I haven't had a problem. I only went to W-10 on my laptop, specs below. IT seems fine but I REALLY like to do manual updates. On my DAW, W-8.1 Studiocat. I have it set to never check for updates. I do it myself once a week or so, I download and install all "important" updates, I pick very few "optional" updates to DL and install. Until this is changed or I understand how to change it I will be staying with W-8.2 on my DAW, unless MS decides the next time I'm online with it to just go ahead and upgrade me... frankly, it wouldn't surprise me.
I read through a couple of links about security and about "hiding" updates.. it confused me and I'm not sure what to do and like I said, until I am.. the DAW is remaining 8.1
Also, I think I mentioned elsewhere that if you keep your DAW online or if you use two computers like I use the laptop and the DAW, they both have Platinum on them... (I've always done this, I think you pretty much need to if you're on WIFI) is to DISABLE the WIFI when ever I work with Sonar. I helps a lot... and certainly would stop MS from downloading something while you are working in your DAW. Now, whether something might already be downloaded and try to install while you're offline and DAWing... that I don't know nor do I know how to tell or hw to stop it from happening, I suppose task manager should stop any process but it might also make a mess of things... I just don't knw and THAT is the problem.
It's like this. Computers and touchscreens, fast interfaces, RAM, CPU POWER, and the DAW have all become relatively affordable compared to where things were say 15 years or even 10 years ago. Thins have been getting better and better and now this... I'll say again, at this point, if Cakewalk were to make Platinum for Mac... and it was an affordable cross grade, I'd likely switch. I don't much like Apple but hey, if MS is going to become a clumsy Apple with a longer reach and fatter fingers... what reason do I have to stay with Windows. It looks to me like MS is doing a cheap imitation of Apple. I don't like cheap imitations and I am ALWAYS suspicious when something is "free". I learned decades ago that NOTHING is EVER free. There is always a cost or a catch. I'm not yet sure what it is or why but I am WAY to cynical to believe that it is just a better OS and they want us to have it. It is bait and there is a hook in it somewhere.
It seems like a great time for someone with the money to come out with a workable new OS that will run either iOS, Mac, Android, and Windows applications.
Did you notice how MS is now calling programs APPs? Something (besides me) stinks.
If you know a link to a 123/ABC sort of how to page for changing the updates in W-10, I would love to see it. Is the security something I should worry about? I don't trust Google either and won't use Chrome, Google search is enough... probably too much. I use "in Private" a good bit but I doubt it does anything other than not store history or cookies. I'm afraid to run CCLeaner on W-10. I use Malwarebytes Premium but sometimes have to tweak it on/off. I prefer to be my own "hall monitor".
So bottom line, turn WIFI off when doing music... figure out how to change updates to manual, but that violates the agreement and once past the 30 day rollback to W-7 period, couldn't MS tell me to change it back or lock me down? (if they wanted to?)