Helpful ReplyIncorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the registry

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January 20, 15 0:09 PM (permalink)

Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the registry

In the past I had always installed both the 32 and 64 bit versions of Sonar on my main daw, using the 32 bit version and planning on making my permanent move to 64 bit.

Halfway through last year, I made the move to using the 64 bit version of X3.

With Platinum, I installed only the 64 version and I noticed that there was an entry in ProChannel, as an insertable module, GlossEQM available but it didn't have a graphic associated to it.

When I tried to insert GlossEQM, I would receive an error message about C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\PCS-GlossEQM.dll, I would click Ok and then it would insert a blank module with no graphics or controls called GlossEQM.

I renamed C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk to C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk-archived, did a vst scan and now my Pro Channel modules are showing up correctly with GlossEQM gone.

I don't believe this will be an issue because my laptop, not my main daw, doesn't have a C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk folder presumably because I had only the 64 bit version of X3 installed on it and installed only the 64 bit version of Platinum.

All is working well but wanted to point out this little inconsistency to the bakers.

On a side note, the Platinum seems to be more solid than X3e was.
post edited by gustabo - January 20, 15 9:23 AM

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Re: Scan path for Pro Channel modules January 20, 15 0:19 PM (permalink)
There should not be a GlossEQM in the PC pick list. The EQ is a permanent fixture in the PC and there can only be one per PC. Are you manually adding PC module paths to the VST scan path?
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 0:31 PM (permalink)
There should not be a GlossEQM in the PC pick list. The EQ is a permanent fixture in the PC and there can only be one per PC. Are you manually adding PC module paths to the VST scan path?

Yes, I'm aware of that.
I did not add anything to the scan path, it was trying to scan the 32 bit "shared utilities\internal" folder on it's own, for whatever reason.
The only things listed in my vst scan path are my 32 bit vst path, my 64 bit vst path and the path to the 64 bit vst3's.
None of these paths reference the mentioned "shared utilities\internal" folder.
post edited by gustabo - January 20, 15 11:26 AM

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Re: Scan path for Pro Channel modules January 20, 15 0:38 PM (permalink)
There is a hidden scan path, in 64bit X3, it is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST X64\VSTInternalPath which is added to the user maintained scan paths.
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 0:51 PM (permalink)
There is a hidden scan path, in 64bit X3, it is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST X64\VSTInternalPath which is added to the user maintained scan paths.

(for Sonar X series)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR Producer\Cakewalk VST X64\VSTInternalPath only shows "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal"

(for Sonar Platinum)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Cakewalk VST X64\VSTInternalPath  shows both "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal" and "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal"

I've deleted the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal" path entry from
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Cakewalk VST X64\VSTInternalPath
post edited by gustabo - January 20, 15 11:27 AM

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Re: Scan path for Pro Channel modules January 20, 15 1:08 AM (permalink)
I follow the problem now, for some reason the initial post was TMI. I am getting tired.
Did cleaning up the key fix the problem?
Did you migrate settings during Platinum install?
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 1:17 AM (permalink)
Sorry for it being TMI but I was trying to be as succinct and detailed as possible.

Renaming the folder as I mentioned in my initial post took care of the problem, I'm sure the registry key did/will too.

Yes I migrated the settings during the Platinum install but it's weird that it added a path to the registry for Platinum that didn't exist in the X series entry.

Definitely a bug that the bakers need to be aware of.
post edited by gustabo - January 20, 15 11:27 AM

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Re: Scan path for Pro Channel modules January 20, 15 1:23 AM (permalink)
It was only TMI because I am getting tired.
I am guessing there is another VST path spec'd in in the 32bit part of the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node ... VSTInternalPath (I don't have 32bit installed but I am sure you can find it from this hint) and the Platinum installer is picking it up for some reason. Definitely not good.
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 9:22 AM (permalink)
Did cleaning up the key fix the problem?

I renamed "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk-archived" back to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk", did a vst scan and indeed removing that registry entry did the trick.

I don't why it did it but the Platinum install should not have added that entry in the registry, it didn't exist in the registry from previous installs for Platinum to migrate...
post edited by gustabo - January 20, 15 11:27 AM

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 11:55 AM (permalink)
I am guessing it picked it up from the 32bit install. Did you look in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node path for the 32bit X3 installation? There should be an entry similar to 64bit SONAR. I am guessing Platinum picked the path up from there. You are right, it should never happen.
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 3:24 PM (permalink)
Checked the entire registry and nowhere did the x86 shared utilities folder location show up associated with an x64 installation of Sonar x, only with x86 installation of Sonar X.
Platinum was not installed as an x86 app so it should not have migrated any settings from any previous x86 app and I did select my Sonar X3 Producer (64 bit) as the source of preferences migration.

