Thanks for taking part in
the poll. Over 300 people have participated. I am posting the result in a new thread as it would get lost in the poll thread!
Votes were limited to one per person probably using cookies and as you will see in the results it may be that a Studio One fanboy duped the results just a tad. Either that or Studio One is incredibly popular in the Pacific rim as most of the S1 votes came in around the time people around the Pacific were coming online - over just a few days! Even accounting for some cheating, the results are pretty clear.
Results Harrison Mixbus - 0
Other - 1
FLStudio - 1
Ableton - 1
Bitwig - 2
Digital Performer - 2
Mixcraft - 3
Samplitude - 20
Reaper - 22
Staying with Sonar - 23
Cubase - 33
Studio One - 191 (WTF)
In the first hours of the poll Cubase and Studio One were pretty level pegged with one leading then the other. Studio One did start to pull ahead though (before the Pacific rim came online). So cheating or not, Studio One is the most popular choice for the Sonar afterlife. That's not a big surprise especially as they were the first to drop a deal here, as well as the deal that was currently going on. It could indicate that many people jumped ship right at the start before the other deals emerged.
I guess it isn't that surprising that "staying with Sonar" picked up a good percentage of votes. Mixcraft doesn't seem to have done too well considering their offer and interaction on these forums.
I wonder how representative this is of the high-end DAW market in general. It looks pretty much how I would expect the current DAW market to look - perhaps with the exception of S1's apparent monopoly in this poll. You will notice I actually forgot to put Pro Fools on the list - that may account for the 1 vote for "other" :)
Thanks all for taking part and if someone was busily upvoting S1 over a few days, I hope they found it was time well spent! :)
P.S. I was waiting for people to stop taking part in the poll before I published the results, but they didn't stop. I'll leave the poll going for now partly because I don't know how to stop the bloody thing!