2014/03/20 22:39:57
Try holding the SHIFT key when launching MC. It may restore the metronome audio files.
2014/03/20 22:45:18
Try holding the SHIFT key when launching MC. It may restore the metronome audio files.

Hm. This did what it was apparently supposed to do, but still can't hear the Metronome. I might reinstall, but not absolutely necessary. (I barely use it...)
2014/03/20 22:49:18
Does that mean the audio files are restored? If so, create a bus and assign the metronome output to a bus.
The big brother to SHIFT start MC, is CTRL+SHIFT start MC. This will reset all the init files and restore some registry settings.
If you elect to perform a clean install, make sure to empty the registry after uninstalling MC and before re-installing.
2014/03/21 08:37:11
Yes, #2 is exactly what I'm asking. Is there a strategic advantage to several MIDI tracks calling a TTS output track rather than several MIDI tracks on their own channel? Or vice versa? And are there any system constraints, other than the limit of 8 entries in the Synth Rack?

there are definite advantages to using 1 TTS instance with multiple outputs in some situations.  the first one being that MC is limited in how many VSTi's you can load in a single project.  it's better to have 1 instance of TTS with multiple outputs before you reach that lmit and have to react by bouncing tracks or some other means of reducing the amount of VST's you have.
another advantage is outlined in my tutorials on my website regarding drum mapping.  a drum map is a powerful tool when used to its full potential and especially when used in conjunction with a VSTi with multiple outputs.  check out my drum map tutorials on my website for more info.

For some reason, I lost my audio metronome sound. (I would use my MIDI one, but it plays behind time, screwing with my head.)
My Metronome settings have never changed, but for some reason, I cannot hear my metronome when it's on. Already tried to Google this, but apparently nobody else on earth has ever experienced this issue.
Creating a new project does not restore the metronome.
What can I do to get my Metronome back? Thanks! :)

there has been in the past a bug regarding the audio metronome.  with MC6 it should have been fixed, but it's possible it has still persisted with the MC series when they fixed the X series.  the problem is the VST they use for the metronome.  yes, it says "audio metronome" but it's still generated by a VST internal to MC. 
check this post by Ryan Munnis on how to resolve some metronome problems in X1 which is, IIRC, the basis for MC6.  if that doesn't resolve it, follow his advice and contact tech support.  it could be an installation problem or a problem of files not being where they're supposed to be.
2014/03/22 11:12:44
So I uninstalled Music Creator 6 and deleted all the registry entries I could find. (There is no complete uninstall method, from what I can tell.) Reinstalled MC6...Metronome still doesn't work.
Beagle, I tried your link to fixing the Metronome problem, which gradually took me to another link to the same problem in Sonar X1. It recommended I download the Metronome Fix ZIP file (which contained the Metronome sounds). It said to drop these in the Metronome folder, but I don't have a Metronome folder. Then I checked Folder Locations in the MC6 Options menu, but cannot determine where the Metronome sounds are.
On install, I didn't choose to omit anything except for the QuickTime converters.
Utterly and bitterly confused. (Metronome used to work on first install.) Please assist further...thanks!
2014/03/22 13:49:23
Just thought of another question.
When drawing pitch bends in the Controller Pane below the PRV, MC6 doesn't seem to give me a drawing pen for anything but Freehand and Line. How do I draw a Sine (and the others) in the Controller Pane (SoundCenter instrument)?
Is drawing Sines (and the other tools afterward) only allowed in the Track pane? This would be really useful in the Controller Pane.
2014/03/25 08:08:10
Create a metronome.
Simply use the TTS drums and enter one measure of 4 quarter notes. kick and snare is all you need. copy and paste the measure for as many measures as the song project needs. Done.
I really never liked the click of a metronome so I started early on using a midi based drum loop for the timing. It work great and IMHO sounds better than the metronome.
Now days I work with audio drum tracks as my timing source.
2014/03/26 21:30:10
Thanks for the explanation, Guitarhacker! :) I guess that works just as well as anything else.
Also, if I may -- a few new questions, also referring to an unanswered one from a few days ago:
14) Is it possible to draw a pitch bend Sine in the PRV Controller Pane? Or is the Sine (and the other tools afterward) only allowed in the Track pane? This would be really useful in the Controller Pane.
15) Is there a way to change the velocity of several notes at once? I select several notes and right-click to change the Velocity, but it only changes the note I right-clicked.
16) I feel stupid about this one. I clicked the Loop button on top, selected a measure and played it. Isn't it supposed to loop the playback? What am I doing wrong?
2014/03/26 21:59:26
The Controller Pane is freehand draw only. The patterns only work in automation lanes.
After selecting the notes, position the cursor on top of one of the selected notes, when the cursor show velocity bars above it, click and drag up/down to adjust velocity
How to setup a playback loop is here http://www.cakewalk.com/D...p;Req=Playback.08.html
2014/03/27 08:06:05
with looping, you activate the loop function and just like punch in/out recording, you set the loop markers to the start and the end of the looped section.
You can start the playback from any point on the time line. If the playback is before the looped section, it will play normally into the looped section and then it will loop the designated section of music forever.....or until you press STOP.  If you start the timeline after the looped part, it will play to the end and stop.
This is a handy feature if you are trying to learn or figure out a solo in a section of the song...for example..... just set the start a measure before and the end a measure after the solo section.... use snap to grid to put the markers on the measure..... and waaaa laaaa!
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