AnsweredI joined the Fat Earth Society ....

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/07 01:25:05 (permalink)
The more repressed they are, the better the sex.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/07 07:17:30 (permalink)
Slobbering apologies to anyone offended. Please forgive if politically incorrect, political incorrectness the closest thing to our universally accepted catholic consequence of unforgivable sin.
In my defense, was only looking at Raging Jehova's admonishment of what will happen if a man lay down with a man. It's there in the Old Testament, and we all in complete agreement with the Old Testament.
We are all rational adults. We are all Christians. There is thus no reason for discord or argument since we are all on the same page.
Truth is laid out, but consider this. Our common scripture was too elevated, too sublime to address the fact of a flat earth.
Earth is FLAT... Gays all go to Hell for eternity. These eternal truths are beyond dispute,
End of the argument.
Woe be in the afterlife to anyone who will dare post anything less than complete agreement with the Divine revelations I have channeled for the good and wellbeinbg of all humanity
Love you guys, even Bapu...

Loving your sense of humour John.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/07 23:11:33 (permalink)
Yes, sense of humor the sign post of a truly elevated being.
All humor aside however. Even now I am being called to the mountain top to communicate with the burning bush. Uh...been a bit preoccupied with this level of responsibility. Maybe it is after smoking the burning bush. There is at least burning weed and wandering around in there somewhere.
Raging Jehovah has laid it on my heart that a great revelation on the flat earth will be revealed. Humanity will weep in bliss.
To make this dangerous and arcane pilgrimage possible, I'm asking for 100 prayer partners to donate a mere $1000 apiece to fund the voyage.
Part of the funds will be spent with legal fees to the Vatican. I propose to nominate Steve to Sainthood for his sublime and vast understanding of physics, astronomy and cosmology in general. You are an inspiration to the dull lot of mere mortals (carbon infestations as noted on Star Trek).
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/08 23:26:59 (permalink)
I have thus returned from the mountain top and have affirmed that the earth is absolutely flat. The burning bush has spoken, even as in antiquity. Burning more bush today to understand the impact of this sublime revelation. May require more wandering in the wilderness to fully understand.
What is left is to encorporate an 11th commandment into our common religious scripture about the flat earth. Still working on the wording.
It was however laid on my heart that more help may be needed.
I have contacted Donald Trump and requested an executive order to amend the King Jim Bible. It will be more problematic to revise Hare Krishna cosmology, but be assured I am working on it. We are also currently negotiating an ammendment to the constitution.
Recent news is about Japan wanting to drill through the earth's crust from the ocean floor to explore the liquid mantle. Noble enterprise with focussed scientific goals.
Just imagine their surprise when they drill a hundred meters or so and come out on the other side.
We cannot live in more exciting times. Who or what lives on the bottom side of the flatness.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/09 12:37:58 (permalink)
I'm changing the fred title to "Fat" Earth.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/09 16:18:21 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby SteveStrummerUK 2017/04/09 17:08:50
Good choice. 
(Since none of us could be members of the Flat Chest Society...)

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/09 17:08:59 (permalink)
Good choice. 
(Since none of us could be members of the Flat Chest Society...)


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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/10 00:03:02 (permalink)
I have a flat chest ...
Only because all my fat goes to my waist.
Which doesnt seem to want to get any smaller than 35 inch, but Im still never eating fried food or pizzas again.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 04:17:45 (permalink)

Well, there you have it!  Hard to argue with this, eh Steve?  
Once you realize that EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a lie, you'll believe anything!

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 11:46:53 (permalink)

Well, there you have it!  Hard to argue with this, eh Steve?  
Once you realize that EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a lie, you'll believe anything!

This video makes me want to nuke all of humanity.

I7 6850k, Asus RV10E, 32 Gb ram, SLI GTX 980 Ti, Creative Soundblaster Z, Yamaha DGX 630, Creative Aurvana Platinum headphones.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 12:22:23 (permalink)

Well, there you have it!  Hard to argue with this, eh Steve?  
Once you realize that EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a lie, you'll believe anything!

Love it 

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 16:00:09 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby bapu 2017/04/16 18:03:28
Well, there you have it!  Hard to argue with this, eh Steve?  
Once you realize that EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a lie, you'll believe anything!

