Re: Home Studio: How To Insert Style Dials?
January 09, 18 9:50 PM
C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\ has the sub folders StBoost, StPX64, StTL64 and StVX64. The Internal sub folder also has PC-GlossEQM.dll and Saturation Knob.dll. The path does show up in the Plug-in Manager but does not show up in preferences as you suspected. I performed a VST reset and manual scan in preferences but continue to get the "empty" response when I click on the add module (+) button. Also since the program was first installed I have not changed my preferences so a VST scan is automatically performed during start up.
Catus Music (Johnny),
I'm pretty sure there are not multiple versions of Home Studio except for the original executable file and the October, 2017 update. The local documentation reference manual indicates Sonar Artist has two versions (original + Steam) but does not show multiples for Platinum, Pro or Home Studio. Johnny, since you have both paid and "free" downloads perhaps you can verify if they are both the same. As I indicated in my initial post, I am using V23.9.0 build 32. The executable file title is Sonar_Setup_23.9.0.32.exe.