustrate me that what I got used to working with in one product was lost when I moved into another environment. So as of a couple of years ago, I stopped collecting VST plugins in a willy-nilly manner and started relying on a select group of developers (Waves, Toontrack, Universal Audio, Slate Digital, Korg). These products I could use in any host I chose to use. The majority of them have already ported their entire line into PT formats or are in process or nearly done. None of these updates have cost me a penny.
Some of the work flow is very similar to every other DAW program I have and some of it like outputs, aux busses and general routing is very different. Because I have 16 ins and outs, I have already taken advantage of some of the benefits this routing offers.
I started to do a project in X3 a few weeks ago but I immediately ran into where I wanted to start the project with a couple of negative numbered bars so that the rhythm charts I wrote out would have their measure numbers correspond with the bar numbers on the timeline. That and having to scroll the sends in the Console view to see more than two sends sent me scrambling back to PT. Anyway, to each his own. I've got SONAR X3 and if someone wants to bring a project that's already been started in SONAR, I can work in that environment as well.
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 09, 14 2:13 PM
Mod Bod I read your thread and see that you are so more far advanced in music theory, DAW's than I am. Mod Bod I'm amazed that I find Pro Tools 11 such a more pleasant experience that the others here. I wonder what it is about my way of working differs in such a way that PT fits for me. It surely wasn't a deal where I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I journeyed through Reaper, Samplitude Pro X and Studio One along the way. They are all fine products along with SONAR. I also agree about the proprietary products to an extent but in some ways ProChannel is proprietary. As I was working my way through many hosts, it would frustrate me that what I got used to working with in one product was lost when I moved into another environment. So as of a couple of years ago, I stopped collecting VST plugins in a willy-nilly manner and started relying on a select group of developers (Waves, Toontrack, Universal Audio, Slate Digital, Korg). These products I could use in any host I chose to use. The majority of them have already ported their entire line into PT formats or are in process or nearly done. None of these updates have cost me a penny.
Some of the work flow is very similar to every other DAW program I have and some of it like outputs, aux busses and general routing is very different. Because I have 16 ins and outs, I have already taken advantage of some of the benefits this routing offers.
I started to do a project in X3 a few weeks ago but I immediately ran into where I wanted to start the project with a couple of negative numbered bars so that the rhythm charts I wrote out would have their measure numbers correspond with the bar numbers on the timeline. That and having to scroll the sends in the Console view to see more than two sends sent me scrambling back to PT. Anyway, to each his own. I've got SONAR X3 and if someone wants to bring a project that's already been started in SONAR, I can work in that environment as well.
Mod Bod I see that you are a Pro and are way more far advanced than I am both in the usage of the DAW and music theory in general. I am the musician that has never had a lesson or can read or write music. So it is a lot harder for me to learn the DAW on my own than someone like yourself. My music comes far easier. Every user has a different level of understanfding and for a guy like me I prefer something that is easier to get a grasp. So far Sonar has been the go to and if I had more time I would learn Pro tools better. I actually liked the easy interface of Studio One when I tried the demo. I think that out of all the DAW's Sonar and Studio One was easier for me to understand. I would add "to each his own with the understanding that not everyone is at the same level of knowledge. Thanks for contributing to this thread I like the interaction. John
Music is moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything...Plato https://soundcloud.com/#astrat www.meadowridgesound.com i7-2600k 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 5TB Multi-Drives, GTX-760, Windows 8.1 64bit, Sonar Platinum 64bit/32 bit, , RME-BabyFace, Dual 27in ASUS Monitors Sonar Platinum 64 and 32bit
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 12, 14 6:52 PM
Of course, an article in the Wall Street Journal indicating that ProTool's parent company, Avid, is facing bankruptcy may put a damper on ProTools continued evolution and product support.
Dave Modisette
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Re: Hello! Pro Tools
March 12, 14 8:42 PM
jimfogle Of course, an article in the Wall Street Journal indicating that ProTool's parent company, Avid, is facing bankruptcy may put a damper on ProTools continued evolution and product support.
Pro Tools parent company's financial status and the future viability of Pro Tools are two different things. Avid could sell off that product or the products that are dragging it down. A software company being bounced around between owners shouldn't be anything unusual in this forum.