[SOLVED] Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator

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September 18, 15 3:23 PM (permalink)

[SOLVED] Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator

While there were issues with bouncing automation and needing things selected, up until Ipswich if you had a MIDI track using the track based arpeggiator (in the inspector panel) and you right clicked and chose bounce to clip, the MIDI would become the arpeggated version.  That doesn't seem to work after today's update.
Create empty project
Add MIDI track
In piano roll add one long 4 bar note at C3
Open track inspector and turn on arpeggiator with default settings (1/16 notes 2 octaves, forward)
select clip, right click, bounce to clip.
Result: nothing changes
Expected: single MIDI note would expand into two rows of MIDI notes 1/16 notes each an octave apart.
I tried this with X3 and it still works (just in case it was something with my computer).  It did work up till the H release as well.
Is there something new I'm missing to make this work now?
Update, Sept 24, 2015:  This was fixed in the Ipswich quick fix documented here
post edited by msorrels - September 24, 15 8:48 PM

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    Doktor Avalanche
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 4:43 PM (permalink)
    Hmm wonder now it behaves when using real time synth recording...

    Sonar Platinum(64 bit),Win 8.1(64 bit),Saffire Pro 40(Firewire),Mix Control = 3.6,Firewire=VIA,Dell Studio XPS 8100(Intel Core i7 CPU 2.93 Ghz/16 Gb),2 x 1TB SSD (Samsung EVO 850),GeForce GTX 460,Yamaha DGX-505 keyboard,Roland A-300PRO,Roland SPD-30 V2,FD-8,Triggera Krigg,Shure SM7B,Yamaha HS5. Rap Pro,Maschine Studio+Komplete 9 Ultimate+Kontrol Z1,Addictive Keys,Waves Silver,Izotope Nectar elements,Overloud Bundle,Geist,Acronis True Image 2015.
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 5:35 PM (permalink)
    While there were issues with bouncing automation and needing things selected, up until Ipswich if you had a MIDI track using the track based arpeggiator (in the inspector panel) and you right clicked and chose bounce to clip, the MIDI would become the arpeggated version.  That doesn't seem to work after today's update.

    Using the steps in your post, I am able to confirm that bouncing MIDI clip with arpeggiator is broken in Ipswich.  Rolled back to Hopkinton and bouncing works as expected.
    -- Ron

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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 5:40 PM (permalink)
    So can it be played out to another MIDI track as if it were Audio???

    Mr Grant
    my music

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    Doktor Avalanche
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 5:41 PM (permalink)
    So can it be played out to another MIDI track as if it were Audio???

    Check the ezine.. Cheers...

    Sonar Platinum(64 bit),Win 8.1(64 bit),Saffire Pro 40(Firewire),Mix Control = 3.6,Firewire=VIA,Dell Studio XPS 8100(Intel Core i7 CPU 2.93 Ghz/16 Gb),2 x 1TB SSD (Samsung EVO 850),GeForce GTX 460,Yamaha DGX-505 keyboard,Roland A-300PRO,Roland SPD-30 V2,FD-8,Triggera Krigg,Shure SM7B,Yamaha HS5. Rap Pro,Maschine Studio+Komplete 9 Ultimate+Kontrol Z1,Addictive Keys,Waves Silver,Izotope Nectar elements,Overloud Bundle,Geist,Acronis True Image 2015.
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 5:58 PM (permalink)
    Doktor A..
    I don't see in the ezine anywhere that we can re record MIDI as we would audio...
    I'm gonna try when I get home.. I promise..
    Then I'll update.

    Mr Grant
    my music

    Cakewalk by Bandlab, Sonar Platinum (2017.09) & X3e , Windows 7 64 bit, Intel I5 3.4 Ghz, 32 Gbs RAM, Saffire Pro40, various pres and VSTi's.

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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 6:10 PM (permalink)
    MIDI doesn't appear to be routable the same as audio, yet (I was under the impression that was still coming soon).  You could already record MIDI out from a synth/vsti that outputs MIDI.  But I can't take a MIDI track and send it to another MIDI track (with the Arp) directly.
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 6:18 PM (permalink)
    If you send the MIDI track with the arp to Piz's midiOUT VSTi ( http://www.thepiz.org/plugins/ ) and enable record on it's MIDI channel you can get the results of the arp. 
    That seems to work better than it did in Hopkinton.  In Hopkinton that using the VSTI as an intermediate required selecting the track with the arp and using a virtual MIDI cable.  Now you seem to be able to record the MIDI out directly, though I may just be remembering how it worked wrong.  I'm not interested in rolling back to test it.
    Edit: Nope, spoke too soon.  Still some oddness with not being able to direct a MIDI track to None.  There does seem to be changes here, but it's not quite usable yet.
    post edited by msorrels - September 18, 15 6:30 PM
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 8:13 PM (permalink)
    It does appear the function got messed up. In the interim, to capture the result of the arp try using a virtual MIDI cable such as LooopBe1 or LoopMIDI, route the output of the track with the arp to another MIDI track and record it.
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 8:38 PM (permalink)
    I can confirm you can't bounce the MIDI track and end up with the arpeggiated data.

