Thanks to ALL here for your time and talents and comments.
@ aszlows3 seems to have promise , but I think I will punt on the MCU solution and ask you guys this..
what about another SMALL FORM Factor controller ()korg nano studio, or a tiny behringer X touch, although more expensive and larger) I also saw the Novation Launch control with Mackie emulation
I wonder would they be able to be mapped to the aux busses?
I tried an old Korg Nano Kontrol here but the edeitor software doesnt see it, nor does Platinum, but it shows up in device manager
well drug out my old vs20 got it installed but its just tracks not busses
as all have said unless I buy a second mcu per Aszlow3 then I am stuck,
its not a show stopper, I just wanted to see if I could emulate a real console