Wow. That was the stupidest, most intellectually offensive thing I think I've ever seen.
And I watched some of the 2016 Republican primary debates.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 16:51:39 (permalink)
I bet they put Gatorade on their plants too.
('Cause it has electrolytes!)

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 16:58:54 (permalink)
This was one of the linked videos with a guy trying to be very scientific (and failing).

The funniest (and saddest) part is that most of the teenagers when I was growing up could have corrected him.  A quick overview of his comments show that he simply bad-mouths anyone who disagrees (or simply deletes any reply that goes against what he believes).
He's got some supporters too.  Dumb as a rock, but not as useful.  They also use the same "scientific" method of bad-mouthing everyone who disagrees and mindlessly repeating what they want to believe sans any verifiable proof of course.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 17:20:41 (permalink)
At first I thought fershure it was satirical. I mean how could it NOT be, right?
The opening "argument" was a clip of freaking MAC from It's Always Sunny (an astonishly ignorant/uneducated character) giving his anti-science speech.
But nope. Much to my horror that was actually supposed to be convincing.
The text additions of "Huh?" and "?" over Neil Degrasse Tyson's face, attempting to mock him, as he explained the accepted working hypothesis of gravity (a mind bending subject for even the greatest minds on earth) in laymen's terms was the most infuriating though.
Just because the presenter is too damned stupid to grasp a concept (which in the case of gravity or any advanced physics is perfectly understandable... that shiz be hard yo) they try to childishly belittle someone who DOES and is kindly and helpfully explaining it.
Also NDT is awesome so double [REDACTED] that guy. He's either a conman or dangerously stupid and arrogant.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 17:30:42 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Beepster 2017/04/16 17:35:54
Thanks Craig.
Just watched the "Best Flat Earth Proof 2017".  Filled with exacting modern scientific observations and exposes the government's evil plot, but I got a small problem with one part. That's about watching ships disappear, that when we see them disappear from sight, all we have to do is get our telescopes out and we see the whole ship, not the object going down over the curve.
We live out here on the Pacific edge and have watched the ships for years. Contrary to the video, they do go down from the bottom up. All a telescope does is make the visual bigger. Of course this may be just a local phenomenon. We got mountains, so why not a localized bump in the ocean.
This is not enough to make me lose faith entirely, but is a cause of concern. Will fire up the ball earthers video with confidence that there will be enough hard core science to get me back on track.
Oh, and by the way, Happy Easter to all !!
(editted for spellling...)
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 17:35:29 (permalink)
We got mountains, so why not a localized bump in the ocean.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 18:54:24 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby craigb 2017/04/16 19:40:59
Dumb as a rock, but not as useful.

This rock of which you speak, is it round or flat?

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 19:41:32 (permalink)
I must contemplate the gravity of your inquiry.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 21:21:03 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby SteveStrummerUK 2017/04/16 21:23:21
Friends, and true flat earth believers,
After reviewing the 2017 proofs video, my eyes are finally open.
The fake moon landings and obvious Photoshop pictures from space. The NASA coverup. Why didn’t I believe the Hare Krishnas about this 30 years ago.
In the few minutes it took me to watch the video, I learned that solar eclipses are because the moon and sun are the same size and same distance from the earth. Then I learned that the moon does not reflect sunlight but emits its own cool temperature light.
I have in addition uncovered the greatest government conspiracy of all ages, thanks to the video…
If the moon does emit its own light, how do we explain the shadows and moon phases, and what about new moon.
The coverup is obvious. NASA is controlling a giant tarp on the moon's surface from here on earth. This is rolled up and unrolled to cover moonlight and give the fake appearance that the sun is reflecting off of it.
This is not the most incredible part though.
History from the beginning of recorded times has made references to moon phases and cycles.
This means that NASA and the government have had this technology and kept it hidden for a very long time.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/16 21:35:48 (permalink)
That... was pretty much an exact summation of the video.
It doesn't have the same "derp" impact without the WILDLY taken out of context audio and video clips from politicians, scientists and pop culture figures (including cartoons for extra sciency-ness) over top omnious music and popup graphics reminiscent of "Gomer's First VideoToaster Project"... but yeah... that is exactly what seemed to be being implied.
+a millionty1
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 03:18:24 (permalink)
Right on brother,
Few others can comprehend the significance of the flat earth revelation and the conspiracy coverup. Maybe Craig...
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 04:02:02 (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby SteveStrummerUK 2017/04/17 15:56:29
I took the suggestion from the video and just performed my own experiment to see if the earth revolves. I went outside and carefully observed the stars from east to west. Then I chugged a pint of vodka, smoked a joint and laid down flat on the ground staring up at the night sky with my head pointing north. Lo and behold, after just a few minutes everything started spinning. This is definitive proof that the earth does rotate.    Ain't science grand...............