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
M-Audio Keystation 88ES - Akai MPD26 (hot-rodded) - Alesis DM10 - a few guitars, a few amps
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 3:37 PM (permalink)
I did not expect the internal 32bit path would be in the 64bit X series registry anywhere. Just wanted to confirm the machine still had the internal 32bit path in a 32bit X series registry entry which appears to be the case.
Also assumed, based on the initial post, only 64bit Platinum was installed.
To summarize:
1) The machine had 32bit and 64bit X3 Producer installed when 64bit Platinum was installed.
2) During installation 64bit Platinum picked up both the 32bit and 64bit VSTInternalPath from X3 and added them to the 64bit Platinum VSTInternalPath
post edited by scook - January 20, 15 4:05 PM
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi January 20, 15 4:01 PM (permalink)
To summarize:1) The machine had 32bit and 64bit X3 Producer installed when 64bit Platinum was installed.
2) During installation 64bit Platinum picked up both the 32bit and 64bit VSTInternalPath from X3 and added them to the 64bit Platinum VSTInternalPath

Yes, that is correct.

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi February 10, 15 2:09 PM (permalink)
Could you post a CWBRN number here please?

Sell by date at 9000 posts. Do not feed.
@48/24 & 128 buffers latency is 367 with offset of 38.

Sonar Platinum(64 bit),Win 8.1(64 bit),Saffire Pro 40(Firewire),Mix Control = 3.4,Firewire=VIA,Dell Studio XPS 8100(Intel Core i7 CPU 2.93 Ghz/16 Gb),4 x Seagate ST31500341AS (mirrored),GeForce GTX 460,Yamaha DGX-505 keyboard,Roland A-300PRO,Roland SPD-30 V2,FD-8,Triggera Krigg,Shure SM7B,Yamaha HS5.Maschine Studio+Komplete 9 Ultimate+Kontrol Z1.Addictive Keys,Izotope Nectar elements,Overloud Bundle,Geist.Acronis True Image 2014.
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi February 10, 15 3:22 PM (permalink)
Nope, I fixed it so I never reported it. My problem may have just been a fluke, never saw anyone else ever have an issue like mine.

Cakewalk by Bandlab - Win10 Pro x64 - StudioCat Platinum Studio DAW - 32 GB Ram - MOTU UltraLite-mk3
M-Audio Keystation 88ES - Akai MPD26 (hot-rodded) - Alesis DM10 - a few guitars, a few amps
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi February 10, 15 4:22 PM (permalink)
OK thanks... I treat this as a troubleshooting thread then and pop it into the Sonar forums...
If we get loads of "me too's" we can always move it back...

Sell by date at 9000 posts. Do not feed.
@48/24 & 128 buffers latency is 367 with offset of 38.

Sonar Platinum(64 bit),Win 8.1(64 bit),Saffire Pro 40(Firewire),Mix Control = 3.4,Firewire=VIA,Dell Studio XPS 8100(Intel Core i7 CPU 2.93 Ghz/16 Gb),4 x Seagate ST31500341AS (mirrored),GeForce GTX 460,Yamaha DGX-505 keyboard,Roland A-300PRO,Roland SPD-30 V2,FD-8,Triggera Krigg,Shure SM7B,Yamaha HS5.Maschine Studio+Komplete 9 Ultimate+Kontrol Z1.Addictive Keys,Izotope Nectar elements,Overloud Bundle,Geist.Acronis True Image 2014.
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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi February 20, 15 5:30 AM (permalink)
Same problem here - I just searched to see if anyone else had this issue and found your thread. Thanks for the tips.

Ludwig Bouwer, One Big Room Studios.
with all the trimmings / Win 10Pro 64 / Intel i7-7700 / Asus Prime Z270k / 16GB DDR4 / RME HDSP9652 / RME UFX / Black Lion Audio ADA8000 / ART MPA & ART Pro Channel / Focusrite Voicemaster Pro / Aphex 107

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Re: Incorrect scan path for Pro Channel modules inserted by Platinum install into the regi March 02, 15 9:04 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby mettelus March 04, 15 0:47 PM
This issue has been fixed in the Braintree update as far a i know. I believe the root cause was a bug in the migration code which would migrate the internal path from an earlier version of SONAR. In fact it would migrate from SONAR X2 if present rather than SONAR X3. In Braintree I now restore the proper internal path after the migration process.
However users who already migrated earlier might still have the bad path in there. Your work around is good. Alternatively users can force migration again after installing Braintree to fix it up. This may or may not be a desirable solution however since any post migration customized settings would get lost. 
To force migration again go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\SONAR\Platinum
Then change the value of Migrated Existing Preferences to 0 and restart SONAR.
If you don't feel comfortable editing the registry call tech support and they can help you. Users who didn't migrate shouldn't have had this issue.

Noel Borthwick
Senior Manager Audio Core, BandLab
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