Re:Hope all our Japanese friends are ok!!!!!!!!
2011/03/12 00:39:15
Same here Charlie...I can't even watch the news on this stuff anymore. It tears my heart out. I've got 4 friends in Japan who have all checked in with me. They and their families are all ok. My record company president from Marquee Avalon in Japan was shaken up because he couldn't communicate with his family to find out if they were ok. But thankfully, all is well with them and he's since been able to talk to them via cell phone. The loss of electricity is hurting them as well as the roads being torn up because they can't even drive to pick up loved ones. Trains are all down as well.
Don't we have a guy here on this forum (who I've not seen post in a while) named Michael from Japan? Really talented song writer/producer. If you're reading, us a little message. I hope you and your family are ok. My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone in Japan.
My Site Fractal Audio Endorsed Artist & Beta Tester