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and http://www.reverb.com. Listen to my music on http://www.YouTube.com/thecraiganderton, and visit http://www.craiganderton.com. Thanks!
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 9:51 PM (permalink)
    If you send the MIDI track with the arp to Piz's midiOUT VSTi ( http://www.thepiz.org/plugins/ ) and enable record on it's MIDI channel you can get the results of the arp. 
    That seems to work better than it did in Hopkinton.  In Hopkinton that using the VSTI as an intermediate required selecting the track with the arp and using a virtual MIDI cable.  Now you seem to be able to record the MIDI out directly, though I may just be remembering how it worked wrong.  I'm not interested in rolling back to test it.
    Edit: Nope, spoke too soon.  Still some oddness with not being able to direct a MIDI track to None.  There does seem to be changes here, but it's not quite usable yet.

    FWIW, I tried the Piz midiChannelFilter from http://www.thepiz.org/plugins/?p=pizmidi. It loads as a 64bit synth. If you prefer to use Piz plug-ins instead of a virtual MIDI cable, I was able to record the arp from one track to another using this plug-in too.
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 18, 15 10:09 PM (permalink)
    Until the fix, here's another workaround: Use the arpeggiator MIDI plug-in, and apply MIDI effect. The plug-in isn't as cool as the track arpeggiator, but it has its merits.

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and http://www.reverb.com. Listen to my music on http://www.YouTube.com/thecraiganderton, and visit http://www.craiganderton.com. Thanks!
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 19, 15 10:18 AM (permalink)
    Doktor Avalanche
    So can it be played out to another MIDI track as if it were Audio???

    Check the ezine.. Cheers...

    anyone tried that yet???

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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator September 19, 15 10:30 AM (permalink)
    As long the the plug-in can send MIDI data. Some synths can, some cannot. I describe above using one of the plug-ins from http://www.thepiz.org/plugins/?p=pizmidi. There are several plug-ins in the collection which can do the job.
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator March 20, 16 7:59 AM (permalink)
    "Houston, we have a problem!"
    I have a project I'm working on now, it is an older project and it has been re-saved-as to "bring it up to date" yet no MIDI clips in it (not a single one) can be bounced down with the arpeggiator!  The "Bounce to Clip(s)" does not work for any clips/any tracks!  The Arp button turns "off" after the no-bounce bounce, but the MIDI data does not get arp'd!
    And want to hear something else that's strange?  If I copy a clip from said project to the clipboard (i.e. Ctrl+C) and paste it into a MIDI track within a brand new "blank" template, then enable the Arp and then Bounce to Clip(s), it STILL does not work!  However, within that same blank project, if I record new data and repeat the bounce, then it works!
    The only thing I can think of is that the project was saved during the Ipswich update and somehow the Arp-Bounce bug is embedded into the clip data.  How is this even possible?!?  That's a rhetorical question, because it's not possible...or it shouldn't be possible.
    So what the heck?!?  This is the stuff that kills my creativity!
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    Re: Ipswich broke bounce to clip with track arpeggiator March 21, 16 0:52 PM (permalink)
    There continue to be new and more complex issues with MIDI data and bounce to track/bounce to clip.  And even more issues with the track arpeggiator.  I don't think it has anything to do with old projects vs new projects though.  More likely something about the MIDI data itself. 
    Some strange things I've seen have to do with multiple clips that occupy the same time on the same track (overlapping clips).  Bounce to clip with that sitation and the arp sometimes is very broken. The rest of the issues I'm still not sure exactly what cause them. 
    I really wish Sonar would show overlapping clips separately.  I really wish the track options/controls on MIDI tracks were fixed to be reliable and usable.  I've grown tired of the MIDI lanes in the Piano Roll View not lining up with the keys.  I can't count the number of times cut/copy/paste operations don't work right.
    My advice on bouncing the MIDI track is to route it to a virtual midi cable and back to another track and record that.

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