Sonar Artist, HP Laptop, AMD A8700 , 1T+250g, M-Audio Fast Track Ultra ,Roland 88 Hammer action, Roland AX-1, M-audio 88es, Arturia minilabII......When I was young I wanted to become a mad scientist. I achieved everything except the "scientist" part....
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 04:20:24 (permalink)
All should be honored to have such an objective scientist and gentleman in our midst. I did the same test as you outlined, although took an extra fifth of vodka to replicate your findings. You are right. Everything is spinning. I am humbled.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 07:48:57 (permalink)
Revolving earth experiment #2:  If the earth rotates in an easterly direction at approx. 1000 miles per hour and I jump straight up, then remain suspended in the air for approx. one second, I should land slightly west of my jump point (which I locate by drawing an X on my driveway with chalk) because the earth should travel slightly east during the time I am off the ground. How far? 1000mph/60minutes=16.7 miles/60seconds=.28 miles (which is just over 1/4 of a mile.) So I put on my Air Jordans and my high school football helmet, and walked to my chalk X. I took a deep breath, said a small prayer, squatted slightly and jumped straight up as high as my old bones could go. When I returned to earth I looked down between my legs and damned if I didn't see my chalk X in the same spot! My heart and mind immediately filled with doubt and delusion. My conclusion is that I like my first experiment much better, especially the vodka part........................
post edited by savageopera - 2017/04/18 01:34:18

Sonar Artist, HP Laptop, AMD A8700 , 1T+250g, M-Audio Fast Track Ultra ,Roland 88 Hammer action, Roland AX-1, M-audio 88es, Arturia minilabII......When I was young I wanted to become a mad scientist. I achieved everything except the "scientist" part....
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 14:30:32 (permalink)
You forgot to include your easterly momentum of ~1,000 mph, the air density and your aerodynamic drag.

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 15:07:26 (permalink)
My favorite was the question "So why do you always have 12 hours of daylight at the equator, but north and south of the equator the number varies?"

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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 15:34:48 (permalink)
Revolving earth experiment #2:  If the earth rotates in an easterly direction at approx. 1000 miles per hour and I jump straight up, then remain suspended in the air for approx. one second, I should land slightly west of my jump point (which I locate by drawing an X on my driveway with chalk) because the earth should travel slightly east during the time I am off the ground. How far? 1000mph/60minutes=16.7 miles/60seconds=.28 miles (which is just over 1/4 of a mile.) So I put on my Air Jordans and my high school football helmet, and walked to my chalk X. I took a deep breath, said a small prayer, squatted slightly and jumped straight up as high as my old bones could go. When I returned to earth I looked down between my legs and damned if I didn't see my chalk X in the same spot! My heart and mind immediately filled with doubt and delusion. My conclusion is that I liked my first experiment much better, especially the vodka part........................ 

I see the flaw in this.
You're not an airplane.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/17 15:35:55 (permalink)
BTW, the "airplane" video was hill-airy-us.
"How does this work?" the guy asks.
Maybe if that was where he started from he may have arrived at a more sane conclusion.
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Re: I joined the Flat Earth Society .... 2017/04/18 00:26:55 (permalink)
You forgot to include your easterly momentum of ~1,000 mph, the air density and your aerodynamic drag.
@%&?!!! $$!! I'll have to start all over.

Sonar Artist, HP Laptop, AMD A8700 , 1T+250g, M-Audio Fast Track Ultra ,Roland 88 Hammer action, Roland AX-1, M-audio 88es, Arturia minilabII......When I was young I wanted to become a mad scientist. I achieved everything except the "scientist" part....
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